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26 thoughts on “Hangs the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Wow. Some day someone will dump you because of your hair or your catchphrase or some movie you're really passionate about & I hope you think back to this moment.

  2. I personally don’t drink and he’s always been adamant that he doesn’t really drink either. However I wasn’t aware he was drinking on his shifts, or after work with coworkers. When he does drink around me he can’t seem to control himself and often doesn’t know when to stop. Hence the discussions / boundaries we put in place for not drinking alone with people of the opposite gender. He also said he would of personally been very uncomfortable if I was doing those things also.

    However, when I asked why he felt it was ok this time, he started talking about his ex always doing it and him thinking it wasn’t such a serious issue if he did the same in our relationship? Since in his last relationship that behaviour was normal (drinking alone, going back to a person of the other genders house). But in the last he’d also told me he suspected his ex was cheating on him when she did those things? So the thing honestly just makes no sense and he just seems to get very defensive. I’m not her afterall and have completely different boundaries which I’ve been super clear on?

  3. Nope, congratulating her will send off mixed signals. Leave her alone and let her live her life. You do the same. It’s great that you feel happy for her, but those NC boundaries are there for a reason. You can be happy for her from afar and if you can’t, you need to figure out why that is.

  4. I agree OP is contradictory as well.

    Have you discussed this plan in detail with your bf OP? About being a housewife?

    Being a PA part time is difficult to find.

  5. Thank you….I am not a screamer at all….i grew up in a household with one and thats part of the reason i shut down when things start to get overwhelming (not an excuse for how i treated him, I shouldnt have done that, Im just explaining why I am this way).

    I didn’t see any signs of him texting or talking to her, nor was he following her IG, but he had searched her up cause her name was in his search history. I know I shouldn’t be looking through his phone also, but he has had prior instances of flirting with women that made it so we share passcodes. He said he was fine with me doing that but he wanted me to talk to him about it first before snooping…I failed at that, I guess in part because i didn’t want to look stupid to him if it was just my anxiety. But also cause i felt like he would try to hide things off i asked him, but i could just be overthinking that. I really want to trust him, but trust has to be earned after he mess up a few months back…its not something that can just magically heal, especially when he continued to do sus behavior…

  6. You would do the same things you did before him: live your life, hang out with friends, do the things you enjoy.

    Anyone who throws things at you does not love you. Stop wasting your time on this fool. The world awaits you.

  7. I May be wrong but I think, in at least most of the US, he cannot give up rights unless there is somebody willing to adopt.

    She can take him for support.

    She can demand a paternity test.

    She can’t really demand anything else.

    That being said, he made a very poor choice and unfortunately, those are the consequences and he may want to consult a lawyer to recommend what he should do to avoid any court issues/fees or back child support if she manages something in court.

    In the meantime don’t interact with her, don’t let anyone else interact with her, don’t let him speak to her and if you absolutely have to, don’t say ANYTHING that might get him to say that he could be the father.

    Just say, “you will have to take me to court.”

    Not sure

  8. You shouldn't have to tip toe around a partner like that…its not healthy or ok.

    If I where you, I'd cut my losses and go.

  9. Yes you should have dumped him years ago. Dump him now! Don’t waste one more day of your life with him. He is a losing investment. Stop wasting your time!!

  10. “Weak character will neutralize all of the other possible good qualities a person might possess.” -Robert Greene

    Your friend has weak character. She’s not a fundamentally kind person, and I can guarantee that any kindness that she shows is highly contingent on how much attention she’s gotten that day.

  11. Again, the teen category is routinely in the top 10. Yea, it may seem weird in creepy but it’s not unusual when it’s very commonly searched. Also most stars that are in “teen porn” aren’t actually teens. And spoiler alert, most “step bro/sis” aren’t actually step siblings.

    It’s just a fantasy and it’s not real. Also the dude dipped his toe into it and then stopped. It’s not like he has consistently watched it either. “Something, something, glass houses”. If we crucified everyone who search something that was “weird” on the internet then there would be no one left.

  12. “not a chance”, “begging indicates exactly why the answer is no” “Don't make me call your mommy”

  13. Long distance is extremely difficult across cities, even more across continents. I’m not surprised he moved on, he’s just too much of a coward to let you go because he only cares about himself receiving your attention. Set yourself free.

  14. the audacity. ? from what i hear not that uncommon either hahahahaaha. I get nervous around people who are fucked up because theres a control freak in my heart who feels like human behavior needs to be predictable so i have the illusion of safety.

  15. Obviously you can do whatever you want with your own body, you don’t need your husband’s permission or anything, but you need to consider that it may actually affect his desire for you. My boyfriend has long hair…I have always tended to date men with long hair….obviously he can cut his hair short if he wants to and I’m not going to break up with him over it…but I honestly wouldn’t find him as sexually attractive.

    I have tattoos. I obviously have nothing against tattoos. Imagine that it isn’t about tattoos….imagine that HE always wanted a nose-job and has finally decided to do it….even though you like his nose and are against cosmetic surgery….

  16. Y’all really can’t read. Kate is not the gf’s friend in the sense that that’s the only connection between Kate and OP. All 3 of them were friends before OP started dating his gf. If this were a bigger friend group with more than 3 people and OP started dating someone within the friend group, nobody would be saying he should automatically drop the whole friend group because of the gf’s insecurities

  17. I think by intense, you mean batshit insane. Get out before she gets you into trouble. The red flags are giant warning lights.

  18. I know we never should have started this we rush in to a relationship she has a boyfriend but we both really wanted to be together. we talked how this was only temp for now and it would only end once one of us said breakup. we don't see each other any more and want to just end thing before they get any worse so is over text ok or try and find sometime in person

  19. Ignore her if you aren't interested. You seem to know an awful lot about her though.

    There is no reason you can't be kind and friendly at work and say 'Not interested. Thanks.' and move on with your life…you said your 53, right?

  20. This goes too far. He was talking to her as a friend though, not as a therapist. A therapist shouldn't always be in work-mode because of their job. They're just people with friends too.


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