JUANNA-LOVEE online sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “JUANNA-LOVEE online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I briefly had a bf like that.

    One time he slapped his hand down so naked on my thought you could see his hand print, I said wtf did you do that for and he was laughing saying it didn't hurt and that he plays very hot so it's to be expected

    I left him cos he behaved like a twat and told him it was to be expected

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  3. Your poor sister. Hopefully he will leave her soon so she can find someone who loves her for her and not just her body.

  4. We’ve been on/off in the past with 3 break ups. 1 month, 6 months (this is the time period I talked with Jay), and 3 months since getting together in 2019 originally. The most recent being in January of 2021. We just say we’ve been together for 4 years instead of breaking it down.

  5. She is abusive. Super abusive. And it will happen again.

    Has she actually started therapy or was that just a thing she said because she was scared to lose you?

    That said, you don’t have to stay with her even if she starts trying. Even if she has nowhere to go. That’s on her to figure out, and she’s had years to seek help for her anger issues and hasn’t.

  6. He is doing the absolute best thing for both of you, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. If children are important to you, you should be with someone who shares that goal. If you are child free and would only have a kid to save a relationship, you should NEVER be a parent, and should not out an innocent child in the middle of things with a parent who might resent and dislike them even though it's their own decision which created them.

    I'm sorry- I know this hurts. Just be glad he's being respectful of your decision, upfront and honest, and did this before you were married and had a whole lot harder time separating.

  7. Break up, if she did this while you were away without talking about her concerns, she will do it again. Trust me it seem like you asre wasting the 2 years you soent with her, but it will look a lot better than when she does it again and it is not 2 but 5 or 7 years.

    She is not trustworthy and she didn't come clean at all, she is for the streets.

  8. TELL YOUR FIANCÉ TODAY via zoom/FaceTime/Video Call, and give her time to process this news.

    Shes need to know if she’ll want to continue the wedding or call it off for now.

  9. Don't be staying with someone who you don't know what the relationship is about. Don't meet his family until you know this.

  10. No, one isn't. I don't know about the other as I don't really care that much about other people's business. My point being: if your SO says “that mean the same to me” either you believe them and settle tf down, or you break up with the person you claim is lying. Why would you date someone who you're not trusting? Have some self respect. (Before you ignore my point to claim “I TRUST MY PARTNER”, that was a rhetorical question)

  11. Or you know she could work or take out loans to co tribute while getting her Master’s. Very few people can afford to not work while getting an advanced degree.

  12. Hey. Internet mom here. He could not be clearer. He doesn’t want this relationship. If you try to get him back, it’s just going to cause you pain. He doesn’t have to have what you consider to be a valid reason to break up. He’s not ready for a serious relationship. Move on. I’m really sorry.

  13. Hey. Internet mom here. He could not be clearer. He doesn’t want this relationship. If you try to get him back, it’s just going to cause you pain. He doesn’t have to have what you consider to be a valid reason to break up. He’s not ready for a serious relationship. Move on. I’m really sorry.

  14. If you don't trust him, why? There must be a reason you don't trust him, whether that's internal or external, and maybe a reason he doesn't want anyone snooping whether that has to do with you or not at all….I'd explore that question here myself…

  15. It would absolutely be a dealbreaker for me. Not every young man talks like this. Especially not by text if they have a brain because in todays world, it could come back years from now if they become successful and cost them everything. It’s disrespectful to you and to every woman they objectified. Of course we find other people attractive but this isn’t that.

  16. She definitely changed her mind and was showing me barely any interest. The whole experience honestly made me feel like I was 'too much' and undeserving of a relationship or love. It really hurt me.

    Tbh, it's been 3 years since I've had a serious relationship or got to this stage with anybody. Since my last relationship 3 years ago, I've built a really good circle of friends who fulfil most of my needs, a promising career and have gone to therapy to become (mostly) stable. I really hope I can find somebody who has a similar sense of humor that I'm attracted to in the future. Thank you internet stranger

  17. So your relationship is based on her lying to u and being comfortable enough to go as far as brag about it to u…. yea… thats a naked pass…. what else is she lying about or WILL she lie about in the future… “I swear im not fucking my coworker, i promise.”


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