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20 thoughts on “Katashi the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. That’s the really hard part I guess. I’ve always known since the first mistake he made with me that I can’t expect him to somehow magically change. I think even if he moved on, 10 years from now he won’t. It just sucks that I feel like I took so much damage from it, and he gets to go on and be somewhat unaffected. Part of life I suppose.

  2. Wow. Your relationship is doomed.

    Why didn't you sleep with other women before you got married? No matter what others say, you are still going to do it anyway, isn't it?

  3. She's actually pretty fed up. We are working with a therapist right now because of this.

    She gives a lot of feedback and is usually quite careful. Sometimes it really a stacks up and then I snap and then we spiral down. She gets less careful and I get more indignant. we both wind up exhausted and tired.

    I know she has a need to communicate with someone who can just listen and apparently I can't find a way to be that person. I'm not looking to put this on her, I'm looking for a way to take responsibility.

    Everyone has told me to step back and not take it personally but I keep tripping up.

  4. Okay and what’s your point? All of you in these comments just want to be right so bad, I showed ways in which he’s committed and now it’s not enough ? Reddit is so stupid all y’all care about is being RIGHT not helping or actually saying something beneficial.

  5. Not really sure what you mean by your second sentence?

    And it doesn’t feel powerful, it feels fucking awful. I feel guilty every time it’s happened which I guess for the record and the whole “playing at this for awhile,” is twice. I want to be able to be with someone while also being there for them in every way I can. It’s hard to explain the emotion as anything other than panic.

    No idea where you got the idea I want to be virtuous from. I’m on a relationship subreddit asking about how to have sex with people.

    Also that’s why I’m trying to get advice because I don’t want to bring this any further. I wanna bone. I don’t want to feel stunted by emotions.

  6. u/AliHarris8, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  7. You should breakup with him at a minimum. If we’re being real though isn’t that considered rape?? This guy tried to intentionally impregnate you without your consent. This is an awful thing that he did.

  8. Sadly, I agree w this. Why following any spicy girls on IG? gfs know based on the kind of content they post why their man would want to follow. The biggest flag is this isn't the first time, it's a pattern now. I know it's complicated but you can be separate while sharing a living space. Prep yourself to leave the first chance you get, and don't ever forget you are not this man's #1 so even if you have to on-line together for another 11 months, he's not worth getting back together with. Be strong. Good luck.

  9. You’re boyfriend lives sober. He’s not going to be impaired. So I’m not sure how going to a rave is different than going to the grocery store. Do you trust him going to the grocery store? Maybe you’re worried because people around him will be impaired and your boyfriend will take advantage of that. If that’s the case then you shouldn’t be worried that he will cheat on you, you should be worried that he’s a rapist. General rule: rapists make horrible boyfriends – horrible people actually.

  10. Yes, it would. All these posts about people trying to control what their partner is doing for fear their partner is going to cheat make me laugh because if their partner wants to cheat, they will regardless of the level of policing.

  11. To be fair, if he can pay for his own meals and will do so… who cares? If he wants to eat out every meal and can afford to do so, that's his business.

    If he's asking/telling OP to do all this for him that's one thing, but if she's doing it without even being asked that's entirely on her.

    It's far too common for someone to get with someone else and then be pissed off that other person is the person they have always been. “You were supposed to change once I, the main character, arrived on scene!”

  12. “What is the excuse” is an awful way to approach this.

    Is she in hormonal birth control? It can wreck libido. It can also cause fatigue as well as the other symptoms you’ve mentioned.

    It’s possible you’re just not compatible, but it could be as simple as her medication side effects.

  13. Research is showing that the core of Narcissistic style personalities [I am keeping this loose] is actually generally insecurity, not vanity or excessive pride. The latter are just coping mechanisms common to the disorder. Many are actually excessively self critical and prone to framing themselves as failures in order to force people to console and coddle them.

    Though as it stands be aware that whether it is specifically narcissism or some other disorder that has overlaps doesn't really matter. All those things about him are still true, communication is still impossible. It can be easy to get caught up on trying to find the exact 'term' or 'diagnosis' for why a person you care about is hurting you but really it would never change the outcome: the reality is you need to leave him, because you already know there is no amount of communication that is going to lead to meaningful change currently.

  14. Why is Judas texting Eric to help you out? Why isn’t he texting you? Sounds like he wanted to gossip. And then went to Eric to talk about your dick being small…. Yea he just wanted to gossip about you.

    In any case, the relationships done. She disrespected you. It doesn’t take a Reddit essay to know that she shouldn’t talk about your dick size to her friends. Especially if there’s a problem with your sex lite.


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