Hylia Fawkes on-line webcams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Hylia Fawkes on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Your “mutual friend” isn't your friend. She's friends with a would-be homewrecker and wants to bring that into your life. Get new friends who actually support you and your relationships.

  2. Hey. You remind me of me five years ago. I had a relationship with a guy who had severe trauma, and so i always did my best to respect his boundaries, but he would never respect mine. It always turned around into His trauma, and he could never be held accountable.

    OP, your gf is not ready for a relationship.

    She is hurting you. She will continue to do so. You keep putting up with things, trying to fix to fix to fix but god. It never ends. Especially the projecting they put onto you. The tip toeing, never feeling fully relaxed – its no way to online. I still wish my ex the best and hope he’s okay, but I realized i want to be with someone i can feel safe and comfortable with and not have to be on constant edge with.

    Wishing you strength to get through it and take care of yourself.

  3. Sounds like your marriage is over. It's time for you and your wife to have a serious discussion about your relationship.

  4. To find friends or to find some activities that she could do in MTL ask on r/Montreal

    If the money is not the issue, maybe you could try to put the kids to the day care center for maybe 2 days a week in order to give her some time for herself.

    Maybe she you should ask her if she needs help and find someone to come help her with the kids and at the same time she'll have someone to talk with and also be able to go do groceries or other stuff..

    Another approach is to ask her if she needs something (probably needs you..) and listen to what she's saying.

    I don't see her by having friends and also taking care of two toddlers be any less mad, less tired, less overwhelmed… It can only make things worse my opinion.. but if she's tells you that not having friends is an issue then other sub will probably give you some ideas that you can suggest to her.

    Anyway, sometimes by trying to help on your own is not productive. You should ask her and listen to what she is telling you.

    She told you that she's overwhelmed, tired, mad and your solution is to add her more things to do in order to be less tired… Buddy, she needs help! She also needs you, so make sure she knows that you want to be with her, that you want to help, send some gifts to her, flowers… Make her feel that you appreciate what she's doing…

  5. It would be best to wait at least two years (so you'll both be dealing with completely developed brains). Couples therapy isn't designed to help an individual with depression. It's to facilitate communication between two parties (not to address the needs of either party separately). So she should be seeing a therapist on her own to discuss her own history/challenges. There just isn't time in a group setting to deal with that. Waiting another few years would not only give her time to work on her own issues but might allow you both to get your own place (since having a roommate in the mix of a marriage is never great). Good luck

  6. Sorry for being stupid but who is the Bull and why is she having PIV with him? But to answer your question, she probably doesn’t want you getting someone else pregnant. If you aren’t having sex with her, you should be having it with another woman. But she doesn’t get to decide what you do with your body and she can’t drag you to a doctor. Just say no, end of discussion.

  7. Hey, just so you know. Im kind of sexually attracted to you and your sister. I hope you’re cool with that thanks. K bye.

  8. Wear real shorts, not just boxers. Boxers show a lot more than you think they do. I think going without a shirt is okay, though. But if it makes your gf happy, will it really kill you to pop a t-shirt on?

  9. Looks like he’s successfully gaslit you. It IS abuse, plain and simple. You hate it, you’ve told him, and he still does it.

  10. Doubt this is even real. But if so, it's all your behavior. All the people “YASS QUEENing” you are delusional and projecting their own insecurities onto the situation. You didn't even ask your boyfriend why, you just made passive aggressive comments, went to bed, and then violated his privacy anyway. At 38, you need to grow up, especially if you can't have a conversation with your significant other of 3 years.

  11. “howdy there fella, I think you're a mighty handsome cowpoke and boy I'd like to be your cow.”

    But seriously, I'd say that you should tell him that you've found yourself thinking about him from time to time and would like to go out with him to make some memories.

  12. I would say it sounds like you're in an emotionally abusive relationship.

    He doesn't pay rent. He tries to dictate what you're allowed to do. He's trying to get you to sell off possessions. He makes your trauma all about him.

    He sounds like a bum.

  13. He’s a dream man alright. A bad dream.

    Do you honestly thing it’s acceptable for a person who is supposed to love you to treat you like this and make you feel this way? Girl. You know this is emotional abuse right?

  14. I am so so sorry!

    I completely sympathise, and I am so grateful to you for sharing your story these things arent easy. It sounds like you handled it so gracefully and delicately, and I'm sure she was very appreciative of that too.

    Thank you for this, you're right. I have made the assumption without proof and relying on the photos but I know that is not enough.

    Sending lots of love.

  15. This sounds terrifying and I would be contemplating moving to another country no exaggeration.

    But if that's not realistic, get a good lawyer. I think supervised visits should be allowed, you don't want your daughter growing up to believe her mom never cared enough to even try.

    Also explain things to your kid in child friendly words asap.

  16. No one anywhere, ever said ALL MEN. You tried to whine and have your moment (we've freely admitted that women can harass, but let's be honest, it waaaay less likely to happen). Then, when you get called out on your bs, you again whine about your karma? Bc now you're the victim? No skippy, that's not how it works. Grow up and look at the world before you try to come in here with that “oof sexism” garbage.

  17. Brush, your partner's fear of abandonment — in addition to his anger issues — may be due to his having very weak control over his own emotions (i.e., a lack of emotional skills he had no opportunity to acquire in childhood). My exW has this problem. If that is an issue for your BF, you likely have been seeing 3 other warning signs.

    First, you would be seeing him rely heavily on black-white thinking, wherein he tends to categorize some people as “all good” (“with me”) or “all bad” (“against me”) and will recategorize them — in just a few seconds — from one polar extreme to the other based on a minor infraction.

    Because he also uses B-W thinking in judging HIMSELF, he would rarely acknowledge making a mistake or having a flaw. Doing so would imply, in his mind, he is “all bad.” He thus would blame nearly all misfortunes and mistakes on you and view himself as “The Victim.”

    Further, to validate his “victim” status, he would keep a detailed mental list of every infraction/mistake you ever did (real or imagined) and would not hesitate to pull out the entire list to defend himself in the smallest, most insignificant disagreement with you. Moreover, this B-W thinking also would be evident in his frequent use of all-or-nothing expressions like “you ALWAYS…” and “you NEVER….”

    Second, you would not see him expressing his anger to casual friends, classmates, or total strangers. He usually gets along fine with them. Even when he greatly dislikes them, his temper tantrums almost exclusively would be expressed against a close loved one (e.g., against you, his sibling, or his parents).

    Third, you are convinced he truly loves you. But you often see him flipping, on a dime, between Jekyll (loving you) and Hyde (devaluing you), frequently making you feel like you're “walking on eggshells.” Such flips would occur in a few seconds in response to some minor thing you say or do.

    Brush, have you been seeing strong occurrences of these 3 red flags?

  18. Oh I see you haven’t actually read the comments that OP has made. So, I’m now of the mind that your argument is invalid because you’re uninformed.

    Ex has a brother who did hit and push his girlfriend because she shouted at mom. It’s not this comment, but it’s in this thread. Mom then used that as ammunition against OP and told her that she knows he hit her once and that he said he’ll do it again. Moms initial statement was already full of false statements, and honestly, that’s usually a sign that the whole thing is made up. Brother is abusive.

    Ex spoke to the mother (in the comment we’re commenting on actually) and confronted her about what she said. It’s said he called her, but we also have nothing indicating that they online close enough to go over together and talk. The mom said she must have been confused and thought he said it. Which in my mind, tells me she was caught in her lie and is now walking it back.

    So like, maybe know what you’re talking about before you start making arguments?

  19. Sounds like its giving you the ick… completely reasonable response.

    You're seeing him and to hear the guy constantly bring her up, can be a turn off. Would even lead some to believe this:

    I did tell him that I did not want to come in between them if they had something going on.

    Anyways, unfortunately I don't think you really have a say in the matter. You two are casually seeing each-other. If you were in a full blown relationship, sure you could be more combative on it.

    Also, him telling you she was moving in for a bit, seems like an appropriate thing to communicate. It would be far more concerning if it was a hidden fact.

    This is all on you. You can only control your own actions… If you want to check in or check out.

  20. I surely broke her heart. And I feel like she is not the right person for me. But this keeps happening with other girls as well.

  21. Another issue is that we are upgrading from a studio apartment to a one bedroom, and so therefore the rent will go up and he will need help paying.

    What would you do if you both were single? If your bf has been financially supporting you so far….sounds it might be for the best if you move in with family, and him with some roommates so he can save some money, and you can focus on your mental health.

    Are you still in therapy? Have you talked about your rejection with someone? Could you reapply for benefits?

  22. hey, i totally get that this 'perfectionism' sounds like a lot of work, but i promise i'm not expecting him to do things my way and take all, or 50% of the work at home. i work 4 days a week, he works 4-5 depending on how much he's needed at work so our hours don't differentiate that much, and i only actually work about 10hrs less than him, not 'half the amount'. i only class myself as part-time because my contract isn't full time hours, and at my previous job i was working more than full time.

    when i started work again i didn't want him to take the full 50% of the workload because i understand he's gone for longer hours with his commute. i only wanted him to pick up something other than washing the dishes and putting washing in because the majority of the actual cleaning of the flat was left to me and those 2 things were the only jobs he takes on regularly. even then the washing often gets left damp in the machine or a bag.

    the bags i'd sorted through, i'd actually separated the possessions that i knew were his into his own bags and knew that none of that stuff was mine (it was his letters/paperwork, clothes, niknaks etc). i didn't want him to throw it all away, i wanted him to sort through it and find real homes, but he crammed letters down the sides of furniture, and left the rest on the floor in a different place and i ended up stepping on something sharp and really hurting my foot.

    i don't struggle to look after my pets, that's why i keep them on a schedule for cleaning/feeding/playing etc so that they have consistency and we're both aware of what they need and what they've had lately. we have a noticeboard for their schedules that he hasn't updated once since living here even when he does fulfil their needs. but the pets were a commitment we made together (it was actually his idea in the first place) and so i feel he needs to understand their needs better.

    i totally get where you're coming from, i understand this kind of lifestyle is high maintenance, but i feel i laid a lot of the foundations down for things to function (noticeboards, organisational systems for our stuff, work rotas on the wall) and he ignores that effort when what he'd have to do to keep up is actually really easy – i'm talking things like writing on the shopping list when he uses the last of something, or writing his work hours on our week schedule so we both know each other's work pattern and can plan our free time around that. i don't do it just for me, i do it so we don't have to think about this stuff, but now it feels like i'm doing all the thinking


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