Kira-fulkers live! sex cams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Kira-fulkers live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. You need to move some things around in your life to make room for something social. Maybe join an exercise class or a sewing class or volunteer somewhere. Pick up a hobby so you can meet new people. It’s okay not to have a lot of friends, but even some acquaintances could make a difference. If you are not sure where to start, maybe check Facebook for local groups in your area or

  2. Will she sell it to you guys for cheap? Online locally for a while. Maybe fix up the other house. Maybe rent it out. Then, one of these years you might decide to make the move to on-line there…or not.

  3. When there are things that cause us to not be able to help our behavior, it is our responsibility to avoid those situations. Just because we can't help something, doesn't mean others should have to put up with it, excuse it, ignore it or suffer because of it. Your bf should always carry emergency snacks, he should have asked for a sugary soda to chug right off, or a quick appetizer.

    His low blood sugar issues are his responsibility. He needs to apologize in earnest for what he said to you, thank you for all your effort to try to help him, and detail how he's going to avoid being cruel to you again in the future. This is what responsible and caring adults do in a situation when one hurts the other.

    If he's making his dietary issues your problem, and sees nothing wrong with that, I would consider ending things. Y'all haven't been together long, and if he doesn't want to help you build something beautiful, you deserve to find someone who does

    As a side note, if he is getting these low blood sugar episodes frequently enough that you've noticed a pattern already, perhaps this diet he is on is not adequate for his body's needs.

  4. I don't have to imagine what this thread would look like if the roles were reversed.

    On the flip side, there are a lot of posts in this sub where women are vehemently accused of cheating by large numbers of commenters for simply doing mundane things like taking several hours to respond to texts while visiting family, wearing makeup to work in a professional setting, and simply having male friends.

    I'm not saying the behavior in this post isn't suspicious, but cheating accusations against male posters' female partners is a very frequent occurrence in this sub.

  5. Fuck him. You have a right to fart and not to be ashamed about it. It’s natural. You need to speak with him because he is being unreasonable.

  6. WTF, are you really that gullible? Really? Why can’t you just leave? Do you have no family? If you can take his card to buy plan B, you can take his card to get a bus ticket. Why he is doing is rape, coercive rape. He’s not reporting anything and he’s treating you like an idiot.

  7. I hope you're able to get therapy when you need it. This grown man groomed a child. No other way to put it. Sorry this happened to you and that your family doesn't care. Your cousin actually cares about you.

  8. Id say dump him, asap. And if you still care for this guy, disclose the situation to his parent/relatives. He's an addict, he needs therapy.

  9. Sadly nothing will clear that for him until he see in writing that it’s his. It’s one of those seeds that once planted it takes a lot of effort to unplant it. Once you do tell him he 1) needs to apologize to you and the friend he treated horrible bc of his own insecurities 2) make sure he knows that his actions reflect how he thinks of you and to claim his son isn’t his is the same as claiming that you’re not a faithful partner.


    Get a paternity test and get child support set up. Your relationship was over the moment he not only decided you must have cheated, but then decided you had to have ANOTHER child so he could have one too.

    He is not mature enough to be in a relationship with.

  11. When she asks about have a third child you tell her that you are not a good husband. You tell her that while she was giving birth to your children and taking care of them while clawing her way out of a deep postpartum depression and you weren’t there. It was not for better or worse for you. It was not in sickness and health for you. It was when it was convenient and nice for you. You tell her the truth and let her make the decision if she wants another child by you. You’ll do it again. You did it for a year with no problem. The best time to tell someone something like this is yesterday

    If you really think you’ll never cheat again (LOL) you shut the fuck about it and online with the guilt. She doesn’t deserve this but you do deserve to on-line with the the guilt. You get to online with your choices. You online with the paranoia of her finding out. You spend every day trying to be a husband that she deserves knowing you really aren’t. You hope that 19 years old fully developed brain down the line doesn’t want to rid herself of her own guilt and reach out to your wife. You pray this doesn’t all come to a head when your boys are at a pivotal stage where they denounce their father over the hurt he caused their mother.

  12. Can you PLEASE read the part where I said I didn’t want to tell him what to do or even change him to begin with? He literally told ME that he didn’t want to end things and that he’d never do it around me AND he only uses it to sleep – both of which aren’t true now. I think I’m allowed to feel a way about it as I feel lied and trying to figure out what to do.

  13. Baby gets stuck in the birth canal after labouring for a while.

    This wasn’t like she got in an accident that prompted the hospital visit. She went into labour naturally then it was determined she had to have an emergency C.

  14. Thank you so much for your reply!

    About being pressured just to keep him: this was a concern of mine as well at the beginning and I thought a lot about it because I don't want to betray myself in order to be with someone.

    New experiences like threesomes is something that I also want to do. I was curious about this before, already. The reason I didn't suggest before the fight was due to situations that happened to me in the past which made this kind of new experience terrify me.

    I'm in therapy since last year and I've been in this journey of trying new things with him, step by step and being aware of how I'm feeling, if it's ok for me to do this, etc. He has been respecting everything. We reach a balance of what I want and what he wants that we both like do for each of our fantasies and not compromise our mental health

    It's a journey to get there, so I still have insecurities as you can see through the post xD But I'm getting there

  15. We can't help you. We are figments on the internet. We can't give you real, practical advice for your situation. We can't help with your obviously obsessive anxiety. We may as well be voices in your head, as far as you're concerned, because you're only going to amplify and focus on the responses that you want, and dismiss the ones you don't

    You need to see a therapist.

  16. Boyfriend is a lost cause. Walk away.

    Be petty is you want. Does it help you get over the heartbreak and betrayal?

  17. I mean it's turning green/grey/cloudy and the gem on it looks really fake but other than that it's alright I guess lol.

    He tends to lie about prices of stuff he gifts me which is weird, for Christmas he got me a frying pan which he said was 50 bucks but I looked it up and it was 20 bucks, as well as a blender he said was 200 but I saw at his work it was 40, I never brought any of that up so….

  18. Can you evacuate while he is gone? Is there someone you can stay with temporarily, while you figure out a more stable place to go?


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