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40 thoughts on “Julia Davis on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. It doesn't matter, there is absolutely no way to prevent cigarette smoke stench from entering a house you online in if you smoke.

    No, you do not do a good job of masking it. Smoking weakens your sense of smell and the brain also gets tired of the same stimulus and filters it out.

  2. Don't listen to all of these people telling you that you're too old, or you need to find someone in a similar stage in life. Y'all have only been dating for three weeks, so just have fun and let the cards fall as they may. She likes you, and you like her. It's not complicated.

  3. Who cares about what he wants at this point? What do you want? Do you want to be with someone who only wants to be with you once they realize you would actually walk away? He didn't care about how unhappy you were or how incompatible you both were. You still have time to find someone who legitimately wants the same things as you and just isn't saying so because they're afraid of being alone. Take some time and go no contact. Figure out what's best for you without his influence.

  4. I wish I had a better way to contact his wife. I'm not sure when or even if she will see the Facebook message request.

  5. because i felt like i was bothering him in a way that he didn’t wanna talk to me. i’ve never been in a “relationship” so i really don’t know what to do

  6. I get why you want OP to express this but honestly entering into any kind of discussion, questions, etc is adding petrol to a fire with bullies like George.

  7. This phrasing alone is the gigantic red flag you are proudly waving around.

    No story is actually that long, no reason to tell someone “I have a secret but I won't tell you” is a valid reason.

    Seems like you wanted attention. You got it.

    What next?

  8. She is, yeah, but this has been a recurring tension even before.. so while you’re right – there’s a special circumstance now – I have a naked time not associating it with before. Not saying I’m justified, just how I instinctively see it

  9. In my experience, if you behave in a reasonable way or set a reasonable boundary and someone starts flinging words around like “narcissist”, “sociopath”, “manipulative”, “controlling”, etc then they are actually projecting and thus, describing themselves

  10. I have told him that he WILL be involved in the decisions I make. He’s resistant to that but I’m going to be persistent in my efforts to include him.

    He’s a totally reasonable person and would not at all begrudge me making this decision for myself but I still fear the emotional impact it’s going to have on him.

    It must be so naked for him to watch me progress whilst he is left behind. No matter how proud and supportive of me he is.

    I had support to make good decisions in my youth – was given the space to work very hot and never taken advantage of by my parents (for rent or expenses or anything). Whereas he was ridiculed for his ambition and worked in a factory to help his mum with the morgage. His only escape was to go to university which has set his finances back further.

    He struggles a lot with feeling like he’s behind his peers, even though he’s really mature and responsible and life is not a race! We don’t want kids so there’s no rush to meet any conventional milestones. I don’t know how to make him feel ok with “falling behind” whilst in the same breath I’m racing ahead without him.

  11. Who’s more important? You’re boyfriend or you’re friend who tried to wreck your relationship for his own ends?

  12. Everyone else is on the “report them” train and while I am too, here's other advice

    Document document DOCUMENT. Every interaction that's uncomfortable, every time they stalk you, every text, write it down in a journal. Who, what, where and when.

    Do not be nice. Guys like that get away with crap because women are expected to be nice, polite and not cause trouble. Call them out every time. Firmly tell them you are not interested, this is not appropriate and should this continue, you will be reporting them. And don't worry about getting in trouble. If you get called to HR, it is the opportunity to let them know you are harassed and the workplace is unsafe for you, you are only trying to protect yourself against men who see you as a conquest rather than a colleague.

    Find others who will back you up. Are there people who witnessed this behavior? What about the man who tipped you off? Try to get witness statements to make your case stronger.

    Talk to an attorney. You dont have to do anything right away but at least discuss the issue with them and get an idea what to expect from your situation.

  13. Never ever think like that. It isn't your fault.

    In actuality, I find it quite arrogant of you to try and accept fault like that!

    You are innocent!

  14. At what point would you stop eating a delicious cake riddled with rat poison?

    I totally understand that you love this person and believe that you can somehow hold onto the good stuff by being an absolute pushover re: cheating.

    Problem is you haven't resolved anything re: that cheating and I don't see how this person can possibly on any planet conceive how its OK to still be texting this person an hiding it. It's obvious they aren't a trustworthy person and here's the thing…

    Sooner or later that cheating and lack of trust will destroy the love and good things you think you have in this relationship just as completely as actually ending the relationship and you will feel like more the fool.

    You're already embarrassed to consider marrying this person and even being in public with them, how much lower do you want to drag yourself.

  15. You’re trying to deceive people by making your post purposely vague. Edit your post and include the real details so people can have a fair opinion. Right now you’re trying to cast her in a bad light but when all the info is there, it’s actually you whose cast in a bad light. Clearly you’re manipulative, you’re manipulative to her, you’re manipulative to all of us, and clearly untrustworthy since you’re on here being deceitful. No wonder she doesn’t want to send you naked pics. This really tells us all we need to know.

  16. NineTEEN?! Fuck no.

    Twenty? Absolutely.

    What a weird way to consider things. Like, if she’s 20 in a week, does that change your entire perspective?

    The irony here is you sound quite immature yourself.

  17. You don't deserve any hate, you just made some poor decisions from your lack of life experience. The guy you picked doesn't sound like a particularly good guy but also ultimately nothing terrible considering that you agreed to a non-emotional relationship with him.

    If you're looking for BF, don't ever go down the FWB route again. FWB relationships are also always risky because regular sex can generate a lot of bonding hormones, make you feel feelings for someone regardless of their suitability towards you.

    Everything for the other guy was just about sex. He didn't particularly respect you, he was just using you for sex (and lets face it, that's also what you signed up for with him at the start). Threesomes are a common fantasy amongst guys, he just revealed the fantasy in case you were up for it.

  18. I say no to leaving the dog, your boyfriend has a long time to grieve, but your dog is not your replacing his. You don't stop your life from moving forward because someone else wants you to cease, right?

  19. I'm not trying to justify what I said and I know how shitty it was. I don't understand why you think I'm trying to justify my actions.

  20. if you have an open relationship that you both agreed to, it’s not really appropriate to refer to your fiance’s partner as “that bitch.” if he’s crossing established boundaries you both agreed to when you opened the relationship, then that’s the problem here. it doesn’t sound like the woman in questions has done anything wrong since the person “wooing” her is in a non-monogamous relationship (also it’s not even clear in the post if she returns his affections) so it seems really malicious and petty to call her a bitch. if you’re too insecure to be in an open relationship then that’s fine, but you shouldnt be in a non-monogamous relationship at all. It sounds like your fiance is right that you should reconsider getting married

  21. You could support him by saying to him he's smart enough to take his talent somewhere where it can be appericated more.

  22. You're so welcome. It's been a lot of years but I still remember what it felt like, and my heart hurts for you that you're feeling that now. I really, GENUINELY wanted you to know that it will pass, and sooner than you think, and that you will be glad you're rid of all of them. There are better things and people waiting out there for you!!

  23. Not worth repairing dude.

    Let her go.

    If she is obsessing over you liking your friends posts, you're in for one hell of a jealous insecure relationship.

    On the flip side, if these posts happened to be 'thirsty' in nature… well have some self-awareness and don't do that next relationship.

    Either way… any relationship where your partner is monitor your likes, not a relationship you want to be in.

  24. I’m going to actually answer once and for all. There are hundreds of posts from the past couple of years from r/twoxchromosome bemoaning the fact that long terms friends will turn around and profess feelings, making it difficult to hold any friend relationship with a guy. I’d say with your interaction with your friend, she already set the terms, the ball is in her court. If she wants more, she’ll let you know. If not, stay friends. I mean, if you like her, this shouldn’t be naked.

  25. sorry, but both of you are very immature..

    your boyfriend did alot of mistakes in the past, but he promised to you he will change and he actually did.

    You gave him a second chance and cheated yourself (lol?). You need to learn to give your words a meaning. In future, please be a better example if someone did something wrong.

    You both now have a lot of trust insecurities. I dont think it will work. But you can try and i hope you both have grown from all this and left that mess behind.

  26. Reminds me of a good friend I had since elementary school. I never saw any signs that he was gay. We would drink almost every weekend like best buds just drinking in the car after work listening to music and talking shit.

    I always talked about my relationship problems I was having with my girlfriends, but he never talked about any himself. But in high school I remember he banged a chick and they made fun of him for having a shrimp, so I just thought he was shy with the ladies. He frequented the titty bars alot tho.

    Anyways one Friday evening we're chilling sipping beer and he said something along the lines of “you should give me some dick”. It broke my heart to hear him say that. This was someone I looked at as a brother and he didn't see me how I saw him. It changed everything and in that moment I walked away and blocked him.

    Couple months later a voicemail pops up on my phone and it was from him, he soundedlike he was drinking and he was sad. this dude had a whole secret crush on me. This reinforced my response of blocking him even more. I felt betrayed, Idc if hes gay but he lied to me bro. He had a whole hidden agenda of trying to get me to join him. He's lucky I respected him enough to just walk away and not kick his ass.


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