Laney Grey live sex chats for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “Laney Grey live sex chats for YOU!

  1. She has clearly been on the fence for five years. She was probably just more comfortable around you than alone with her own thoughts. You made a difficult decision easy for her.

  2. Fucking run. I’ve been there. I was also blindsided because I thought there were 0 flaws. But I stayed and my life plummeted. Now it’s been 10 years and I’m still in therapy. There is so much more than what you found out.

  3. The scholarships and grants should be left for people who actually intend a career in that field.

    In any event, why bring up how much she will make if you already knew she wasn’t going to work?

    Something here doesn’t add up.

  4. He is working there because it was her idea, not his.

    We don't know the extent to which he was caring for his grandmother. He could have been watching TV with her and making her lunch.

  5. Mate, go and find a decent solicitor and find out what divorce will look like.

    You need to be separated for at least 12 months here so regardless of what she is going through you, always keep in mind that you now have to look after you first. It may seem like an arsehole thing to do but remember that you are only reacting to her actions and at the end of the day, her actions where made because she wanted it to go that way.

    So if you want a course of action then it's this. Go and find a good solicitor and get the ball rolling. Work out the logistics of who is going to on-line where and get that happening so that the 12 month clock can start ticking. Talk to your GP about getting on a mental health care plan so that you can get the discounted 10 therapy sessions happening and use that to help you move through this life event.

    And start looking after you for a change. She is obviously more than capable of looking after herself and has her AP to fall back on, so you do you from now on.

    how do I not ruin a chance of reconciliation.

    By making it clear that you are willing to throw it all away. Please understand that you can not drive the reconciliation process – she has to want it and she has to fight for it. If she doesn't want it, you are just wasting your time and burning yourself for no reason.

    She has to want it, she has to drive it and she has to prove to you that she can change back to who she was. She has to show you that the adage “once a cheater, always a cheater” doesn't apply to her.

    The ball is in your court mate and as I said above, from no on you have to look out for you. She no longer will.

  6. Yeah I was gonna ask that. People will eat stranger's butts but they freak out about someone having their number, come on now.

  7. Sometimes women travel without their engagement ring on because they're scared of losing it while outside of their routine. Either way, you absolutely need to talk to her.

  8. Dude, cheating once is bad enough. Not sure why you think you have any moral standing whatsoever. You're just a bad person, plain and simple. Just like your ex, your brother might honestly be better off without your toxic ass in his life. Good riddance.

  9. I would sit down with her and tell her how much this is hurting you. It may be hard but it needs to be done. Try to propose a solution. For example try to set 2 hours a week for a date. Say every Saturday you guys go out from 3pm-5pm as an example. If she keeps skipping out then it's time to move on. Make the effort but if she doesn't want to make the effort back then that's the sign to leave. Good news is your 19 so you have plenty of options in the future. Best of luck and I hope it works out.

  10. so it doesn't get boring

    This is the reasoning that bothers me. I know there are poly people who find spiritual connection and fulfilment in having more than one relationship, but to me boredom seems a trivial reason to trash the deep trust and connection in a long-term monogamous marriage. Boredom could be his trigger to explore within the marriage, not outside it. There's huge potential for personal growth if you make that choice.

  11. Idk why this was downvoted so hard, there’s nothing wrong with optimism and relationships always hit rough patches that can be overcome.

  12. Probably why the dumb fuck told his wife instead of just leaving it.??? He definitely needs impulse control.

  13. Omg yes I took Yasmin when it first come out. It was the best one I’d ever taken in terms of how well it controlled my cycle and cramps, but it made me a horrible person.

  14. If it makes you feel better, I've been with my partner for almost 7 years. Am 100% faithful, and still have some unwrapped condoms somewhere in the back of my drawer from when we first started dating.

  15. She does know where I on-line, she was driving by routinely shouting out the window and blasting her horn it's crazy. My brother is a detective in the next county im going to chat with him more tomorrow. Thank you

  16. Give her as much space as possible. She literally has said she needs time for herself. Maybe she feels overwhelmed and anxious.

  17. When a woman leaves an abuser, it is when she is most likely to be killed. Please be very cautious and get support from a local women's shelter or any domestic violence service to assist you.

  18. I just really want to sleep in on Sunday mornings ? I know that seems whiny but I don't want him to wake me up for anything short of a life threatening emergency. I wake up early every day of the week and want to sleep in on weekends.


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