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14 thoughts on “HotBlondyXx live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sorry this happened. Shitty people do shitty things. Try to do things that make you happy. Hang with friends, go for walks, hit the gym, anything. It’s going to be rough for a few months, but just know that she is undeserving of your time and was dishonest and a cheater. Liars and cheaters don’t deserve an ounce of your energy. Stay strong bro

  2. I’ve asked before, never really got a straight answer. And we’ve broken off contact entirely so asking again is out of the picture. I appreciate your input though. Hope you and your guy both find the ones for you.

  3. If it were me iwould cut contact. Since ure husband is ok Than ure message will be MR AND MISSES SO SO We are thankful for your kind words

    Me and my husband wishes you the best in ure life , and send Do not reply on any of his messages

  4. Hello /u/honeybee_boi,

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  5. Easy solution: re-home your fiancée.

    Someone dealing THIS MANY ultimatums this early on in your relationship is someone who will use this same tactic throughout the ENTIRE course of your relationship. Only it will get worse and worse each time you buy into the manipulation and allow yourself to be treated that way. “It’s your dog or ME!” WILL (read: NOT “will maybe,” but WILL) become “it’s either your child or ME!” “It’s either your family or ME!” “It’s either [what you want] or [what she wants]” forever. And ever. And ever. You will have zero decision-making power; you’ll basically be on auto-pilot for the rest of your life.

    I’m telling ya, man. It starts with the dog. You cave and let that slide, it’s game over. Forever.

  6. we both hate the cousin bcos he’s a nasty guy, but yeah no after we had the argument he immediately jumped into getting offensive bcos he was jealous of a guy friend i hung out with after we broke up. like i get how he might’ve mixed it up after he explained it he said he imagined me in blue eyes and thought it was reality ? so i tried to explain to him why i flipped out but he just couldn’t understand at all until another half an hr of conversation

  7. To be clear, I want no relationship apart from friendship with my ex, so there is no possibility for hookups or anything in our future. That ship sailed and I'm no cheater.

    I'm not saying you're a cheater or anything but I can't tell how many times I've seen posts in the sub where people have said this about their SOs in the exact same situation only to update the post with “He cheated during the trip” or “She cheated during the trip”. It's honestly tiresome and overall just a recipe for disaster

  8. Please tell your friend, this girl is free to blow as many guys as she wants and fuck multiple of them at once. But your friends needs the chance to make an informed decision if he wants to continue with her.

  9. You'd be amazed. I know some seriously deranged and even abusive parents who've churned out exceptionally mature and healthy adult children… who are also all no contact as this son is.

  10. Drug addicts are always needing help but you shouldn’t be the one helping them. That’s called enabling. They need to first decide to help themself.

  11. It sounds like you’ve got some nit-picky issues with her, too. I’d be very interested to hear what she has to say.

    There’s obviously some resentment here. I think there’s a lot more to this story.

    You’ve definitely got some communication and expectation issues in your relationship. You need to see a couples counselor.


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