Jazminmoon on-line sex chats for YOU!

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46 thoughts on “Jazminmoon on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. And I never resolved it with my ex husband (married 20 years!) He was content with 2x/year ?Now I’m with a great guy who matches my libido….the OP should not settle. Especially if he’s looking to settle down and have kids, as the child bearing, and early kid-rearing years are naturally less active in this department.

  2. Does she not realize that she also had a personal life before dating you? Even if she doesn’t talk about any past relationships doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.

    I don’t think what she’s asking is exactly fair. However, looking back, did you bring up your past relationship a lot? Like once a day or multiple times a week? Perhaps her hearing about it constantly is what set her off.

    Regardless, I think situations will come up plenty of times where you’ll be working through something and you leaning on a past experience and expressing what you learned from it will be helpful for you and relationships moving forward.

    Perhaps you can talk with your GF one more time regarding this. Maybe you can inform her that while you may bring up past experiences that you’ve learned from, you’ll try to refrain from using a specific name. Maybe that will still be helpful.

  3. Paternity tests can solve (most of) this for you. Get your husband on board – if he isn’t the father, he’ll have to prove it in court with paternity tests anyway to avoid child support. Your BIL should be willing to get tested too, to make things 100% clear. If all 4 kids are your husband’s, well, that will sway a lot of the family to your side.

  4. One of my aunts growing up was in an abusive marriage. One of the things he did was refuse to take her to the doctor.

    She died from untreated diabetes in her thirties because of him.

    Please leave this guy. He doesn’t care about you and that’s not going to suddenly change. He’s made it clear he sees nothing wrong with this and didn’t even come to visit you. Honestly he’s a piece of shit, love him or not and you can do SO much better. You’ve got so much time.

  5. Everyone else’s comments are spot on.

    I just want to add, why doesn’t your fiancé’s brother have his own emotional support pet?

    Why doesn’t your fiancé’s brother get his own medication?

    It is 100% unacceptable and 100% not normal that your fiancé’s brother asks for your personal needs and belongings to help with his mental health.

    He is responsible fir his own health and needs. If he needs help, your fiancé can go cat shopping with his brother, or help drive him to the therapist to schedule an appointment.

    After that, he needs to let go of taking responsibility for his brother’s life and happiness and start focusing on starting his life and happiness with you.

    If he doesn’t learn how to let go of his toxic and relationship-damaging codependency with his brother and set real boundaries with him (and learn to respect your boundaries as well) you will continue to be taken advantage of and your boundaries will never be respected. You will never truly be happy.

    On that note, as you have mentioned having PTSD and your own anxiety, you need extra support from a therapist to set firm boundaries with others and not self-sacrifice everything for others, no matter who they are.

    Please choose you and your own happiness. This is your life that you are living. Please don’t give up your happiness to placate a sick brother who refuses to listen to doctors and get real help, just so your partner continues to take care of him forever.

  6. People are different. I’m getting the vibe that she isn’t defensive because she knows she’s the father. And she’s afraid of getting a paternity test because she is afraid of him being at least verbally abusive if she even brings up the subject.

  7. No she still says my tattoos are ugly and I should have them removed. I honestly could care less if she gets a tattoo that makes her happy. This isn’t the hill I’m dying on. I just don’t understand why she wants one now. She has told me in the recent past she hates all tattoos

  8. Except I don’t think OP has actually set any boundaries. She’s stated her displeasure with his behavior, but the word boundary implies that something happens when it’s crossed. Saying, “Mom, if you comment on my weight, I’ll end the conversation immediately” and then following through is really different from just saying, “Mom, I don’t like it when you comment on my weight,” during every conversation.

    OP my advice is to actually set a boundary. “If you continue to private message her I’ll leave. If you continue to prioritize time with her over time with me I’ll leave. If you continue to lie and hide your interactions with her I’ll leave.”

  9. She needs therapy or couplr counceling. If she doesn't agree then that is the end of it.

    You can't force her to be proper partner so if she doesn't want to work on her issues you can only break up with her.

  10. 4 months ago someone had commented that you could stay but this would continue to happen. Well you stayed, and it continues to happen. Surprise surprise. He isn't going to change and you will end up back here in another 4 months.

    I think you already know what you should do.

  11. Is it false? I’m not trying to be an asshole here – I would be genuinely concerned about this in his shoes.

  12. It might be. If you don't have any close friends you'll miss out on a lot important conversations.

    If you enjoy living more on your own it's not a problem at all, but it will impact your social skills and progression whether it's about friends or relationships.

  13. Hey um this was assault.

    I'm so sorry this happened to you. You did not consent.

    He needs to figure out what's going on with him and get some help, but he should not be intimate if he can't control himself and he needs to give you space like others have said.

  14. OP you might not realize that the problem is your boyfriend. People feel different ways all the time and we cannot control their feelings or actions. But if your grown, 32 year old man partner is not shutting this down and telling her immediately that it was inappropriate and cutting her out of his life, he is saying to you 1. he doesn't mind that she feels this way 2. the blatant disrespect that she has shown towards you and his relationship is fine 3. he is not protecting your relationship 4. he doesn't mind what boundaries are crossed. You deserve more and you don't need to tiptoe around it or feel bad for questioning his line of thinking and motives. His reaction and way of going about things is super suspicious. It seems as if he enjoys the attention.

  15. oh honey, oh no. you need a lawyer and a therapist. you are not her piggy bank or her emotinally support animal. you need a divorce and to find someone that values you as a partner

  16. This. If he’s not open to the flirting, he should shut it down. If he is open to other women flirting with him—that’s a different conversation.

  17. I'm with you, it's an odd and very aggressive thing to say before you've even met someone. The fact that the topic of marriage came up (barely) doesn't alleviate the weirdness, if anything it exacerbates it.

    I'd be having second thoughts about the date, personally. It sounds like he's still angry about his divorce and it's going to color his interactions with everyone until he deals with it. You don't want to start a brand new relationship and have him already dropping some baggage on you.

  18. Have you talked to her about this? Just tell her to stop or don't be in a relationship with someone who is mean to you.

  19. I’ve expressed how I feel about receiving small gifts many times in the past which is why I start feeling like I’m nagging. I can’t help but feel like he doesn’t care about my love language

  20. He’s your first boyfriend, so you haven’t experienced this before. But OP, gently, almost all of us have been there, and not many potential partners are going to be okay with you oversharing. Sometimes it’s a big one and you do need your friends or your mom, but you can’t share everything about your relationship with anyone but a therapist and your partner and expect them to be okay with that.

  21. I'm sorry but you are absolutely being immature. He's realizing that you can't 100% say you'd get an abortion (ok, fine) but that he 100% doesn't want a kid right now (also fine) and since BC isn't 100% effective (very true) he'd rather double up with condoms too. Your reaction to this very mature and smart decision is to say “well if you're using condoms I'm going off BC” even though condoms also aren't 100% effective… Just because you suddenly worry he might be thinking about cheating? Grow up or stop having sex.

  22. Sounds like he’s finally exercising good judgment. Unprotected sex is not some symbol of undying love & pure trust. It’s risky gambling. He’s growing up & using better judgment. You should, too.

  23. If you are OK with him watching porn I don't see why this is an issue. The content he is watching is still geared to being provocative and being porn.

    It's still an outlet for his sexual desires. As long as he isn't watching anything illegal I think you are the one being weird

  24. She needs more therapy. And that’s coming from someone who is in a very similar situation to your girlfriend and has decided it’s finally time to go to therapy to get my self-image in order. It’s really difficult tbh, especially when you’re constantly bombarded with judgement, but as an adult you need to face the mistakes and regret of the past and find inside yourself to let it go and forgive yourself (not saying I’ve done this; hence the upcoming therapy).

  25. Should she block literally every single guy on Twitter? You say “everyone” likes your tweets but it’s likely your friends. Do you have any women friends who like your tweets? Do you follow any women on Twitter?

    You can’t just expect you’re girlfriend to completely cut out anybody who might be a male at any possible place in her life. At that point let her date people that aren’t gonna trust her to even have mutuals on Twitter for god’s sake.

    Should she have said she’d get rid of him and done nothing? I guess not, but like, dude it’s a Twitter mutual. If you’re this instructing and insecure genuinely you shouldn’t be in a relationship. I was reading this thinking you were 17 and made a typo.

  26. This is a him problem, not a you problem. Extricate yourself from the relationship and wish him well. If you don't. He will take you down with him.

    You are 19, you need to realize that when people show you who they really are, you better believe them.

  27. There is such a huge bundle of issues here. OP has problems standing up for himself. OP's wife is controlling. And instead of confronting this problem head-on, OP has created a situation that triggers their respective issues.

  28. Dude…you're upset and hope she doesn't leave and she was the one that cheated for like ever? Have some self respect. This chick is listening to talk in her ear from family, which will continue, her sister found her a mate, which will happen again. This is over, focus on yourself and your kids. Your wife and her entire family need to take a leap. You are worth more than how you're being valued.

  29. He only has sex with people he’s in love with. So I’m the third girl he’s dated and had sex with. Whereas I believe sex can just be for fun, so I’ve had sex with 7 people (him included). That’s always been something we disagreed on. I’m also the first girl he’s dated that wasn’t a virgin which hurts his feelings because of the retroactive jealousy

  30. Just out of curiosity, what are you doing for him? This whole thing comes off as what he did for you and what you want him to do for you. I keep reading me me me, what are you doing for him to make him WANT to put in all this extra work for you?

  31. Well, I’d kind of hope more kids aren’t in the picture given his age. But that aside….

    What exactly do you want him to do? Have you asked?

    I (44F) think it’s healthy to have your own hobbies, interests, friends, volunteer work, etc outside of the relationship.

    My partner is more of a home body. He comes home from work before I’m done for the day (I WFH) and then I make dinner and I’m off to do my hobby or volunteer work several nights per week.

    Of course, your partner could be doing more around the house it seems….have you addressed that?

    I dunno. To me, being in a league like that or something doesn’t seem odd.

    Do you have any hobbies or friends?

  32. I thought about it more, and it seems the case yhay you're looking to keep connections with the ex because you have romantic feelings for him. The dog and jewelry that you can't bring yourself to be rid of or big tells.

  33. Potentially! I considered that but it; didn't seem sustainable for him to keep that to himself if we're dating?

  34. this right here is fact. When he breaks up with her, the coworker is no longer going be interested in her and she going realize that her cheating wasn’t worth it and going beg to take her back.


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