Katia-kanoo live! webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Katia-kanoo live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I wish my parents cared about me this much (or at all). Cherish the time you have with your dad. Tell the bf to go fvck himself.

  2. Sounds like the beginning of an abusive relationship. Step 1 isolation, first it's your dad, then it's your best friend next your cousins etc.

    If your pops is a good father ,choose him everytime over the bf.

  3. I guess it might feel weird that they had seen a comment so quickly and asked about it!

    I know my partners account, which started as a trust thing based on things in our past, but nowadays our relationship is stronger and it’s an extremely rare occasion I look at it. More likely it would be because he says he posted something and I go to upvote it ? . I am curious/interested but usually just don’t think about looking.

    He should know my account, but I don’t know if he remembers it and he can ask me anytime. Nothing I post or comment is a secret from him and I wouldn’t mind if he looks or asks about anything.

  4. You need a new therapist. There’s no way that after six years of care you can still have it in your head that you are in the wrong if you have a competent therapist.

    This is abuse. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Abuse.

    You want to pin this all on your sister. She was created by your parents. Yes people have their own personalities but actions like this only occur if they’ve never been stopped.

    I know you want to cut out only your sister but honestly you need to pull away from all three of them for a while. And I’m not talking about a week or a month. Long term until you get a competent therapist and let them know that you’re not going to just roll over and take it like you always have.

    They did not support you. They allowed this woman to assault you and instead of helping you like they would a complete stranger they let it continue. It needs to end.

  5. Hello /u/LostInTranslation107,

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  6. Your friend is upset because you bruised his ego by showing him up for being exactly who he is, someone who stands by and watches pregnant women get assaulted.

    As others have said, trust your gut and step in if you feel it’s safe to do so.

  7. You better leave before you end up in hospital or dead.

    Please read some bdsm guides. This activity is not normal at all. Rough play means you are really observant and considerate of any line being crossed or even approached. If he didn’t notice you crying he isn’t having sex with you – he’s punishing you or he’s using you to masterbate. Neither is ok, both are abusive.

    Strangulation is not “one step up from vanilla”. Spanking maybe depending on the flavour of vanilla (there are still plenty of women who won’t suck a pee pee), but for many it’s a few steps past.

    Your very young and idk how long you have been with him but you need to educate yourself on bdsm if that’s what YOU like. There’s plenty of great safe men who will enjoy that with you – but there are a LOT of abusers masquerading as doms. They ruin lives and are dangerous.

    He can be “disgusted” that you smoked BUT how is something SO important to someone and their gf not know? Surely if it was of that level of importance he would have mentioned it by now. It sounds a lot more like an excuse to increase his level of control over you. I’m sure this is not the first time he has been loud and aggressive with you – it’s just the first time that it led to being sexually punished.

    This sounds a lot like sexual assault. If you are scared – you should be. If you feel dirty or uncomfortable and restless that is a normal reaction to this sort of thing. If your feeling like you need some support perhaps contact a womens line, sexual assault helpline or womens dv resource. Even if you don’t think it’s “rape” they can help with resources to help you make sense of this and move forward to healthy relationshops

  8. People with Asperger's don't get a pass for rudeness. If he won't make a real effort to understand your feelings and be outwardly empathetic, he isn't trying. (I have Asperger's and yes, it is possible to be kind and empathetic anyway.)

  9. Neither. He's never gotten high until he and I moved in together, and then he stopped when I couldn't anymore because of work stuff. He's also never shown any signs of any mental illness or disorder as long as I've known him (well over 6+ years)

  10. So cheated on you and expects you to be ok with it? An open relationship isn't something you can force on someone, both parties have to consent or its cheating. Has she ever tried to work on improving your sex life? Getting it somewhere else shouldn't be the first step in getting your needs met if your in a monogamous marriage.

  11. She's already blown up your marriage. Where there's smoke, there's fire. And it's very likely there's a lot of fire here. Collect more evidence and divorce.

  12. I can’t believe you would be so fucking cruel.

    This cat should never have been adopted by someone who is ALLERGIC. Rehome the poor thing and don’t ever get another pet, you clearly aren’t a good pet owner.

    Good pet owners advocate for the animal that physically cant.

  13. Leave now while you can. It’s never going to get better and he will chip away at you until there’s nothing left.

  14. I hope that you are wrong tho its the same thing i would tell a friend if they were in that position. I ll go talk to him in about two hours and i ll see how it will go anyway. I m feeling hopeless in the thought that i ve became my mother in that way :') but if it is as you re saying know that i have my mind on it im trying to find all the red flags while trying to keep separate whatever good i see in him to understand if its worth anymore of my time, and if it is actually safe for me to be with him however our talk goes. I really want to thank you for spending your time on me in my difficult time.

  15. The truth comes out in layers, she’ll let a bit slide. Next thing she’ll let slip is that they kissed. There is no trust in this relationship. I wish OP the best and hope he gets some clarity from this

  16. This is fully up to you because it has the potential to make things more annoying, but it's not out of the question to reach out to her and just straight up ask if he has a history of doing this and explain that you unfortunately didn't realize this would upset her and have no romantic desires here. That way you know, and you've cleared your own name with her. Tbh I'd do it, because I've been through this before with an older guy and it would have saved me some feelings of betrayal and the embarrassment of getting yelled at by the wife where a few other people were present.

  17. Ok I’m going to be the harsh 40-something woman. He’s using you for your money. Just because you’re making less than he is doesn’t make it less true.

    Start making a plan to leave and figuring out how to extricate yourself from this relationship and the joint finances. Tell your friends when you plan to break it off. I’m dead serious about making a plan. Probably nothing will happen, but there’s a small chance he’ll snap when he realizes he’s going to have to pay his own way.


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