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Gloria, 18 y.o.


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24 thoughts on “Gloria the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. This just keep getting better and better, seem like an episode of extreme cheapskates on TLC, him being the cheapskate

  2. Funny you should mention that, because my boyfriend actually knows some jujitsu, and he's shown me a couple moves lol

  3. Also don’t forget that at the end of the day this sub is usually more biased towards women, that’s why when you see posts about generally down right abusive women. Commenters rush to defend them saying that they probably just need therapy or saying they’ve probably just got depression. Whereas men will usually get the justice they deserve. This has nothing to do with this subreddit. But probably more to do with society at large as women aren’t deemed as”able to abuse” because of their perceived weakness and what not.

  4. Might just be old recommendation data. Create a new account on Netflix or reset all preference. Then you will see unaffected recommendations. If this strange content exists, you have your answer.

  5. What does it matter why she is doing this? She's your ex now, so put her and her accusations in your rear-view mirror, and drive away without looking back.

    Maybe she was unhappy because you were TOO kind and civil when she told you she wanted to break up, and she expected – or even CRAVED – more drama and fireworks. Don't give her the satisfaction.

    Not everyone can do the friendly breakup thing, and your GF seems to be the type who wants to stay angry and keep stirring the pot. Ask her to please not contact you for a while, so you can both get over the breakup more quickly. If she continues to bombard you with hurtful texts after that, you're totally justified in blocking her on everything.

  6. “Living with one foot out the door” in a COMMITTED LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP is a great way to ensure you never even make it to marriage. What world do you on-line in where women drop their serious partners of years to go bang their new coworker because he has a crush on her? Really.

    There’s a difference between “dating around” and “long term relationship.” OP is clearly not trying to ruin her (again, possibly years long) serious relationship. If her bf is an asshole then it doesn’t matter either way and OP just needs to wait around longer.

  7. Sounds more like a vest or very close friend.

    You sound awfully insecure which is likely due to age and length of relationship

  8. 17 years together, 7 married. Keep your beard. If you end up staying together for the long term, this type of scenario is inevitable. Eventually, your partner gets a haircut they love but you don't (this lasted 3 years, though it has morphed to a pretty cool hair style I like now ?) or they go through different wardrobe phases that you aren't a fan of (wife beaters out and about during COVID. That phase is over lol). Mine would prefer I wear skirts and dresses more than I do (this isn't about sexism, I actually look particularly good in dresses. Even people who aren't my partner have said so unprompted). I will never change my style and he knows that. I wear that stuff on occasion and I like that he likes it.

    I think it's fine to express the preference once. She shouldn't be pouting or talking about it every time she sees you. Set a boundary and see what happens. “I like my beard. I am keeping my beard. I understand it's not your preference, but I need you to stop commenting on it. Your opinion has been noted. Let's agree to disagree.”

    Beards are also quite popular. Most men I know have at least experimented with growing one. If she does something like leave over this, she is going to find it difficult to find a man who will never experiment with facial hair ?‍♀️.

    Also, don't bring up your mother's opinion as your argument for it. YOU liking it is enough!

  9. What a silly thing to ask, honestly, if you see an anniversary as a budget thingy then you two shouldn't be together… Maybe plan better, eat less outside as you approach the date, many things you couldve done.

    And I understand you're explaining context, but that's a lot of noise trying to justify you not keeping your word, money comes and go, but your word should remain.

    Her family being rich shouldn't even come into the Convo, it has nothing to do with you being a man and keep your word. going to a restaurant does not have to be expensive as well.

    When you say this…

    “I realize her point and tell her I’m sorry and that I will go and treat her even though it’s out of my budget. Just moving forward, we will need to eat out less.”

    For the love of God, I sincerely hope you didn't tell her that and that's just in your head. Not only that's the wrong mindset to have but that's the type of thoughts you keep to yourself.

    Also, I personally cringe when people speak like.. 'spending money on her', she is not your property… If that's an issue, you two need to sit down and set rules you can both be happy with on a regular basis… But for an anniversary you should've kept your word and be a man that makes her feel happy she is with you.

  10. You have a right to know, but just ask your homie instead? Why would you ask her haha?

    If he is really your best friend he should be like “yeah I smashed bro. “

    It’s polite to not kiss and tell, unless it’s your best friend lol. You should just ask him.

    It’s up to you if you want to date a homie hopper at that point.

    I for one on-line in a huge city and prefer not to date girls my friends have been involved with.

  11. Hey OP, I’ve been in a similar situation. Basically my then bf (now husband) used to be married. But when he heard his ex got engaged he said he “felt weird about it” and I could tell it was making him upset. I was distraught bc I thought this meant he still had feelings for his ex. I asked him why it was upsetting and he had some vague answers like “it seems so sudden.” And when I asked if he still had feelings for her he absolutely denied any. Even though they still kept in touch with each other, he said that their friendship was very superficial and that she meant nothing to him. So I was super confused/hurt by the stark contrast about him being upset about his ex’s engagement and him saying he didn’t have feelings for her.

    We continued to date and communicate about things, and I eventually learned that the reason why he was upset was bc his ex’s engagement seemed to him a symbol/reminder of everything he lost during his divorce. He missed his old house, he missed his dog, he missed the prospect of having kids… he missed a lot of things but he did not miss her as person lol. He was mourning his old life, not the person he had it with. He was super vague about why he was upset at first bc he didn’t really know how to communicate how he was feeling (and he prob couldn’t pinpoint why he felt that way either).

    It seems like what happened with your gf was pretty recent, so please be gentle on yourself and with her. She probably is confused about her feelings and may have trouble communicating them. And her feelings likely have nothing to do with still being in love with him. You’ve been together a long while so if your relationship has been great so far, it’s not worth it to throw it away on something like this. Best of luck to you and your gf ❤️

  12. Just tell her you know, and ask if she wants to talk about it. I mean, it’s not like she’s done anything wrong, but it’s still something you two need to navigate through together. Just be patient and polite about the situation, if you’re becoming closed off and judge mental during the conversation, she’s probably going to lock up.

  13. i’ve talked about it to him, and i already told him about my feelings.. he replied that he needed more time to fall in love and he is still on the “like” stage but assured me that with time he would “ask me out”

  14. You're 28, time to start taking some responsibility for your life's problems. You've been an adult for a decade. Stop blaming it all on mommy

  15. Let him go. He doesn’t need to be with someone who is pissed at him because of his good nature and achievements.

  16. If you're ready to be through with this, block him.

    And then avoid similar attachments in the future.

  17. Just say no. Why should you GIVE your savings to someone/anyone just because they want you to? Maybe if he offered joint tenancy/co-ownership I would consider it but honestly your post has more than a few red flags.

  18. He said he didn't want to feel pressured into marriage

    I'm sorry but it sounds like you don't want to feel pressured into paying to fix up a house that isn't yours


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