Kaylaafox on-line sex chats for YOU!

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40 thoughts on “Kaylaafox on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. This! I said the same thing and have been attacked for defending women. All I can say is 3 weeks after giving birth to his baby he has told her he is divorcing her and taking away her baby. How do you come back from that?

    But everyone is just stuck on the physical abuse he’s recorded, kept, and forgiven her for. If she is still assaulting him, time to get out with the baby. Being mean to her is not going to help!

  2. Why do y'all knowingly get into relationships with people with kids and have these types of complaints instead of just dating someone with no children. Y'all are not compatible.

  3. It’s hoodies lol it’s a fun game she had with her friend and it’s a cool reminder of a fun summer. She had a life before you. You can’t just… not go into her closet? What are you going to do when you find out she met guys precious to you wearing the same clothes she wears now? What about her using the same lipstick she wore when FaceTiming a past partner? Or the fact her beds been used for another guy previous too? See how ridiculous it is now? Your friends telling you to dump her over this are utterly immature, as you’re acting now also. This is such a non issue that your friends first reactions being “dump her” is suspicious.

  4. This isn't a subreddit for hypothetical questions. Who did you meet and why do you think they're a better match for you?

  5. In principle I agree with you but what if its a retaliatory tool. Weaponizing sex by threatening to permanently remove it from a relationship as part of a game is not an ok thing to do. There is a chance she is trying to teach him a lesson as form of payback for some real or imagined slight and her telling him to “figure it out” lends some credence to this possibility. If her reason is solely to inflict pain and suffering on him I really cannot see that as a valid.

  6. Block. Ignore. Walk away. Call the police if he continues to harass you. Because if you truly don’t want to talk to him and he won’t leave you alone, it is harassment. But he is also barely an adult and it’s inappropriate if you continue a relationship with him.

  7. Well, do you WANT to be with someone so afraid of upsetting you that he won’t tell you the hard truths?

  8. Well, you threatened to break up if he didn't do specific things that he doesn't want to do, but also you “don't want to lose him” so you get to decide what is more important: staying in a relationship with someone you feel isn't there for you, or stand by your ultimatum and break up.

    You get to decide.

  9. I don’t think there’s any reason to talk to this woman further. Based on the original conversation you had she sounds extremely manipulative. She seems like one of those people that will say anything to get her way. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. honestly I think you could send a break up text and block and move on. Because confronting people like her will only end in them talking you in circles and manipulating you. It’s extremely clear that she doesn’t give a shit about monogamy, and that she’s a liar that has no shame. Block and move on.

  10. No one is allowed to touch my phone or computer. I am doing nothing wrong on either. I just don't like it. I don't want you to break it. I don't want you snooping on my projects or whatever. I don't want you to download something I don't want. I don't want you to add contacts. I don't want you making snide comments about my playlists. I don't want you logging me out of everything.

    Fucking use your own shit and fuck right off.

    He ain't cheating. He just doesn't want the hassle.

  11. …. So ask. If for no other reason than you need to learn to communicate in your next relationship. You can’t expect to ever be in a healthy and functioning relationship if you can’t even say, “hey, can I use your phone? No, why not?” Humor to cover up actually communicating with your partner is so fucking childish and annoying.

  12. How does your mum have a house and afford to smoke if she's at home all day smoking? considering shes not going to change, you need to dp soemthing so that you can move out. Look into a support network for people like yourself with health conditions so that you can become independent. Otherwise you just have to wait until she dies unfortunately.

  13. Just leave his shit alone and respect his privacy. I can give you a very good reason why, because you sound like the type of person who would do it. I had an ex get into my email, I did give her permission to use my device, and she went back YEARS and read all my conversations with my best friend about another girl who years prior I'd planned on marrying. Then she flips shit on me and expects me to apologize and make it up to her for being in love with another girl. And OBVIOUSLY i still love this person whom I haven't spoken to in years.

    It was utter bullshit and I never want to deal with it again. My device is mine. Its for my use only. I will help you find yours if you lose it, I will help you buy another one if you break it. But you won't be using mine, ever. And attempting too without my permission is an instant deal breaker, you're untrustworthy.

  14. Why would you throw away so many years of friendship with your ex for someone who might not even be there next month? Would be a deal breaker for me if someone asked me to cut someone out of my life for no good reason.

  15. Exactly this because she’s a woman she must be a victim. She’s grown and deserves blame for her stupid choices!

  16. It doesn’t matter what porn he does or doesn’t watch. You asked him not to record you during sex and he did anyway.. TWICE!!!! He is 100% restoring those photos and I wouldn’t be surprised if next time he just hides his camera out of view and records all of your sex.

    What he’s doing is a form of sexual abuse. It’s not okay. He is horrible. Period.

    You need to get into his phone and PERMANENTLY delete all photos and videos and then PERMANENTLY leave this creep!

    He literally doesn’t respect you at all. He is an abuser. It sounds harsh but this is just 100% facts. Get away from him and make sure as much as you can that those images don’t end up somewhere because he is the type of person to engage in revenge porn (which is illegal)

    I’d probably file a report to the police just to have one for if this spirals.

  17. I'd agree with that. While I'm not trying to play Freud here, I'm currently doing some work on an essay about “The Castle of Otranto”, written by the author Horace Walpole, and it looks like a lot of men who showcase this phenomena have a form of psychological issue with their own mothers.

    According to one of my sources, for Walpole it was a form of “The virgin/mother complex”.

    Basically, in the book, there are 3 female characters. All are somewhat depicted “overly virtuous”, to the point it reads like satire, but the only mother-figure being highlighted over all. In general, the author has such a hatred for anything sexual related to women and ESPECIALLY mother figures that that there's a recurring motive of “incest” in his works. Not because of the… usual reasons, but always to showcase that a mother was a non-sexual being. Any form of sexual relation is most likely ending as “perverted” -like a mother lusting after her son (topic of another of his plays). The only way a woman could have sexual appeal for a man, is as a young virgin.

    There are 2 simple reasons for this insanity: 1.) he's gay (lol) 2.) Turns out, there is a very likely rumor that he was an affair child. Most likely he couldn't handle the idea/fact that his mother was a “fallen woman” -while at the same time being a lovely mother – that he basically went nuts with his issues his all life long.

  18. Yeah. I could see a well adjusted, rational guy wanting this type of test from whomever he was with. That's not outside the realm of possibility.

    And that guy is not this guy!

  19. I’ve also been trying to find a term used for an equivalent man in this situation and I can’t think of anything worse than “cheater” “asshole” or “douche bag”. Nothing even close to as derogatory.

  20. The only good advice I got when my long-term GF died in a wreck when we were in our early 20's was, “It gets easier with time.”

    Get through today, then get through tomorrow. Don't let anyone tell you how to grieve and don't feel guilty when you're not. The pain never goes away but you learn to online with it.

  21. It was that he tried to get around it, and to me it seems like not having someone of the opposite sex in your personal space like a bath/bedroom alone together especially when you’re touching like skin to skin is a normal boundary in a relationship I feel like a partner being ok with that would make most people feel weird. My pov is screwed bc of my ex though so I am totally in the dark but it’s hard for me to see that as casual. Thank you for your input!!

  22. I saw the banner notification in online time saying ‘can you see this reply’ but I can’t see it in my inbox activity or when I click on the post 🙁

  23. To be blunt, you sound paranoid. Without any hard evidence you can't really assume he's cheating just for liking a post on Instagram.

  24. Some people feel the need to online together before making further major commitment. And other people require that large commitment before they agree to on-line together.

    Neither of these needs are wrong, but they are incompatible.

    Unfortunately you and him seem to be one of these people, and not the same ones.

  25. I had trauma from my father making me feel like i was never good enough … Among other things … But talking to my therapist i know dont feel this way as much. I wish i would have felt the way i do now. I might have made a difference in my marriage but its too late now. Its not too late for you.

    I would suggest talking to your partner about your feelings and think about going to therapy.

  26. It really is. I worry about her everyday and wonder is she’s ok.

    And I agree it is disgusting how someone can “love” someone yet treat them so horribly knowing damn well what it’s doing to that person. I can’t fathom ever treating someone so awful.

  27. The better situation is being by yourself. You haven't spent any time alone as an adult. But honestly being single, making your life good by yourself, leaves you open to new possibilities, but not desperate to settle for bad options.


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