ilias the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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ilias, 18 y.o.


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24 thoughts on “ilias the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Shes too insecure to be involved with a military man. People in the military need partners that are emotionally strong. If you were deployed or in training for weeks you might not be able to text at all. If she needs constant attention, neither of you will be happy.

  2. It’s not up to our opinions. We are not him. I wouldn’t care because I’ve lived both open and poly lifestyles but no idea how he feels about such things. I wouldn’t bring it up unless the subject comes up but that’s just me.

  3. It’s not about that in this case. This is an issue that will literally end the relationship unless it is resolved, therefor either you talk about it and deal with it or break up.

    When something is this important you cannot ignore or subvert the problem. Gaining this much bodyweight and ignoring your partners attempts at discussion on the topic is simply a clear cut reason to end what could have otherwise been a good relationship.

  4. Yeah I got it when people travel and meet some beautiful encounters and things happen. I think I was a bit surprised that he didn’t mention they hooked up in Korea the very beginning when he told me about her as he kept referring her as just friends, until I started asking some questions and realized they were more than just friends. He has been pretty upfront with every girl he dated in the past, except this one. I never initiated the topics about his past, he usually shared them with me naturally…. I told him in a joking way that from now on when he mentions a female friend of his, I might start guessing they probably had some history back then.

  5. She’s not just a “casual acquaintance.” She cares for your kids, and she was only where she was the moment she was there because of that. I totally understand the immense guilt he feels—please don’t compound this by accusing him of cheating.

    I’m glad she’s going to be all right. Please take a few days to reflect on why you’d jump to cheating. Is your husband otherwise a trustworthy person? Has he given you other reasons to believe he’s not being faithful?

  6. I'd get it if he was say 17, but a whole adult at 20? Older than she was when she got together with her grandpa boyfriend.

  7. She got Regina’d!

    Regina: But you’re like, really pretty. Cady: Thank you! Regina: So you agree? You think you’re really pretty.

  8. Her conflict resolution behavior is manipulative and shows a lack of basic respect for you as an equal. She obviously values stuff more than your feelings. It’s fine to take some time to cool off when tempers flare- but her completely ignoring you is childish and manipulative.

    Move out and research crate training your pups. The real issue here is your girlfriend is only considering her feelings in this relationship. You two aren’t a team- she’s seems to think she is the dictator and you are a minion.

  9. I’m not the person you were responding to.

    I’m just lost redditor surprise by your question. I would honestly stay as a friend. I would have tell her that staying with him was dumb, but I wouldn’t have dropped a friend for that.

  10. Is this about 1) the money 2) thinks you drink too much 3) feels insecure you’re out without him 4) thinks it’s not a woman’s place to drink beer at a pub 5) feels like you don’t spend enough time together and sad you are using time just for yourself


    Lots of potential roots for what his issue is

  11. When you're on a break, you're supposed to give each other space, not message each other. You need to find someone else to talk to and stop messaging him. This is why you do not make your partner your entire life. You need people and interests outside of your relationship.

    In your case, however, he already tried breaking up with you but backtracked and turned it into a temporary break because you were messaging him, crying, and telling him you needed him. He may be trying to ease you into a permanent break but unfortunately it is just dragging this whole thing out and giving you false hope that after a month things will go back to the way things were. After a month goes by, he's going to end it for good. So take whatever time you need and do whatever you need to do to move on. Find some hobbies, make some new friends, and make a life that doesn't revolve around a boyfriend. Then go out and find someone who fits in with that life.

  12. You're 25 dude. You're still young as hell and have plenty of time to find a spouse who won't cheat on you and betray your trust. Get a divorce and move on.

  13. Just because you are afraid that your partner may cheat on you does not mean that you are cheating on your partner.

  14. I have spoken to him about it. When I first confronted him about the situation when I found out, he lied to me straight up, saying that he doesn’t know who she was or who I was talking about. I even had to show him the photos of the messages he sent her and had to reread everything that he finally admitted to it. During the two days I stayed at my mom’s place and his mom contacted me saying that it was just an on-line thing and she’s not from we’re we online and not to worry about it. He knows I can’t trust him now and the trust level is really low and he’s on thine ice now. I have been told that I should leave him and to move on, but it means that I wasted five years of my life that I can never get back dating him and it hurts more because I love him and don’t know what to do.

  15. Tell her she's boring so that she can get pissed at you… Problem solved! She will overthink, brew every little word and action you've done… and pick a fight with you… you will now have a hell of a time figuring out what she's thinking. your relationship, and your gf, won't seem boring anymore! ?


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