Jenna-Neill live! sex chats for YOU!

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17 thoughts on “Jenna-Neill live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Just an FYI, on this sub that means.

    I won't be engaging with anyone on the sub or providing any further clarification

  2. It's her responsibility to pay for gas to get to her job. She's welcome to get a different job where she works from home or to find another job closer.

  3. Hello /u/LykkeligBestemor,

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  4. That’s sexual btw. A no doesn’t have to be verbal, two he didn’t respect your boundaries or ask for your consent. Please report him to the authorities and leave his creepy ass.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Been together for 2.5 years, this started within the last year or so.

    Two different arguments, first time was the wrists, second time was the face. He also gets super angry when he plays MW2 (MMP FPS), and he’ll slam his fists on his desk and swear and yell then rage quit.

    He also pushes my buttons by slapping the top of my head repeatedly or my leg. Other times he got upset while drunk driving (picked me up while I was drunk, found out he was drunk when I got in) he swerved the vehicle almost hitting a parked car and purposely drove that way to scare me but didn’t think it would scare me to the point of crying.

    Anyways, should I have a reason to be afraid?

    I want to talk to him about it, but I also know deep down he has a lot of anger due to childhood related things.

  6. I’m sorry but he’s just your boyfriend…. Not your husband or fiancé.

    Did he outright LIE? idk. And how long have you been together? Do you online together? Do you have a joint account?

  7. I'm rereading your post. The blow up was bc he said he would only be with you and he only loved you? That means she got upset bc she thought they were going to be together and he had feelings for her. What sounds like a boon for your relationship actually only proves the relationship he was having with her, and it was def romantic.

  8. I thought about this a little more. I'll offer a possible explanation, as my background is very similar to your BF. The Asian way of approaching a career is to pick a very prestigious area of work, focus on getting the necessary degrees in the field (whilst not being distracted by things like work), and then applying to the best companies in the field.

    Maybe your BF doesn't think your approach to study is focused enough, or that your company is good enough.

  9. It’s not cheating in any way. You separated and online separately. You’re not almost separated you are fully separated. I do hope you both work things out but for now you need to get out of your head that she is “cheating” with or with out quotation marks

  10. I thought I (we) were happy until October ther night I found him at some other woman’s house. Before we could even try to figure a thing about our relationship out his father fell …found out he had stage 4 everywhere and died 48 days later . No time to think about our marriage…..COMPLICATED!

  11. Literally came here to say this.

    I know it can be a pain, but change your phone number if you can too.

  12. I've seen all those lume ads that swear to get rid of body odor and you can use it anywhere. I got some to use while I was breastfeeding because my body odor smelled like what I can only compare to Indian food- which, let me add, is my favorite cuisine; but it was strange smelling like food I wasn't currently eating. The lume helped for a few months but then it was almost like it stopped helping.

    Has this been an issue since you've known your wife or is it a new issue? Have you talked to your wife about it? If so, what has she said? If you haven't talked to her, you should. If a scent coming from anywhere on my body was so bad that it was hurting my marriage, I would do whatever I could to fix the issue. I think if you kindly and delicately addressed the issue, she would do something about it. You never know, it could be a medical issue, or it could be the socks/shoes that she's required to wear for work. She might not even be aware of the odor. ?‍♀️

    Some other ideas: • You could also try purchasing some foot/shoe powder and sprinkle it in her shoes for her when she gets home. • Get an essential oil diffuser. I swear I'm not trying to promote an MLM because of the obvious reasons but my sister used to sell oils for Young Living and so I have their “Thieves” essential oil. I don't know if there is a similar off brand, but I highly recommend that scent because it eliminates stinky odors in my home (dirty diapers, a clementine that had rolled under a large antique desk and started rotting ?, etc…) • Treat her to a pedicure.

  13. Well, in this situation, she isn't bringing as much money as he is… So, why should she be entitled to his?

  14. Furious over a cake. Just let that sink in. A birthday cake for a friend. Someone you like as well. It's a pretty irrational feeling. This isn't anything she's done wrong so no you shouldn't be confronting her or making her feel bad about wanting to make a cake for a friend. You do however need to figure out why it makes you so furious and insecure in your relationship. I've made brownies for my husband's friend (now my friend as well) who is a guy. My husband didn't even blink an eye but was happy because…he'd get some of those brownies, too. People can and do make treats for their friends both male and female without it meaning anything shady.

    I'd also be thinking what kind of person do you want to be with and what kind of person do you want to be. Do you want to be with someone who doesn't do nice things for their friends to make their day better? Or with someone who is kind and thoughtful and treating a mutual friend nicely? Why can't you join in and offer to help bake the cake and give it to him together?


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