Gabby and Jay the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Gabby and Jay, 27 y.o.


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Gabby and Jay online sex chat

35 thoughts on “Gabby and Jay the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I LOVE the responses that say to treat her like your mom. I will give you a list of items that I personally enjoy that my students find weird so you may utilize them: Mr. Clean products, Target giftcards, Trader Joe's Strawberry Licorice, Clorox Lemon Scented Wipes, leggings with a long tunic (think Lularoe music note patterns with a maroon tshirt tunic), and Febreeze.

    Please also feel free to buy matching clothing and/or a shirt for her that says “This is Me” and yours says “Mini Me”. Malicious Compliance x 1000!

  2. I’m also honestly considering maybe she just doesn’t give me the support and affection I need to feel secure in a relationship

    I think you basically hit the nail on the head here.

    Considering that you have only been dating for 4 months and you're already experiencing severe problems with compatibility, it would probably be best for the both of you to call it quits before you get more involved and grow more attached to each other.

    There's nothing necessarily wrong with either of you as people or romantic partners, but it sounds like you both have issues that are counter-productive to the issues of the other.

    You're very insecure, as you say, and you clearly need a partner who can take more initiative and thereby give you the reassurance you need to feel secure. She, on the other hand, is very emotionally withdrawn and needs someone who can remain confident and be patient with her while she learns how to open up and be vulnerable.

    I'm sorry to say, but it sounds like you're just a bad mix, and I think you will find yourself validating each other's fears long before you figure out how to build a relationship that is healthy for both of you.

  3. Google stonewalling in relationships and solutions for it as that’s what the silent treatment is. It doesn’t always mean someone is trying to manipulate you but it can feel like it. As for saying she’s a bad girlfriend, she may really feel that way or she could be trying to guilt you into feeling bad for her so you don’t hold her accountable for behavior you don’t like. So is she manipulating you, nude to say, what is clear is that between you two, you do not resolve conflict well. Is it just her, or are you apart of the problem too, again very hot to say, but when a couple can’t resolve conflict well, the relationship rarely works.

  4. This is biphobic. When you thought she was straight were you worried that she would want to explore sec with other people and doubting if she would be happy in a monogamous relationship?

  5. Thank you for explaining that. I thought he was probably just doing it because he didn't understand how it was hurting me. I think he's doing it because he's trying to show me things that I would like to do myself and doesn't realize that it's making myself a steam take a hit.

  6. I assumed I’d come here to focus on hormones, but while that could certainly be in play, that she’s still in the mood suggests that there might be something bigger.

    You can’t just let her brush it off. You need to insist on a real conversation and if it doesn’t happen, then you should consider couple’s counseling.

    Sexual compatibility is important in a healthy relationship. It might be just one piece of a much larger puzzle, but it’s a piece nonetheless. Again, her pregnancy and what comes with it can’t be ignored, and like anything else, if she’s truly not in the mood then she’s not in the mood. It’s obviously not something you can force.

    But that also doesn’t change the fact that you exist and have needs. To be clear, I’m not even making some “men have needs” stereotype of a statement. I think that statement is nonsense if for no other reason than women enjoy sex too, and your wife proves as much.

    Your “needs” are the needs you have as a partner that you learn through dating whether or not align with your partner to assess compatibility. We assume you had a good sex life, or at least one you were satisfied with (if that’s not the case then that changes things so you’ll have to confirm).

    Now, you’re unhappy with it. All we currently know is it changed after pregnancy. So talk talk talk and then talk some more. Good luck.

  7. You are not the exception and you need to understand that. He’s not gonna stop cheating for you and you should be ashamed of getting with someone after knowing they are cheating on someone. You are no different and now you’ll be left in the dust as well. Find someone who will treat with respect and not have you wondering about where their loyalty stands 24/7

  8. Noted. I guess my issue with it is this ex caused such an issue for us in the beginning and I’m shocked out of all people he slept with her. He spoke so poorly of her and minimized their relationship, yet would catch the bus?

  9. You made several assumptions of things that he is not doing. What is he is paying for her groceries some times? And her gas? And dates? And whatever else. That's why I asked where else is she benefiting.

    The thing is, he can be helping her the best way he knows how and still do what he want with his finances. He doesn't owe her every dollar before considers spending it elsewhere.

  10. You’re 19, life is too short to waste it on someone who can’t take care of themselves with bad hygiene. Break it off and go for this other guy that you like. Just be cautious and don’t idolize him or put him on a pedestal.

  11. I was waiting for this response. It is absolutely possible. And what 18 year old would have that knowledge and insight to pass it off as a trauma response to lie? Most people dont know it is a trauma response.

  12. That's for income for last year though. Would he be able to file jointly for taxes from 2022 even if he gets married in 2023?

  13. There is a popular saying in my country that mortgage binds you more than marriage. You have been together for only 9 months so I don’t blame him for not wanting to jump into that huge investment with you.

    I wouldn’t focus on that but rather on fair (and acceptable to both of you) financial terms of your cohabitation.

    do you want to split COL 50/50 or proportionally?

    how does your COL change in the new area?

    income disparity?

    These are the items that should be up for discussion now and that should tell you a lot about how your future together will look like.

  14. No just the fact that she had it with a guy in her past and she liked it and the first time we didn't go very far and she kind of enjoyed it that time so

  15. So you both tried to date other people for about 3 weeks?

    What is it about your bf that your mom doesn’t like?

  16. If she does it on her own, she means it. That so sweet OP. Good job, whatever you’re doing, you are doing it right.

    I would talk with Rose and let her know. She’ll know what to do, or at least, she’ll help you navigate this.

    Ugh. So sweet I just can’t. More of this please.

  17. OK is somebody in recovery not from drugs but alcohol the first few years are awkward anyway because you don’t even know who you are. And you’re working so naked to stay clean that a relationship is almost secondary.

    I think it’s OK for you to move on and find somebody that’s a little more well-adjusted. If she were 10 years sober, that would be a whole other thing, but she still relatively new so she’s trying to learn how to be a human being a human terms.

  18. Why the fuck not

    Because if she plans to continue this relationship long-term, she's going to be a stepmom. Her lifestyle isn't conducive to parenting, even as a step.

  19. We spend a majority of our time together and don't have problems with intimacy.

    The previous poster brought up finances, and others have brought up that maybe be was jealous that I made more money. So I elaborated on the fact that we both make good money, so it's not about that.

    I brought up being a “power couple” cause the previous poster mentioned that maybe his ideals aligned more with a traditional relationship and I was pointing out that that wasn't the case.

    Shallow is needing to consume every moment of your partner's time without caring that they need some alone time.

    You and your partner may not be okay with that, but that's you. Others are different.

  20. First of all: I'm sorry this happened to you. Getting cheated on is horrible and should never happen to anyone. You obviously can't trust her. You did and she broke that trust. That difficult thing is that it can heal, but it will never be exactly the same as it was before. Yet, you can choose to stay with her. People do and they work through it. Maybe marriage counseling would be a good idea for the two of you if you aren't completely sure about how to move forward. You can talk about your doubts and your distrust and she can talk about what made her do what she did. You can talk through a a lot of things and decide to split up or to stay together and how to handle things in the future. Good luck!

  21. I understand that you miss him, but could also be happy – you've brought up an independent happy young man who has the confidence and self assurance to build a life for themselves.

    My partner lives a long way from their parents too. And it's not because they have a poor relationship with them. Its just where their life is.

    You just sound confused that your son didn't choose the usual and expected path. You miss him, that's valid. You can miss him and be sad but also be happy for him.

    You did a good parenting job

  22. You don't sound like you are with a bf; it feels more like the guy is trying to be your parent or guardian. (You can only wear this, you cannot wear that, you are not allowed to go to this place. WTH, he treats you like you are 6 years old).

    Find a guy who loves you and treats you like his equal. You are not his pet, you are not a piece of china, you are not that weak and break that easily.

  23. Before you say anything, ask her to open up her phone and hand it to you. If she refuses and says something about trust, you reply “you mean how you trust me when you check my location when I asked you not to?” Just so you understand there are cheaters who use that feature to make sure they don’t get caught in a compromising position. So asking for her phone may be something you want to do anyway.

    If there’s no cheating involved, sit down again and reiterate that you don’t want to be tracked. If she doesn’t agree, CC or more may be necessary.

  24. I have had this very same feeling for 13 years, acted on it, and still going strong. I am not interested. Yes, it gets lonely sometimes (my kids are adults and out of the house – i am 52 now). I do all you do too. But i am also done with the bs. I have nothing to hide. I am not some airhead who sits in front of a mirror putting layers and layers of makeup on my face, ruining my skin, and completely changing the way i actually look, for tik tok likes. (Dont even have an account).

    Both my relationships, one 8 years (ex-husband), one 13 years (ex-bf) ended with them cheating (kids with husband, no kids with bf) And i did everything for them and the family/ies Everything.

    The stress is not worth it. I am much happier alone.

    I am open to friendship. Thats it.

    You go girl. The right man will come along. I got your back.

  25. They had the mental acuity to not call from his friend’s phone but he forgot to delete his log, but does it after being caught? Not only he’s a cheater, but a bad one (or a good one from your stance).


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