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21 thoughts on “Jenn the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. The fact that he has to ask you for money is concerning. My wife is a SAHM. She is an authorized user on my credit cards and has access to a joint account. She would definitely ask about lending money out, but it’s weird that you make him ask you for ANY money he wants to spend

  2. My neighbor with 3 kids kicked her husband out for drunk pissing and shitting in the house while drunk. You’re not even married to the man and you’re trying to fix him? Girl. Not your job. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.

  3. $150k with 4 kids is not “well off.” Little kids have little problems – big kids have big problems. Someday they'll be asking for cars, tuition, help with their own apartments, down payments for houses, etc. You need to be saving for when your kids aren't impressed with finger paints anymore.

    That being said, I don't understand your financial arrangement. He makes some money off his art, which he seems to have been free to give his sister until this point. You seem to have a precedent that your money takes care of the family, and his money is for himself/his sister.

    He is allowed to work if he wants to work. He isn't your slave, he isn't beholden to you and your decisions. You need to sit down as a couple and discuss finances and childcare – basically, what it would take for him to go back to work. But you don't get to tell him that he has to stay at home if he doesn't want to.

  4. People have weird ideas about touching pregnant women. My first pregnancy, a woman (neighbor) I didn't know much but to the extent I did I didn't like (her son sat in the door of her apartment firing a BB gun)… came right up and hugged me, acting like we were old friends. Others would pat the baby bump without permission or ask intrustive questions – people I barely knew and didn't like.

    Since this is someone you'll continue to see, continue telling him you don't want hugs. Eventually he'll believe it, especially if you have a cross and stern expression on your face. You can even hold up you hand in a “stop!” gesture when he's close to you.

    If he wants to play the victim, let him.

  5. I think it's important to realize that everyone responds to situations differently, and your boyfriend couldn't have known exactly what you were experiencing. Surely, if you asked him to help you he would have. It's important to communicate in a relationship.

    I think you should try to discuss the situation with your boyfriend and how you feel. That way he will know for next time. “Boyfriend, if I'm in a situation like that in the future, it would mean a lot to me if you called to see how I was doing. I felt alone and I could really have used your support.”

    If you are otherwise happy with you boyfriend, I think it's a problem that can be solved with a discussion.

  6. Spoken to her mum and dad and she's said nothing to them, which is again odd behaviour because she is very close with her mum

  7. Next time you're having sex, whip it out & ask him if he's ready. Tell him to try ot first & if he likes it, you'll try it too.

    Let my husband gift me an anal dildo for Xmas & see what happens to him SMH

  8. Just trying to make sense of it like “is there something wrong with me?, something i need to know?”, and it got serious. Which i believe it should. The shift is not an issue to me, because i can deal with all this as long as i have some closure on this. As of now she's unable to give it.

  9. It’s just an endless cycle, I don’t know how to get it to stop.

    Yes, you do. It's right here in your post.

    “I'm going to leave”

    The problem is you have to actually do it instead of just saying it over and over.

  10. A 24 year old who is living with his parents should not take 4 years to pay back 4k. I think his addiction is a lot worse than he's implying.

  11. That's not really a question for Reddit. Only you can really answer that.

    However, if you want your relationship to work, it's going to take a great deal of work on both sides. Counseling for him to help him move passed the addiction. Counseling for you to help you move passed the betrayal. Annnd counseling for you both as a couple to help you communicate and trust again.

    I'm sorry this happened to you OP. You definitely deserve better. Maybe he can be the one to provide that better life but it's up you!

  12. Cool, then you don't have to do “husband” like things either until marriage.

    Don't provide, don't pay for stuff until marriage. Win-win

  13. No, I never hit on men for free drinks. I can and do buy my own. I never show up to my house wasted, either. I’m very careful about how much I drink. I’m not a 21 year old girl who just started hitting the club and has no idea what she’s doing and getting black out drunk. It’s always about the music, dancing and being with my friends, for me. He doesn’t have to take care of me when I come home. I’m a grown woman and can take care of myself. I do have low energy the next day because I’m tired but I make effort to still do activities with him regardless. My friends are not interested in me being their wingwoman. I think that’s something that straight people usually do. (All of my friends are gay) My boyfriend and I don’t plan to have children because we don’t want them but are also unable to have any due to infertility. I don’t see the problem in people going out to party when they’re older. A lot of my buddies are 30 or 40+ years old and they still go out. Old age shouldn’t stop you from doing what makes you happy or what you find fun. I’ve seen couples in their 50’s or 60’s smoking weed at rock concerts. They were living their best lives. No need to judge them for it.

  14. He will never stop! You know why? Because he went through something in the past that won't allow him to move on mentally.

    I've been in situations like this and trust me. He has major trust issues. And you will only waste your time trying to change him. Six months from now, you will hate yourself even more for putting up with it. This guy sounds super insecure.. This relationship is a waste of time. Find yourself someone who won't make you feel weird and anxious to be around…

    Our bodies don't lie! You are feeling weird for a reason and it's your body's way of telling youz this is not for you.

  15. OK, you love her and want to marry her, just not soon. Let's examine your hesitancy.

    “I am not making enough money” is an objection best addressed by financial planning, which I suggest that you do right now. You cannot forever take refuge in vagueness on this point.

    “I am too young” isn't about the number of candles on a birthday cake. Its a social construct about what a young adult is expected to achieve before they marry. You've covered only income, and the cost of a ring. What else? Education? Military service? Career status? Career-related Licensure or Certification? Savings? Credit score? Car ownership? Home ownership? Mastery of domestic skills?

    Or does it have to do with things that a single man can do that a married man with children cannot. Hiking Everest? Sailing the Seven Seas? Finding the Holy Grail? You mention only that she is your very first GF. Are we discussing what some quaintly call “sowing your wild oats?”

    I hope it is something I mentioned, cuz maybe it'll help close the gap. If not, you two have such widely different timetables that I think you must decide now whether to fish or cut bait. On the matter of whether you're “stringing her along,” it's not that you're deceiving anyone, it's that she feels she can wait no longer, and you must take care not to offer false hope. If you are pretty sure that you won't be ready in 2 years, then set her free now!

  16. Emphasise the worry about the potential of medical conditions and also that you know its not because he's just a minging unwashed dirtbucket as you see him shower every day, change his clothes etc

  17. I would t bother. You’re never going to get the closure you want. He’ll just make excuses like she told him you guys were on a break. He won’t own it because he’s a douche.

    I’d just block and remove him from your life. Let him work out what he did wrong.

  18. It is reasonable, now it's up to her to decide what she wants but you might to move out if she she doesn't want.


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