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28 thoughts on “Kyliecooper on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. excuse me? a bit shocking lol. i appreciate your corcern but i am not the one asking for advice, so please keep the opinions that no one asked for you yourself. i love my boyfriend dearly and i’m not leaving him purely because of sex. if that’s a dealbreaker for you, that’s okay. but it’s not for me. after 2 years together, don’t think i’m going to break up with a man i love just to have a bit more frequent sex.

  2. Yes! I have three litter boxes 🙂 I tried changing the type of litter but that didn’t work. I’m still trying to come up with better alternatives. My cat knows better sometimes because when I stand there looking at him, he will use the litter box.

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  4. Hi! I’m in a large age gap relationship (larger than OP). You made some great points. Age gap relationships are not for everyone. You really need to have a complete understanding of who you are.

    At 25, OP May have had the life experiences needed for that relationship. I certainly did. And I knew who I was and what I wanted. I wasn’t looking for a partner, it just happened.

    OP definitely needs to be on the same page as her boyfriend. My SO and I have different thought processes, but we arrive at the same conclusion almost every time. There are some things we have different opinions on, but nothing that’s a deal breaker or red flag.

    The way he treats her is key. My SO has never tried to persuade me. They have never talked down to me. They listen to my opinion and respond accordingly. They have never twisted my words, or took my words out of context. They really truly respect me, and I respect them.

    Not being financially stable is a tough one. When I met my SO he was financially stable. Then COVID happened and their credit was ruined and they got behind on bills.

    Overall, this is the best relationship I have ever been in. I’ve been in relationships with guy my age, and I could never connect with them. We grew up in the same time, but had completely different expectations and views/plans on life. My SO and I grew up in completely different generations, yet I understand him better than people my age (besides some of his jokes lol). And whatever I don’t understand I ask him to explain, and vice versa.

    Idk, thought I’d give some perspective on large age gap relationships. I never thought I’d be in one, I was not planning on entering a relationship when I met my SO (this almost sounds like he talked me into it, which he didn’t. It was 100% my decision.)

    Oh, also, not all men who end up with a younger woman are searching for that. My SO was in a relationship with a woman older than him when we met, he’s always dated around his age until me.

  5. You’re assuming he hasn’t already. I get that you’re a super young still but you’re on here asking for advice but shooting it all down. I understand your panicked. It seems like your best bet is to call his mother. Try and calm down a bit you you can think clearly and have a calm conversation and then reach out to her . Best of luck OP

  6. I mean, you got two options.

    First, you can keep going the way you're going. Giving him an “out,” giving permission for him to have sex with other people, avoiding mirrors and sinking in on yourself.

    Or, considering that doesn't seem to be working so well, you can try a different emotion. I like anger.

    Yeah, I know. “Just feel something else” isn't usually helpful.

    But when people are in this prolonged state of despair (or any emotion) it's usually because they don't think they deserve to feel anything else. Deep down they blame themselves for what's happened so they punish themselves by locking in on a feeling and trapping themselves in it.

    If you want to come out of this, possibly even save your marriage, then its time to forgive yourself and start placing the blame where it belongs. You have to allow wrongs to lay at the feet of the wrong-doer. Otherwise they can never make it right.

    But you need to understand. Nothing that you could have done or changed about yourself would have stopped him from doing what he did.

    You could look like Emily Ratajkowski or Beyonce or Halle Berry and it wouldn't have made a difference. Seriously. EmRata, Bey, and Halle were all cheated on. You think if you were more beautiful he wouldn't have done it? How much more beautiful? More beautiful than BEYONCE?

    Time to stop blaming yourself for the actions of someone that's too stupid to see what was right in front of him and start getting angry that a morally bankrupt moron looked at you and thought YOU were lacking.

  7. You didn't try the advice for long enough.

    For new advice, tap the kid gently with a ballpeen hammer every time he hits bites or kicks.

  8. ALso Middle-Eastern roots here. Your disgust is very weird, but still valid I guess. He already avoids eating pork around you which is a lot of effort on his side honestly and you should give him credit for that. The solution seems very easy: stop asking him what he ate every day. Unless you want him to lie, it'll be pork on a regular basis. And tell him to not let you know per se either.

    This really is not a big deal nor worth posting on reddit.

  9. and now i’ve been panicking more so since we have a son together so for christmas i made the grand gesture of proposing with the only string attached being that i want a really long engagement to which he agreed not because i don’t want to marry him but just so there’s no rush on either of our ends to plan anything, i have more time to slowly settle into the idea of being a wife and it would be nice for our son to have some memory of our wedding.

    Tbh, you should invest in individual and couple's counseling, and forget about your threesome fantasies. You need to actually figure out if you and your bf are compatible, and take things from there

    Non-monogamy is a lifestyle, not a bandaid.

  10. If you’re hoping I have compassion or empathy towards your situation I don’t. I’m not going to beat around the bush. You sound like crappy person, an alcoholic and should really get professional help.

  11. DO NOT sell your house. Someone would have to pay me 10x the value at this point to get me to sell my house with my 2.3% interest rate and if you have anything close to that it would be the dumbest thing you could do right now.

    Like you said, you haven't been together that long and if you break up you are the one who would be royally screwed.

  12. Don’t rationalize her behavior. She is a cheater and will go right back to cheating if you are as weak as you sound. Grow a backbone and break up already. She doesn’t respect you at all. Unless you want to be her good little beta doormat.

  13. Invite him to lunch and do a private gender or sonogram reveal to let him know that you are pregnant. Agree to a DNA test. Then he has to do what is in his conscious to do. His relationship with his fiance could still survive this through shared custody or not. Wow, I hope for the baby's sake your interactions are fair and civil.

  14. Of course it is how isnt that obvious? Maybe its easier to understand if you live! somewhere where you look like an immigrant or you are black and people make statements like “black people dont want to work” or “black people are crazy – I got robbed by one twice”

    Its actually the only generalizing that is enabled on reddit because of the pure unfiltered anger you will receive if you point it out.

  15. Here is the thing. You don't enter a fwb hoping it will lead to more. Sure, if both parties end up there it sometimes works out. But if you want a serious relationship, you date someone normally and then more towards a relationship. Fwbs rarely turn into serious relationships.

    Also, stop having unprotected sex, duh.

  16. Oh absolutely it’s not a side effect. I was literally only saying that some women can have terrible reactions to some and it can happen if all the factors line up. Not that it’s guaranteed like some seem to believe I was saying.

  17. There is not one detail in here that actually backs up those very generic, banal statements. Fact is, you find intimacy elsewhere and no longer find being near your actual husband enjoyable. If you want to fix this, close your marriage and talk to him. Tell him that he is the one you want to be with for the rest of your life, and that to do that, he needs to take his health seriously.

    Who asked to open the relationship initially? And when?

  18. But it's not even a joke? Like the bread was cut before the new knife was in the house, so how does it make the an idiot or retarded because you didn't use it to cut the bread?

    Here's how that conversation would go with a normal person:

    “Did you use the new knife to cut this bread? “

    “No, this bread was cut before we even bought it.”

    “Oh, I see.”

    Instead he called you names and brought up cancel culture, as if you telling him it's mean equals being cancelled. Like he doesn't even understand what cancel culture and being cancelled means enough to properly use it verbally, despite being so passionate about it. He's dumb.

  19. You are disappointed the plans changed and that is ok.

    From the words of our pediatrician when we wanted daughter to be home, our 2nd released, after she cleared the jaundice protocols, it was a Sunday night. He said I get you want your baby home, and she is free to go, are you sure you don't want 1 more night before you spend the next 18 years raising her? She was 5 days old; our son was in for 7 days before released. It's nude not taking baby home and it sucks having to go back to visit.

    Use this time to prepare for when baby gets home and both of you get some sleep now, the next few months will be tough.

    Yes, she may not be in tons of pain, but her body has been through hell and still needs to recover.

    Congrats dad, the fun of sleepless nights is still ahead. Rest and relax. Life will be crazy, so enjoy some peace before it happens.


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