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18 thoughts on “Jadeblossom live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'm sorry for being so blunt . Nothing is 100% , but chances are high it happens more than once. And their relationship is clearly weird and lacks boundaries. I'm sorry to tell you, but there's been allot of studies on this kind of thing and they rarely have a good out come such as becoming a fully functional well adjusted adult. Chances are even lower when the trauma isn't dealt with. The worst part is that unless they realize it to get help, you'll never be able to help them. Don't hold it against her, but you don't have to be a part of it. Sooner or later it'll start affecting you as well. You can't help her, but you can make contingency to protect yourself, I recommend you get counseling to help you navigate this situation. I truly wish you the best.

  2. I have brought it up before a couple of times right after he finishes and he hasn’t really made any changes.

    You’re right, perhaps the timing was bad but there’s really not a good time to wait until it’s the weekend and I honestly just wanted to get it off my chest and not let it make me turn into a mean moody rat.

  3. I personally HATE watching movies or TV. And instantly fall asleep when I do. With my boyfriend or not. I'll just pass out. But when I game I can game for literally 20 hours and not get tired. Tv may not be his hobby.

    Find something else to do with him. Maybe set up a date night. Or try to game with him.

  4. This comment made a lot of sense and it hit me right at the chest. But I appreciate this a lot!!!

    At the beginning of our relationship, he told me he'll get a job next month so he can come visit me (we live! in different countries) but 4 months after, there's still no progress for it :/ I'm a very patient person but especially since I'm in love, I can't tell or draw the line when enough is enough.

    We've had several discussions about this and he told me himself that he doesn't wanna lose me and he knows he has to change his ways so we can be together and we can work towards our future together. It just breaks me when I see no progress towards all those promises :///

  5. Good that you’re trying out living together and finding these issues now vs after being married.

    Before you moved in, did she know you hung out with Eli this much? Like is this a surprise to her or did she have some weird “let’s play house” idea that once you live! together, you have to give up all of your hobbies, friends, and interests? Did you guys discuss having guests and such?

    That she’s calling you selfish or just getting her way is not very healthy. I’m sure you realize that. She’s manipulating you and being unreasonable.

    I dunno. Every couple is different.

    Yes, even when you’re paying half or more, when you move into someone else’s place it can be quite an adjustment and feel like the other person gets to call the shots for their territory. And yes, when you live together, there’s an expectation that you’ll spend more than just sleep time together more days a week.

    The fact that she doesn’t really have hobbies or do anything with friends probably should have been a ?for you previously but now it’s very evident that she doesn’t and by golly doesn’t want you to either. To me, that’s a fundamental incompatibility.

    All that said….

    1) I (44F) am not comfortable when my partner informs me last minute that he has company dropping by. Yep, it’s literally his house and he can do as he wishes. But I online here too (and pay larger share of bills as I make more) and at the end of the work day, I’m not always in the mood for company. I want to put on PJs and relax and not worry about how the house looks or feel like I need to play hostess and make food or whatever. That was something we discussed before I moved in because it was common for him to have a buddy or two just drop by whenever. Now he plans for the most part so I have a day of notice. Sometimes that’s not possible and I roll with it. Perhaps planning more in advance would be a compromise? Like have a friend over once a week not multiple times and plan a day in advance at least? And maybe go meet at Eli’s or out somewhere other than the apt?

    2) I think it’s healthy and reasonable for people to maintain their friendships and hobbies and such. I have my stuff. My partner has his. In my ideal world though, I’d spend 5-6 days a week doing my hobby (horses). But I don’t because he’s my partner and we online together. So I go a few days instead of every day so I’m not leaving him home alone every night for hours. So maybe you cut back a little but not altogether? 2 days a week with your buddy seems like enough. ?‍♀️

    3) you asked for ideas about compromise and I’ve given you what I can. But the thing is, it doesn’t sound like she wants yo compromise so much as dictate how you spend your time. And if it’s not to her liking, you’re some how selfish. That’s not cool. But I’ve seen a lot of women do this where they basically try to take over all of their partner’time and dictate who and when they can hang out.

    Talk about it more when there’s nothing actually going on. Try to come to an agreement. But realize that people who are really codependent or possessive likely aren’t going to compromise. They dictate. So it may not be something you two can overcome.

  6. Use the name you want. If you give into your FIL, then in the future he will keep using the threat of cutting off contact to try and get his way with other things.

  7. News flash, gf’s do pay rent, share expenses. However, it does seem like the space is not big enough for both of you, add in cats, definitely not big enough.

    From your comments, this doesn’t seem like it’s working for you. Gf is an adult. She needs to find her own space, and move her stuff there. Don’t drag out something that just isn’t working for you right now. It’s not fair to you or her.

  8. I think that one of the things you very much want for your first time is someone who really, really wants you for your body.

    The important distinction is that you don't want him to want you JUST for your body.

    But actually craving you sexually, is something you want in a partner. Because you want to feel that you can light that fire in him. You want to feel that you, you know, have that power over him. That you are sexy and amazing, you want to feel that you are. In that situation, you want to feel that you are those things.

    The interesting question is more about how he shows interest in your interests. What kind of things you talk about. If you, you know, go out on a stroll and hold hands. And so on.

    Is he respectful? Does he care to meet your family (eventually?)

    Two weeks may be too short of a time to find out for sure that he is decent.

    To me, it sounds like he has good potential. But I can't judge that for sure from this post alone…

  9. These young women don't seem to value themselves and they don't require anything of their men. SMH.

  10. Not to be rude but I hate these kinds of posts. Thats basically like “My bf has been an asshole, what should I do?” Girl, What the hell do you think? He's a piece of shit and he showed you he's a piece of shit by violating you, and being unwilling to change his shitty behavior. Kick his ass to the curb!!

  11. It's your money and they are clearly interfering. Your mom's partner has straight up confessed he wants to take your inheritance so you should stop communicating. Having a trip with your partner to Europe is not unreasonable if you have a budget and he contributes. Buying a house and going to school are both good investments when you are ready. Your grandmother just seems worried and unsure about your partner.

  12. Maybe you just can’t orgasm vaginally.. that’s okay nothing is wrong with that. Some women can’t orgasm vaginally. Not your fault


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