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30 thoughts on “ the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It’s very weird that she’d make a claim like “he’s much happier now than he ever was with you” that is a very bizarre think to say and just seems really immature/insecure. Every relationship has aspects that make it special and those things don’t just get erased when someone gets a new partner.

  2. I don’t feel jealous who my ex is dating , but I do wondering if he’s treating her the way he treated me or his babies mama created dramas/troubles toward the new gf like she did when I was with him .. if so blessed her heart !

  3. You have no right to decide what you want to do in someone else’s home. Especially after the night you made her go through.

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  6. I'd cut your loses now, no matter how “cute” and “sweet” she is. Cuteness fades with time; you want someone who is going to be interesting to be with and share at least enough of your interests and passions (beyond the physical) if you're going to build a life with them.

    My husband and I met through a shared love of art, for instance. When we travel (which we also love to do) nothing makes either of us happier than spending entire days in art museums, archeological sites, visiting churches for the art and architecture…and he even has mentioned on occasion how when he would travel with his ex/first wife, she would rush him through such places, clearly bored and only wanting to go shopping. You need to be able to have things in common once the honeymoon phase is over and it doesn't sound like that will be the case with you and your girlfriend.

  7. He would never, ever want to do anything to hurt you but he's okay watching and engaging with other people who enjoy hurting women.

    A good therapist can help him get to the root of this. It's not entirely on him, it's been so normalized but changing himself is his job, not yours.

    All you can do is set boundaries with how you deserve to be treated. Anal is not spontaneous. It is not spur of the moment. It takes preparation. You could do everything right and still not enjoy it. It's okay for you to say “I never want to try anal again.” You are allowed to feel that way. He can decide that is a deal breaker for him or he can decide that it is your body, your pleasure and your choice. Sex should benefit both of you. It should play to both of your fantasies. Not all kinks involve pain.

    Honey, it's easy to forgive him when he's kind to you, like he was while you were crying but what is his plan going forward? Is he taking a porn pause? Going to talk to someone? His words mean nothing without following through.

    You deserve a soft life full of love and a partner who contributes meaningfully to that. Keep talking to him. Maybe even show him this post.

  8. I think for being 31, having a situationship like this is very high school. He should not be stringing you along like this and the fact that his mother is posting with his ex girlfriend tells you that he isnt honestly telling the truth. I think you made the right decision hut if you question your decision maybe just unblock him. Do not respond but just see if he actively is reaching out. If he doesn’t text or call it shows that he truly doesn’t care and that shows you the kind of person he really is. Regardless, he sounds lowkey manipulative and I think you deserve better.

  9. What.the.actual.fuck is wrong with you!!

    Seriously – what is wrong with you and why do you hate your younger sister so much! And you must hate her because no one would do this even to their worst enemy.

    You completely changed the trajectory of not only her life, but the fathers life and the unborn childs life for a “joke”?

    If someone hasn't said so beforehand, you really need to get to the bottom of why you seem to continually make fucked up decisions in your life and why you hate your sister so much as to do this to her.

    My god there is very little on here that gets me angry (and that is saying something) but this one takes the cake.

    I am seriously speechless at what sort of cruel and callous person you are.

    So of course you should tell her. You get to tell the sister you evidently detest that you just fucked up her life for nothing more than a joke. I'm sure she'll get a laugh out of it.

  10. she knows how i feel….every day we talk about it if i feel overwhelmed , but what to do, she developed feelings also for him….i just dunno how to control my reaction when i get overwhelmed with jealousy , she doesnt like me when i get jealous…well i dont like this third wheel in my relationship.. and considering that id give them the private time to be outside alone kiss hug like any ppl in a date for few days all day, i think at least for the sex part i should be there….tale it or leave it…

  11. Have the staff at the wedding strictly enforce dress code, and anyone who is making a scene needs to be booted. You need to be firm, and let your partner know he needs to support you on this.

    This shit is no joke and you only get one chance(hopefully) to do a wedding.

  12. I totally get where you're coming from. That fear of getting cheated on is the worst. But listen up, don't let those past experiences hold you back from finding real love. You gotta trust yourself and trust your partner, until they give you a reason not to. And if they do, well then they ain't worth your time anyways.

  13. I honestly can't really follow your post, but if you felt icky about your boyfriend's response, it was probably because it showed a lack of female anatomical knowledge and touched on a subject which is a sore one for many women.

    Provided that he isn't usually ignorant about this topic, I'd say just let it go. You were joking around and he probably said the first thing that popped into his head without thinking and then only dug his grave deeper when you proceeded to ask him about it.

    Sometimes, a joke is just a joke, and if you frequently engage in “your mom” jokes, I frankly feel like that's to be expected.

  14. I’m not big on holidays. Honestly think they’re a waste of money. My husband and I do what we want whenever anyways. But, every holiday and birthday he still asks me if I want to do something special.

  15. I did a lot of research on social media + his appartment is very tiny and there's not a single thing that typically women use

  16. This isnt bashing women at all. Not contacting the other parent that you delivered his child is pretty egregious in my opinion and I doubt it will go over well in court. But at the end of the day it doesnt matter. She doesnt have a leg to stand on for denying visitation to the kids father.

  17. I don’t think you’re coming back from this. But you also are completely (and likely legally) wrong for only giving her days to move out. That’s absolutely not right. You need to give her adequate time.

  18. His actions say that he doesn’t give a shit about your needs or feelings. Now it’s up to you to decide if you’re willing to tolerate it.

  19. I believe that she has two very serious mental health diagnosis. Addiction which is a primary disease and also some type of personality disorder. I don't know her and I could be wrong. But something like what they used to call borderline personality disorder. Google if you're curious and don't know about it. She's not well my friend. Focus on your daughter. Eyes on the prize. I know it sucks to be jerked around and to love someone who's hurting herself.

    Yr kid. And make sure you check in with her when she has the daughter because Alcoholism and drug addiction is about not having control. Sometimes a drink takes you. Even when your kid is in the next room. Just keep an eye on it. You're doing great. Fantastic.

  20. “Gifts are supposed to be for the receiver” is something a surprising amount of people doesn't understand.

    That’s bc the whole “it’s the thought that counts” is all anyone cares about but the giver should be thinking about what the reviver would want.

  21. My bf and I have different sleeping habits. I go to bed at around half 8 or 9 and he crawls Into bed at 11 earliest. I'm up around 5:30 or 6. Alexa plays rain sounds at night to help me sleep. You can try earplugs instead if you want. He knows noise bother me so he plays the television on a low volume and is generally quiet, uses his earphones, keeps what he needs outside the room. In the morning I crawl out quietly and do the same. It may not be incompatibility but simply that your bf is inconsiderate or insensitive.


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