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14 thoughts on “ – u can buy cum video or order exclusive the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. u/Apprehensive_Flow_88, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. u/NefariousnessOk4372, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Don't you wonder why no one closer to his age is with him? It's wonderful to be put on a pedestal and treated like a princess. But life is not a disney fairytale!

    He has a child the same age as you. Eewww…He could be your father!! He's your manager. I'm sure he's done this before. This is also not good as he's in a position of power. Why would he not be interested in having sex with someone so much younger? He's doesn't have to put in much effort to impress someone who is young.

    Find someone your age and enjoy dating. You are young. This is your chance to explore what you would like to have in a future Mate. Don't settle for an old guy that will need meds to have sex in a few years.

  4. Yeah, I agree. He's overreacting by equating a kink culture with an orientation, but especially given his past trauma, that's kind of understandable. it's not a hill to die on if you care about him. Just let him know you still love him even if you don't understand and hopefully he'll come around to seeing the reality of the situation.

  5. Annie in her 30s and recently became a therapist.

    Someone recently got a piece of paper that proves their opinions are more right than your opinions.

  6. Because Reddit it just a bunch of angsty teens who expect their parents to take care of them forever.

  7. First of all, you cant control your feelings. You just don't feel you love her, thats ok. It could be because its only been a month, or you just can't develop feelings for them. It happens. I fucking wish it didnt, but it does.

  8. I would not marry this woman.

    You’re right. She’s in the wrong. My kids have their dads last name. They call my husband Padre and think of him as a dad. The name does not change that. Stick to your ground because you’re in the right. Her son and ex will likely also appreciate it.

    I would fall on the sword for this one.

  9. Thank you. You are absolutely right. I'm just terrified that he will lie to me again. And it freaking hurts that he lied about 4 women. It wasn't just a one time lie, he hid all that from me

  10. I read this, and as a woman a couple of things jumped out at me here.

    The first, she said “we have become different people” & you said “I have not changed at all in the last 2 years probably. Same job, same house, same routine”. She has changed, but you haven’t. She possibly feels like she is growing, and trying to move forward, but you are stuck as the same person now, as you were two years ago. ”Same job, same house, same routine” You are married. You should be growing together, moving forward, making plans & changing. You admit, you haven’t changed. At all.

    The other thing that jumped out at me was the “I probably do 40% of the chores on average”. I’m going to call BS on that, and say you think you do 40% on average, but you probably don’t. Chores/housework is constant. There are things that get done every day. “Washing the laundry” isn’t just filling the machine & turning it on. It’s checking bedrooms/bathrooms/lounge rooms for any clothes. It’s sorting into lights/colours/towels. Wash load 1, hang up, wash load 2, hang up, wash load 3, hang up. Take clothes off the line. Sort into his & hers piles. Fold clothes, sort underwear. Iron clothes. Pack away.

    So, are you genuinely doing 40% of all of the actual housework that gets done? In my experience, men have a habit of underestimating how much work goes into cleaning/maintaining a house, and then overestimating their contributions to that.

    And don’t even start me on the mental load. Do you do your share of housework on your own, or do you need to be reminded? Who does all of the planning?

  11. I think she feels insecure about your sexual interaction. That itself can be a hump you could get over, but based on your post, I’m not sure you guys are very compatible. I don’t think you did anything wrong btw, as a woman Ive had my feelings hurt when that thing isn’t poppin, but it seems like guys have this pressure to be ready always. Your feelings count, and if you’re nervous, the right partner will listen to you


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