KimTeika live! sex cams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “KimTeika live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I swear most of the commenters do not know how to read. This is not sexual incompatibility. This is a special circumstance, you are ill and had a visitor. He's being a piece of shit. You are not a sex toy, you are a person. Please do not marry this man, get away from him ASAP.

  2. Honestly, considering only about 3% of actual rapists are actually convicted, it’s very unlikely that he would be convicted of anything.

  3. Don’t gaslight her or make it seem like it was insignificant. She decides that. I know it sucks but just apologize and allow her to go through the emotions and accept her feelings. Just reassure her that it was a one time mistake, that you’ve regretted every day since.

  4. yes, both dogs have a nap time after they played hard usually on weekends. or i’ll sleep in on weekends (rarely). i never hear a peep unless he has to poop, he lets us know. the little dog on the other hand…. he’s essentially my 5:30-7am alarm clock. he barks and cries early in the am every morning to go outside. but that’s not an issue to her, im the one who brings the dogs out every morning (before and during pregnancy.) one of “the man” duties we call it. sleeping in is no longer a thing around these parts.

  5. Omg dude I don’t know if your purposely dense or your just an AH. I don’t know your wife but I feel so bad for her. You have no spine. Your mom has made her life hell and you seriously don’t get why she is so hurt by your and your families actions? Your mom treats her like dirt you allow it and you just want her to pretend like your mom can act like a decent human being? No, your wife deserves so much better. I hope she can get an annulment and can find someone who loves her enough to put her first because you never will. It’s the you get your mom is not a good person and you keep enabling her. Your wife must feel like your already married to your mom and she’s the mistress because that’s how you treat her. I just wish your wife would have figured out that a relationship with a mamas boy isn’t worth it before she married you and bought a house with you. She would have saved herself such a headache.

  6. Maybe for some days, but not for weeks, because most of my friends have dogs already or live! in a place where it’s not allowed to have pets

  7. I have told a handful of guys sliding into my DMs that I am in a happy relationship and they’ll still message me. They’ll even like and comment on photos I post of my boyfriend.

    I muted them or straight up removed them from my friends list.

    So, all that to say your gf isn’t being dishonest.

  8. If there are no children, at least it can be a clean split. You can completely move on eventually and truthfully never have to see or deal with her again.

  9. I think there alot of faults of my own. Overtime i tot used to her being home all the time that i got complacent. I wasn’t self aware at the time to push her to get out more and find something she loves. I would invite her to my friends event. In fact, month before breakup we went to halloween party with my friends.

    Looking back i never really checked in her at work or had really meaningful conversations between each other about the future. I failed in that area of not communicating with the way she needs to be and not loving and showing affectionate the way she needed.

    I still want her back because i want to show her that i actually am making changes to better myself with therapy.

  10. TL;DR. He's not that into you. Don't see him, that will just prolong an uncomfortable disequilibrium.

  11. OP leave her. It’s very telling that she has been messaging him, changed the name in her phone and has deleted everything. It’s not harmless or she wouldn’t need to hide it.

  12. I’m a little confused as to what the specific “thing” she’s done with both of you is (unless you just mean dating?) but the best thing to do is to talk to her. Not in an angry way. But apologize for getting upset earlier, and explain to her exactly what you just said. That it’s hard thinking about her doing stuff with you she did with someone else, and that it makes you feel insecure when you think about how you must compare. Tell her you know it’s your issue and you’re not mad at her but you just want her to understand where you were coming from. And then also remind urself that he’s an ex for a reason and she’s choosing now, every day, to be with you and not him.

  13. Sometimes that shit happens. People get bored, love ends. There's no best practice to a relationship, there's no way to do everything right. Sometimes, people drift apart.

  14. This is a whole lot of mess for not a lot of time. Yikes. There is likely no coming back from this , the trust is gone.

  15. I disagree about the privacy thing, but I agree with the rest. You should never assume anything negative you say about anyone is private. People talk, especially about negative stuff. If you talk shit about your partner, expect that they'll find out about it, one way or another.

  16. 1- her wanting to kiss someone “just to see” is using another woman as an inviter vs a human which is gross (unless she's 100% upfront about it being JUST a kiss, no friendship or relationship or sex or potential for anything. Or uses an ethical sex worker who again consents to being part of an experiment)

    2- if you aren't comfortable with an open relationship, don't do it. That's what this is. She wants to be available for other connections (in this case limited to physical and with another woman but goal post could move again) which is NOT MONOGAMY. You signed up for monogamy. Now is your time to decide what you're actually up for. No shame in breaking up because you have different relationship preferences.

    Signed, your friendly neighborhood a bi, poly woman in relationships with two cishet men who has never tried to pressure anyone into being comfortable with changing relationship agreements because of MY orientations

  17. Yes people have really sh!tty days, but when someone takes it out on you, yelling, cussing and throwing things at you or around the room, you don't just go pick up the pizza and hope it doesn't escalate any further!!!! You put your foot down and say you are NOT to be treated this way because of a bad day or any other reason whatsoever. You leave! You let them know this is unacceptable and it better not escalate like this again. You don't yell at her and cuss at her and you demand same respect. This would be a deal breaker for me. You let someone do this to you once, they'll know they can always get away with it. Just like a child would do and she was acting like a complete child. I hope this isn't what you've been dealing with. You stated she gets anxious but not to this extent. This is called escalation. Have respect for yourself and walk away from this girl if you are not being respected. If you stay, you state you would not tolerate another incident like this ever again. If she does it anyway, you leave.

  18. it isn’t just about the physical aspect. a 17 year old can’t consent with an adult, let alone an adult 9 years older than them. a 17 year old is still in highschool, doing homework, extra curriculars, likely hasnt even had a first job yet, etc. a man that’s 26 years old has absolutely NOTHING in common with a girl still in highschool. most people upon turning 20 will tell you they don’t even want to hang out with kids still in highschool.


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