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GoldTeachers, 23 y.o.


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16 thoughts on “GoldTeachers the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Yeah, this is exactly it right here. Does she have unhealthy insecurities, maybe depression or something else keeping her from getting motivated? Maybe. But OP can do absolutely nothing about that besides being kind and compassionate. What OP can do though is to not expects his wife, who clearly struggles with the whole fitness and health thing, to give him head pats and attaboys for something she's stated is a boundary for her.

    OP, if you read this, all you can do is try, man. Try to get your motivation and support somewhere else. If your wife has jealousy issues, idk, would she be jealous if it was a guy or group of guys you got encouragement from? Some places for fitness and health may have crappy communities, but not all. The local gym in my area has a very friendly atmosphere and I see people of all ages, sizes, and shapes hanging out there from time to time. Get in with some dudes on Instagram or Snapchat. Don't let the “what-ifs” get you down or stop you from doing what's healthy for you.

    Obviously don't use this as an excuse to start up some flirtation with another girl, and pass it off by saying she's supporting you where your wife isn't, that's crappy. But you can't simultaneously say you don't have expectations of your wife in your fitness journey… and then have expectations of your wife in your fitness journey. Sometimes we can't always be 100% the rock for our partners in our relationships, even if we desperately want to, and that's okay. It's more healthy to share responsibilities and spread expectations out, have separate hobbies or interests or goals, than it is to demand the other person be entirely consumed by what they're doing. You aren't your wife, and she isn't you, you are your own separate individual people, and that's okay.

    Obviously, if she has a problem with you getting support from someone for your health journey and it's entirely that and nothing shady, that's on her. In the same way you can't expect her to support you all the time, she can't expect you to do all this on your own with no kindness from anywhere at all, that's not cool either. If fitness becomes such a thing that it consumes any and all time you might spend with her otherwise, I could see her being upset. But if it genuinely is as you outlined in your post, sounds like she should have no problems. Communicate with her, and make sure to let her know she's not being shunted aside for this new thing you're doing. As the commenter above says, health nuts can be… Annoying. Lol. You might not even realize it. But find yourself a group of your people and make sure to plan time for just you and the wife, and I think it'll be okay.

  2. I don’t get the problem here, all I see is that you want to vent (which is understandable). You broke up with her, which was smart since she doesn’t prioritize your relationship. Stay broken up.

  3. Sorry I wasn’t clear. He has those things and told me that initially.

    It is like blocking. But just means they remain friends on fb and can remove her from the list if they want to chat.

  4. Yeah, if he doesn't like the division of labor while his wife is pregnant, he's not going to like it after the baby either. And he's certainly not going to want to be a single dad.

    My money is on him being a visitation dad, returning the kid to mom after a few hours of candy and all the “fun stuff” he thinks fathers do. At least until he gets his new wife or family and disappears, showing up only for the important events to tell himself he's a great dad.

  5. I mean people in ldr have met sooner and some have waited longer. Each ldr is different due to the circumstances. What’s most important is what YOU consider important. Being able to meet up at some point by a certain time is vital for ldrs. Being both okay with the time inbetween is something for you both to decide. And if you’re not on the same page then it most likely won’t work. That’s okay if this is a deal breaker for you. Just because you understand his reasoning behind it doesn’t mean you have to put up with it.

    Remember the end goal for ldr is being able to be together in the same country. Have you guys talked about that long term goal factor? If you guys can’t even meet just once how well do you think that end goal will go? You’re allowed to set your own boundaries and call things quits in an ldr if things aren’t working in a way that suits your needs.

    I was able to meet with my ldr bf after 6 months because I made it a priority for me. It takes time, and effort but people can make it happen if it’s important enough. Your bf is putting his mental health first which is good. But that also means you too should be doing that. Do what’s best for you.

    Also if you haven’t communicated all of this with him, you should. Remember that ldr’s require a lot more communication and checking in on goals. Set a date and use it to look forward to.

  6. I am a PhD student so I'm sort of still in college ? but I mostly met my friends through other mutual friends. I guess I'm maybe also unusual in that I'm queer, so there are lots of people I know on the periphery because there's so much overlap between different social groups just by dint of the community being smaller, which can make it easier to meet the same person several times at social gatherings so the jump from acquaintance to friend is smaller

    I guess that's not very helpful advice, sorry. I do know some people who have met good friends through things like bumble BFF though!

  7. Less disappointment probably sums it up. I feel like I put in alot of energy in to them and never get it back. Its less that I want nothing to do with them and more I don't have the energy to keep on walking on egg shells and pretend it's all okay. You are right of course it has to be my decision what happens

  8. Since i would be the father why would she not want me to do the test with her. It seems a bit out of character and im worried she doesnt respect fathers connections with their children.

    How do you get that conclusion from this? She is 20 way too young for a child and was probably scared as fuck if she would be pregnant. She is the one who will have to carry the baby or have to do an abortion.

  9. I was in love with him for a year before we decided to try it out and I knew from the beginning that he's a slow burner. We've been “together” for a year now.

  10. A guy being circumcised is better because there is a less chance of passing on any STD and bacteria. Some men don’t wash themselves properly and if you don’t pull the skin back to clean it you basically have bacteria building up so when you have sex you can throw off a female’s PH balance. Plus at the end of the day it’s something most men have had done so I prefer to see a circumcised penis instead of an uncircumcised. But thank you for your advice.


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