I'm sorry but I can't believe you stayed with him after he threw you across the room. Please read through this post again. You have answered your own question.
Is your family actually being unfair to him or are you dating an immature prick who enjoys minimizing your feelings so he can suck all the air out of the room and making sure you go to bed feeling crappy most days?
I don't think the gf should have to be confined to her bedroom and take medication just to live with this cat. That's not a healthy situation for her. She and this cat just can't live! together. That's heartbreaking for OP, but that's the situation. They need to find something that works for everyone, whether that's breaking up or rehoming.
So- this isn’t cut and dry on either side… but it definitely raises some red flags that need to be discussed before continuing the relationship. And some clarification for me… So- she is wanting to go no-contact for the 29-30 days of Ramadan, while also traveling and ignoring the fasting rules while traveling? (Reading comments I see you say she says she can’t fast for medical reasons while traveling, which I understand- but is that just another excuse?)
What is going to happen if your relationship continues? What is going to be expected if you get married? How is religion going to play into that? (I know that could seem like a far off question, but something that needs to be considered when dating with the possible intent of marriage and differing religions, coming from someone who is a different religion than my significant other- we had to discuss these things before we got serious.) Could she marry someone not of her faith? (I know her family isn’t, but parents and your partner are different.) if you have kids- how would you raise them? For me personally, being no contact for a month would be a deal breaker, regardless of the reason. But you need to decide what is best for you and if she truly cares about you, then she will either figure out a way for this to work for both of you or let you go without throwing a fit… it SUCKS, but that’s kind of how things go… In a previous relationship, I thought I would marry my guy and we started talking about what would actually happen down the road if we were to get married (we were also different religions). While discussing it, I realized that his needs and my needs wouldn’t be compatible- and we ended it, which hurt, but would have hurt far more if we had continued our relationship and had to end it when we were even more in love, engaged, married or married with kids… kind of like ripping the bandaid off and moving on rather than ripping a band aid off, putting a new one on, ripping it off again and again until you have a wound that can’t/won’t heal.
Does she have a decent sense of humor? I'm horrible with names, forget them after five seconds of being introduced. If she's easy going just be like 'dude. I have something really embarrassing to tell you…I've completely spaced on what your name is'
If that's too uncomfortable for you next time you're working together ask a manager what her name is with the preface of 'always been terrible with names' even if this is a one off.
I mean. They have the ability, but realistically, I've been on the Internet for 15 years, have been harassed by HUNDREDS of men, if not more, and not one single woman. I don't think you can play the 'but women do it too' argument on this one.
It sounds totally innocent to me too. I don't think you did anything wrong and the comments you made seem normal to me.
Honestly it seems like your boyfriend has a fragile ego that got bruised when you talked about this kid having material stuff he can't afford. You didn't criticize him at all but he got jealous that you admired a kid's style because he can't afford that stuff. This isn't about you, it's about him and his own feelings re: money, material wealth etc. That's how it seems to me.
She can spin it anyway she likes, but it most certainly is not normal for a woman to share a bed with her brother. And it is not your debt, it is her debt that she wants you to pay.
If you marry, it will be an absolute nightmare from the get-go. Don't worry about hurting her feelings – she should know what most people would think of her actions.
stop being a bitch. she’s a big girl.
You’re insane. She wants nothing to do with you. Leave her alone.
Because she doesn't respect you
Time to move on
Let him go. He clearly doesn’t know what he wants yet and you don’t deserve that. You deserve someone who knows they want to be with you. Period.
Go for the Job think of your future first . A woman can leave you at any moment . Good luck bro I hope you get the job
Tell her, No takebacks! Peace out, Loser! Then you moonwalk out the door.
I'm sorry but I can't believe you stayed with him after he threw you across the room. Please read through this post again. You have answered your own question.
Is your family actually being unfair to him or are you dating an immature prick who enjoys minimizing your feelings so he can suck all the air out of the room and making sure you go to bed feeling crappy most days?
I don't think the gf should have to be confined to her bedroom and take medication just to live with this cat. That's not a healthy situation for her. She and this cat just can't live! together. That's heartbreaking for OP, but that's the situation. They need to find something that works for everyone, whether that's breaking up or rehoming.
I personally don't think it's recoverable because she didn't come clean due to regret and remorse, OP had to stumble upon it.
It's something like only 20% of marriages work through infidelity if it was discovered instead of admitted.
She was mean. You being upset by that is normal.
Question, though. Why were you messing with her buttons instead of your own?
Most people need therapy. Someone who is not over their dead wife while trying to date someone new, definitely needs therapy
How do you judge something so massive based off of one post and replies against provocative comments?
How did you learn what not to say? I honestly have no idea what’s okay and what’s not
So- this isn’t cut and dry on either side… but it definitely raises some red flags that need to be discussed before continuing the relationship. And some clarification for me… So- she is wanting to go no-contact for the 29-30 days of Ramadan, while also traveling and ignoring the fasting rules while traveling? (Reading comments I see you say she says she can’t fast for medical reasons while traveling, which I understand- but is that just another excuse?)
What is going to happen if your relationship continues? What is going to be expected if you get married? How is religion going to play into that? (I know that could seem like a far off question, but something that needs to be considered when dating with the possible intent of marriage and differing religions, coming from someone who is a different religion than my significant other- we had to discuss these things before we got serious.) Could she marry someone not of her faith? (I know her family isn’t, but parents and your partner are different.) if you have kids- how would you raise them? For me personally, being no contact for a month would be a deal breaker, regardless of the reason. But you need to decide what is best for you and if she truly cares about you, then she will either figure out a way for this to work for both of you or let you go without throwing a fit… it SUCKS, but that’s kind of how things go… In a previous relationship, I thought I would marry my guy and we started talking about what would actually happen down the road if we were to get married (we were also different religions). While discussing it, I realized that his needs and my needs wouldn’t be compatible- and we ended it, which hurt, but would have hurt far more if we had continued our relationship and had to end it when we were even more in love, engaged, married or married with kids… kind of like ripping the bandaid off and moving on rather than ripping a band aid off, putting a new one on, ripping it off again and again until you have a wound that can’t/won’t heal.
Does she have a decent sense of humor? I'm horrible with names, forget them after five seconds of being introduced. If she's easy going just be like 'dude. I have something really embarrassing to tell you…I've completely spaced on what your name is'
If that's too uncomfortable for you next time you're working together ask a manager what her name is with the preface of 'always been terrible with names' even if this is a one off.
Who the heck approves of sexual harassment? That can’t be real people
It just isn’t a nice feeling to be lumped into a group of bad people because of the gender you were born with that you did not get to choose
I mean. They have the ability, but realistically, I've been on the Internet for 15 years, have been harassed by HUNDREDS of men, if not more, and not one single woman. I don't think you can play the 'but women do it too' argument on this one.
Something happened on that night – cheating or assault are the likely reasons for her change in behaviour.
She needs to tell you why, so hopefully you get the answer when you go to couples counselling you can find out.
If she refuses to talk, then you need to decide if you can live with the new secretive person she has become, if not then you dump her.
It sounds totally innocent to me too. I don't think you did anything wrong and the comments you made seem normal to me.
Honestly it seems like your boyfriend has a fragile ego that got bruised when you talked about this kid having material stuff he can't afford. You didn't criticize him at all but he got jealous that you admired a kid's style because he can't afford that stuff. This isn't about you, it's about him and his own feelings re: money, material wealth etc. That's how it seems to me.
Don't marry this woman.
She can spin it anyway she likes, but it most certainly is not normal for a woman to share a bed with her brother. And it is not your debt, it is her debt that she wants you to pay.
If you marry, it will be an absolute nightmare from the get-go. Don't worry about hurting her feelings – she should know what most people would think of her actions.
You’ve met him twice. There is something seriously wrong with this guy.