Instagram: gaby_mesa19 the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Instagram: gaby_mesa19, 25 y.o.

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Instagram: gaby_mesa19 on-line sex chat

38 thoughts on “Instagram: gaby_mesa19 the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You don't deserve any of the flack you're receiving but let's be honest your family don't seem to truly value you the way they should. You are a unique person who once you find your footing, can do anything you set your mind to. You are at a age where you can choose your family. I understand the anti social aspect but life as one can be an amazing thing. Drop focus on your family and brother and move on to you. Go get that job and plan a trip for 6-9months later, explore hobbies, live your best life because you truly deserve it. You've done nothing wrong and deserve to begin your life even if it is one of self satisfaction for awhile. It's funny how once you come to terms with yourself and find happiness how quickly things can change. Take your time but don't worry about distance. If loneliness leaves you heavy, I look for a way to volunteer it can help and offers a feeling of accomplishment.

  2. I'm sorry. I don't know how to address someone who says that doesn't sex doesn't feel good. It doesn't sound like it has anything at all to do with whether you're attractive.

  3. You're a wealth of information! Thank you for the well wishes. I feel much better about the situation now that I can get a better understanding of what she's struggling with. You're doing a great service for oblivious folks like me. ?

  4. Also don't buy it and then return it because you cheated on them and were mad at their reaction to learning this fact.

  5. I do wonder how common this is though, considering my uncle recently had a therapist who fell for him so they ended their client relationship.

  6. The point of sex is you're having it WITH someone rather than doing it to someone. If you're “having your way” with a woman, you're raping her. Tf is wrong with you?

  7. Agree with everything you've said here but:

    Honestly, moving forward there’s nothing you can really do or say to address what was said.

    She could at least apologize for hurting his feelings even if unintentional.

  8. She did. He knew she had problems with conceiving cause she told him. She met him at 29, and at that age she told him that in her early twenties she suffered numerous of miscarriages. And he was okay with that, cause he don't have kids either… It wasn't a problem. He turns 40, and now it's a problem.

  9. The next time he grabs your arse in the hall, take his hand and look him on the eye and say “dont touch me like that again” and tell him you'll tell his brother, if he's behaving like that then he's out already

  10. I don’t think this is love bombing, I think you’d notice it if that was the case. I think especially in the beginning it’s a fine line between the honeymoon phase and lovebombing.

    This is why i’d always wait until the honeymoon phase has faded (as much as it can) to make big decisions. If they’re love bombing they wouldn’t want to wait.

  11. Take someone with you and prewarm your sister that you’ll only be there for a little while. Stay away from your mother.

  12. Um. He doesn’t want his photo taken with you, but photos with other girls are fine.

    He doesn’t want sex with you, so when he’s horny he asks for nudes from other women.

    I’m not sure why you won’t break up with him except that you’re afraid to be alone. That’s not a good enough reason to stay. This is your only life. You’re only 21. Stop this.

  13. It affects because her favourite doormat has stopped his servitude and sponsoring if her.

    Stay away from her and if it's something that I have to explain to you you should go to some therapy for that.

  14. I’m so very sorry you lost your friend. Trauma bonding can mask a lot of incompatibility so please go very slow, if you decide to explore these feelings. Don’t self-medicate with each other.

  15. Ahhh, NO! This man has some issues. First off he is a manipulator. He's constantly trying to manipulate you with this constant “women want me” BS. I'm seriously glad you did not accept his marriage proposal after only 4 months. That's ludicrous. It should be years of dating and getting to know a person before a commitment like that.

  16. Where’s the video? Let’s all go comment nice things to cheer her up then since we actually have context.

  17. I don't really know what to tell you except that what he did was unacceptable, and if he can't find a way to get consent from you without ruining the moment, then he shouldn't try anything at all. Asking if someone wants sex from you is IMPORTANT, and he should settle for nothing less than ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT. Not a, “no” and then you enjoying the massage you thought he was giving you because he loves you, and not just as a precursor for sex that you already said no to.

  18. If I've learned anything from this subreddit, adding the concept of an open relationship to an already struggling relationship is a recipe for disaster. Sure, he may remove you from the pedestal but he may still decide he doesnt want to have sex with you for other reasons.

  19. No matter the circumstances. Never pick a person over your dreams. You are not screwing her over. You are not hurting her in anyway but chasing after your passions.

    I would say the same thing to a kid applying to college or take a job opportunity.

    Long distance isn’t for everyone but if it’s meant to be, it will work out, it just might be hard.

  20. Why would you invest your energy in somebody who doesn't want to invest theirs in you? Sounds like she wants to be single to me.

  21. I hope this is a fake post, OP. Cause if not, you’re fiancé is most likely ‘broken’ and not coming back from this. It sounds like he doesn’t view sex the same way as you – you can have set without any emotional attachment and for fun. He most likely does not feel the same – sex is something intimate for two people who care about each other.

    So seeing you with not just one guy but two at the same time, it will break him (even if it is just one guy but for fun). Just because it happened in the past, it does not make a difference. This is fresh to him after having just seen it. And knowing there are many, many more videos.

    I hope he can see past it and I am by no means trying to say anything bad about you here, but I hope for the best for you and him. But I just don’t think he will get over it, at least not for a long time.

  22. Do you have any vehicle? You can offer to pickup or drop off.

    If you do not, going to her after every class and offering to carry her things is an act of service. Getting her food and bringing thst over is an act of service. Fanning her when you're together and feels hard is an act of service.

    Any small gesture towards someone without them asking/prompting you to do it is an act of service. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture, don't overcomplicate your life.

  23. There's nothing you can do to deescalate the situation when someone wakes up and chooses violence. Even if you break down in tears and admit you are at fault, it'll be just another excuse to get mad at you again. Physically removing yourself is the only way to regain peace.

  24. It sounds like he’s really over reacting. You’ve apologised. It was a simple misunderstanding, you haven’t done anything wrong, but you apologised for upsetting him. He really needs to get over this

  25. I’m 26 and people 21 and younger seem so young to me, I can’t imagine dating someone that young!

  26. Well there is this thing called lying. So if two witnesses are telling psyche ward how irrational and out of the norm the wife is, typically they’d isolate the unstable person and then evaluate. 3 days inpatient after such violent extraction kind of points to her not having needed all that. Usually grippy socks vacations last longer than 3 days for valid cases.

  27. You're describing a friendship, not a relationship. You can't have a relationship where the two of you can't talk seriously.


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