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24 thoughts on “Kioshikyo on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. So his is still on the offensive and making excuses for her behavior that's why he won't set strict boundaries and probably will let go of the dismissive text she sent back after trying to call her to order. Can't force someone to do something their not ready to but a warning of the consequences can be made. As long as he keeps enabling her,he will get hurt.

  2. Dude, I'm not seeing a single word in this “apology” where your “friend” takes responsibility for what he did. He doesn't even acknowledge what he did was wrong.

    I mean, in what world is motorboating a woman's breasts can be seen as anything BUT sexual assault, if the woman isn't willing or gives her consent?

    And that you don't see anything at all wrong with him grabbing your GFs ass, you're part of the problem. And, seriously, you only “talked” to him about it?

    I'm normally not a huge proponent of violence, but that you didn't kick his a** is beyond me!

    Your GF needs to end things with you ASAP because of your class of friends, and because you have no class.

  3. The thing is that we go to the same college. I tried to block him once but he went completely nuts. Blocking him didn’t make him exit my life and I still had to deal with all the consequences.

  4. That's a pretty intense situation you're in, but you gotta stay strong, you know? I can't even imagine what it feels like to have your dad and your mother-in-law hooking up like that. That's not cool. It's like, “What do you think you're doing?!” But at the same time, you gotta try to see where they're coming from. Maybe they were just feeling lonely or something, you know? Still, I totally get why you're disgusted by it all. You might wanna consider talking to them and telling them how you feel. Maybe they'll come to their senses and realize how messed up this whole thing is. And don't worry about your job, man. You shouldn't have to quit just because of their mistakes.

  5. it's because most men are incapable of seeing women as human beings and not sex objects to fantasize over the second they're being somewhat friendly to them

  6. I think she's just overwhelmed with the situation and hurt by her friends actions. No, it would not have been better to tell her tomorrow. She most likely would have said the same then. Give her some space for now and then you can approach her and try to talk about it again.

  7. Ask her out again, but give it a couple days first, to not appear too eager. Invite her to do something fun together and when, not just to hang out sometime.

    Her wanting to tell people at work that you guys messed around sounds weird to me. Like why would she want to announce this private info?

  8. It’s definitely not universal in America. I’m in my late 30s in the US and have never once had a contractual conversation where we stated that we would not sleep with other people, nor ever had a conversation where we demarcated when we were officially “together.” (Moving in, engagement, and marriage were more formal obviously.) We just like… feel that shit out and read each others vibes. Many people prefer to grow their relationships organically but some people on Reddit like to insist that you’re not allowed to do that.

  9. Easier ways to do it. Your SIL is trying to make sure her husband has a claim to an estate without a will. Have your dad draw up a will, and a trust. Then discuss with a lawyer how inheritance is treated in the event a divorce in your jurisdiction.

  10. So tell her that know that the invite was for both, as you saw it. That will likely open a can of worms, but there’s nothing you can do about that.

    Then ask her why she lied to you, why does she not want you there.

    Then you ask her to actually think. The invitation came from the bride to be, personally. This likely means that the bride to be knows that your gf doesn’t like her much, and is trying to prove that she is an important part of her new family.

  11. Depends what the articles are about. If they are racist/homophibic conspiracy theories then of course he doesn't want contact and even if yhey aren't THAT BAD simply don't do something the other person dislikes. If not sending and discussing those things is the cure to the problem then why continue doing so? If every time you visit a friend you stomp on his shoes then why should he keep inviting you, especially if you refuse to not do so in the future?

  12. Drop this shit, honestly. It'll never work, you're young and have so much to look forward to that ain't this.

  13. Get angry, get pissed off and YELL at him to knock it the fuck off or get the fuck out of your house.

    Then offer to take his slimy ass outside so you can beat the shit out of him.

    With a rolling pin in your hand.

    Practice in front of the mirror.

  14. Are you aware of how often women get assaulted in Ubers or Lyfts? And you want a woman to take one alone? ?

  15. They are allowed to go NC with each other – you might see it as petty but at least they aren’t encouraging drama

  16. You'll have to assess after you talk to him. And don't 'confront' him – talk.

    It may be that he sees that time as part of his past that is private. Privacy is not the same as secrecy, or deception.

    See how you go. How he answers you will tell you what you need to know. Good luck.

  17. Harmless means inoffensive. You are clearly offended. It’s not harmless and you’re being harmed. Which is clear that’s what happening.

  18. That’s what I’m assuming also, and I’ve always told her she go out with her girlfriends and drink or w/e if she wants. Because I’m not the controlling type, as long as she lets me know what’s happening.

    Prior to making this post I actually did google searches on couples counseling ?

    And you’re actually right, we’ve always joked around about her being bipolar.. as a joke. But recently I think it might actually be true.


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