JessRayy live sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “JessRayy live sex chats for YOU!

  1. You sound awful, and this is NOT real polygamy. This is the kind of polygamy that makes people think it’s all about cheating. Polygamy is consensual and open, not sneaking around hiding shit from your monogamous partner.

  2. You need to separate. In fact you should of when you realised she wants marriage and you knew she wasn’t the one for you.

  3. Yo I cry all the time, if you are healthily expressing your emotions to someone you trust, not being over dramatic, etc. it’s fine.

  4. I suppose you’re right about that, I’m just trying naked to side with my wife here, she needs my support more than ever. It seems your opinion is on the majority so now I just need to know how I can approach my wife about it in a non-hostile way.

    When I told my wife she was being a bit rude it led to an argument so I had started second guessing myself and came here to figure out what to tell my mom but it seems I need to talk to my wife about her actions too.

  5. You should talk to her and tell her how you feel. I mean, your fears are valid. If she has as difficult time as with first pregnancy, I can see you being worried that it would end your marriage. 9 months of verbal and mental abuse, even if caused by hormones, would do a number on a person.

  6. Birth control does affect moods and sex drive. In regards to clubbing with friends, that's more likely to do with her age. It's completely normal at that age to want to go clubbing or partying. She probably just wants to have a good time. Now choosing friends over you. have you ever asked to join her when she goes clubbing? Do you offer any activities you can do together or when you want to hang with her is it more Netflix and chill kind of thing? I only ask because maybe she is bored staying in. I don't know, so maybe ask in a non confrontational way, if she is still invested in the relationship and how you can get her to spend time with you more.

  7. Do you trust your boyfriend to turn her down? If so, then there’s nothing to worry about. If not, why are you with someone you don’t trust?

  8. I think OP and his gf are in different places in life. OP is still in “take it easy mode” and his gf is in “my clocks ticking” mode. OP has the right to do things at his own pace. But his gf also has the right to want to be with someone more responsible and adult. (Not that ur not an “adult” legally but I mean like “adulting” adult paying ur own bills and such)

  9. Listen. 6 months isnt long enough to skip a dinner for someone let alone a month long european vacation

    Go. Have fun. If he breaks up with you over this he was just gonna break up with you over something equally ridiculous in another 6 months anyway

    Literally youre 19. Do as much dumb wild fun silly once in a lifetime shit as you can now so that its mostly out of your system (or at least well leashed lol) when youre 29

  10. He's 45 years old. If you can't be honest with him about a simple household hygiene issue without him getting upset, your relationship has a lot more issues than a “musty” house.

  11. You are a booty call. Shut this down. You can be included in dinner. People go on dates after 20 years being together.

  12. That's his boundary and if you're not compatible with it, then you're not compatible with the relationship. You either respect his boundary or force him past it and he will resent you.

  13. You should stand your ground and break up with her like you said you would.

    If you break your own word, it gives her more reason to cross your boundaries.


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