ISA online webcams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “ISA online webcams for YOU!

  1. Is your wife in consulting or seeing a therapist… or even a friend she can count on (other than you?). As a mother/wife that has been through miscarriages. There are so many reasons for her being cold. It is a her problem, the eye contact and coldness to you, can be her way of not feeling worthy or complete as a wife/mother. During My grief I pulled away and couldn't look at my husband, everytime I did. I felt like I failed him, that I couldn't even carry his child. Not saying this is what it is. I'm just telling you. Patience, my last miscarriage was November 2021 and I'm just now starting to feel like me again.

  2. She’s not still caught in it. They don’t talk anymore. I said that because it bothers me that he can be incredibly disrespectful and abusive to her and she will still want to be his friend but I’m being treated like this over an unanswered text.

    If she has an issue, it’s her job to respectfully bring up the issue and talk about it. Not send me a passive aggressive message and then shun me afterward. IMO the way she is handling this is way more disrespectful to me than me not answering her text was to her

  3. I hope you aren't planning on having kids, because then even finding 2 hours a week alone will be mostly impossible

  4. Some one needs to work. Who’s going to pay the bills, mortgage, etc? He did say he can cut back some hours and maybe he should, even if the wife threw a fit and whined that that would cause money issues. Better yet, it might be fair enough that she takes on a job too down the road to help supplement the household and time.

  5. I’m not expecting to be left alone 100% of the time, that’s definitely defeating the purpose. I just want 2 or 3 days a week where I can grind out most of the work load for the week until like 8pm or so, and then we can actually spend time together for the rest of the week where we’re not as stressed out. Making up a set schedule would definitely help for that. I definitely don’t want it to be a set expectation, I just need a couple days where I’m able to get a couple extra hours in.

    We’re on opposite schedules right now for a few reason. The first is that I naturally get more work done at night; I’ve always been a night owl. The second is that from 5:30-11:30 it’s naked to get anything done because as I get in the zone, I’m interrupted so I can’t actually get very much done until he goes to bed at 11:30, so I’m staying up late to get work done, getting to bed late, waking up in time for the meetings, and the cycle repeats.

    Using different areas at the school as well as alternating different areas of the house would be a good idea, taking what you said about sitting outside for a bit or taking up some space at the university for a while.


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