Laia-rouse live! sex cams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Laia-rouse live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. u/Several-Spare1504, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Does he apologize? Do you have rational conversations later? Or does he use his “anger issues” to get his way, never apologize, and then do it over and over again?

    If I called my gf a bitch for not unpacking the bathroom on her first day off in a month, I can guarantee I'd be busy spending the next few days unpacking, cleaning, and upgrading that bathroom. And also making dinner for a while, committing to seeing a therapist, and apologizing for my words.

    Its not only about what we do in the moment. We all do stupid shit and say stupid shit. You can recover from some pretty bad stuff as long as you really do work on your issues, commit to not doing it again, genuinely apologize, and take actions to make it right. But it does not sound like your husband is doing those things.

    If he isn't seeing a therapist, if he isn't taking actual steps to get better, and if he isn't apologizing, then he's telling you that he doesn't see his behavior as an issue.

  3. The post is about how OP and her bf aren't allowed to hangout with the opposite sex alone because apparently they would cheat or the “public” might think that they are cheating.

    And then you commented that it's good to respect the relationship and that public perception does affect a relationship.

    Did I misunderstand anything? Genuinely asking.

  4. Your emotions are perfectly valid in wanting to live independently and flourishing in that way.

    The intense feelings you describe sound a bit like you've been controlled.

    It's not normal or healthy to be told you'll get married and have kids early on in the relationship. That's honestly very controlling, as the decision was almost made for you.

    It's not normal to not be able to do your own shopping.

    His treatment of others shows what he is like as a person. His behaviour mimicking his father's is characteristic of someone who has not done the work to escape the learned behaviour from experiencing or witnessing abuse. He will one day be abusive towards you.

    Ultimately, you need to learn how to on-line your own life. You could go to counselling with him, but you need to know how to on-line independently.

  5. Girl, I spent a chunk of time cleaning a man's apartment and trying to get them to live somewhere nicer, and it all boiled down to incompatibility. Do you still want to be doing this in 5 years' time?

  6. The phrasing is hilarious. It’s not “my wife is suddenly experiencing uncomfortable and painful sex,” but “yo, my dick is getting too girthy for her now that I’m in my 30s, I think it’s growing.” Lol

  7. Dude. What are you doing with your life??? This is insanity. I’m sure my words have no bearing on your decision as you’re already with him after all this crazy shit, but holy fuck. I hope you leave him and tell him why directly.

  8. You do realize that ANY ONE GUEST could be very ill or injured near your wedding date. Will you postpone?


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