Instagr marianasweett27 on-line webcams for YOU!

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  1. u/CheesyStringus, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Telling him to either do what she wants or she’s leaving is not an indication that she loves him. She already did it and made him let her move in. She’s banking on him doing it again so she can get what she wants. And watch the minute they get married and have a child he’s gonna be in the dead bedroom sub because she got her “traditional family “ out of him. Nothing about this is healthy because she didn’t not ONCE ask him what she wanted. She stated what she wanted and said if she didn’t get what she wanted, she would leave. That’s not love, he could do better.

  3. I think it is very dangerous. I also think that no amount of training or prep makes you ready for domestic violence.

  4. Then you say No. Set the example for your girlfriend. If she ends your relationship over you setting your boundaries then it wasn't a very good or solid relationship to begin with.

  5. I mean, she’s already punished you for her child’s actions by getting you to pay bills that she should have paid but couldnt due to buying toys. If you share a home and finances with her, it’s entirely appropriate to set boundaries with regards to budgeting.

  6. No person is obligated to pay for the housing cost of anyone except their own child. Since you don't seem to understand I will explain it to you. When child is at Dada house he covers 100% of the cost of child care. Then the other 50% of the time when child is with mother she pays 100% of costs. See how easy that is? No need for any man to be paying for any woman to have the privilege of never having to take care of herself. If your such a proud feminist then why aren't you claiming the mother is perfectly capable of taking care of the child and don't need no man?? Op should get 50/50 custody and tell his disloyal 304 to pound sand.

  7. Before she had a child?

    Pretty sure it still takes a sperm to make a child….

    You guys get so emotional when ya asked to take responsibility for your actions.

    This has nothing to do with the relationship that failed, it has to do with the care of a child they had together.

  8. You need legal advice, not relationship advice. When he assaulted you, did you press charges? You need to go to court to deal with custody.


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