Ginny-carson on-line webcams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Ginny-carson on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Looking forward to reading your “gf cheated and dumped me” post in three months ? what a fuckin beta

  2. I just found out we will most likely not even work together since she will probably be at a different place within the same building. (Not 100%, but most likely, we will find out tomorrow). So I’m not going to see her for a few months (or at least until the next time we work together which will be probaly a few months), only If I ask her on a date, which based on the “success” of my texting attempts is not very likely. Someone else suggested group activities which could be fun like get our coworkers together for a few drinks after the shift, but she told me on the way home how one of our (same aged) coworkers tried to hit on her she is probaly not too happy abt that idea or just simply will reject the idea of a date bc of that.

  3. That’s my problem, I can’t :/, I am not gonna be financially ready for marriage for a two or three years, I can’t go to her country, and she can’t come back, it’s not even about the visa process being difficult my nationality is straight up banned from entering the country she’s residing in.

  4. People are allowed to change their mind about what they want. It is not unreasonable for her to want to keep her finances separate or for her to keep her own last name. It’s a massive red flag that you are taking issue with this. I won’t touch your telling her what and how to eat. It’s hilarious that you thought your dick would cure her of her independent thoughts.

    You two are not compatible. You should end it now and save both of you the years of arguing and inevitable divorce.

  5. Your husband is obfuscating the truth. He's clearly made this woman uncomfortable and I don't think it's because of a joke. Her responses are the classic behaviour of a woman dodging an unwelcome advance from someone she is still forced to see socially. She is in a position where she has to withdraw safely enough to both protect herself and keep the peace with him so his behaviour doesn't affect your wider circle or her son's friendship with yours.

    Given the lack of transparency from your husband, I'd follow the advice others here are giving you re recovering the deleted messages from the settings menu; because the sheer volume of spamming posts after she said she wasn't going to be around him anymore is incredibly concerning.

    I'm sorry OP, this looks as though your husband is behaving inappropriately and trickle truthing/lying to you about the full extent of what happened.

    You could go directly to the source and ask the mother in question what happened, if you feel comfortable doing so.

  6. I can't help you, because these feelings are as you already know, inappropriate, and selfish. It is not your choice to have them, of course, but you shouldn't burden your partner with them.

    You should come to terms with the fact she had intimate life with someone else before you. If you can't there is no way forward.

    The only thing that should matter is if she would still like to have children in the future. Topic you will have to raise eventually.

    For now you should support and love her to help her heal. Making a child is easier than being a lovong partner. If you will be such partner for her, you will the only thst matters for her eventually (but you should never question validity of her grief).

  7. Since when became asking out and then accepting a no is harrasment?

    The dude like OP – what would be the appropriate way to figure out if she likes him or not?

  8. Ok if it helps with his depression is he doing it with a psychiatrist’s knowledge? Or is he just doing it and not getting created by a doctor at all?

  9. Yeah, where I on-line beer in a casual place costs the same as coffee. And I regularly have a beer with friends while our kids play, it doesn't make any of us about to do crazy things.

  10. I know this is asking a lot, but maybe it would be a good idea not to get hammered. If you can stay alert, you can make sure everyone is okay.

  11. My advice, hit the gym in your free time. Stay single for a while. Weight training is awesome for mental health. That’s what I did in my 20’s , still going at 58. “The best revenge is to on-line well”.

  12. This. All this toxic “search her phone, dig into her life” shit is just that – toxic shit. She’s your partner, just talk to her.

  13. dude, moving on from codependency should strenghthen and purify her love for you, not be a reason to dismiss you. If she does, she never loved you

  14. Idk I would never describe anything in detail to my husband. I know he hates it, I wouldn’t like to hear it either about his experiences. I know he did stuff before me, that doesn’t mean I want to hear the details. Some stuff is just better left unsaid. But, the first time it happened my husband established it was a boundary of his and that he wouldn’t tolerate it, so I respect that’s

  15. Maybe it’s just me but the idea of making a girl you like babysit you before asking her out seems… flawed. Maybe if you sat for her?

    But I’d definitely not want her best impression of me to be “vulnerable and dependent”.

  16. To my knowledge it’s not normal among any age group. I had an ex boyfriend who wanted me to give him my passwords to my email and instant messengers but I refused, and he also wanted me to stop spending time with my friends and participating in my hobbies and activities. He wanted me to be always available to him but he didn’t make himself always available to me. I knew a guy who’s girlfriend didn’t want him to be in the same physical space as me, even if that space was we happened to be at the same store at the same time. This kind of control, and honestly to me restricting who a partner can and can’t talk to or interact with is all bad and nowhere near normal.

  17. Those other posts, were when I have not made up my mind, hence the inquiry.

    I had my mind made up about you by the contents of your post and the way you interact with commenters.

    Everyone's opinion of you here, speaks for itself.

    Shit like this, usually is not the other person (your wife)… Its the person with the attitude.

    You've made me lose all interest in helping you out, perhaps your wife feels the same.

    Good luck in your marriage.

  18. He says in the post that he wants to go no contact. Maybe we should take that at face value?

    Their behaviour is honestly disturbing and verging on stalking, at this point. I don’t think we should be encouraging OP to connect with them at all.


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