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30 thoughts on “Laujessi online sex cams for YOU!

  1. My ex did exactly this. The additional fucked up part though was he used to save my COUSIN's Instagram pictures of her in a bikini. My own God damn COUSIN.

    Similar to you, I was trying to make it work after finding out because we were together for almost 10 years at that point. But honestly, it was way too nude to get over.

    And if he's doing that, he clearly doesn't respect you or any other woman for that matter.

  2. Yeah, she said that she just wanted to have security about our future, but it was obvious to me that we were in different stages of life. It hurt like hell for a couple of months to feel responsible for pulling the cord but it was necessary.

    On the positive side we were able to keep being friends and four years after, she asked me for advice about if she should accept or not the proposal from her now husband, because he proposed to allow her to stay in the country were she was living, she wasn't sure if it was the right motive to marry but was totally in love with the guy.

    I told her do it and after two kids and 12 years of marriage looks like it was the right choice for her meanwhile I have been married for the last 9 years and with my wife we decided to be child free and each day we are more sure about our decision.

  3. Red flag. Seems like gaslighting. You saw what you saw. All the time people say “I never thought they’d cheat on me”. People do though. Her reaction is telling.

    In my opinion the next step would depend on how far along the relationship is. Proceed with caution if you stay.

    As a monogamous woman I would never say something like that, I think the wanting to kiss him went too far.

  4. You’re good my dude. It’s just time to break up! Today should be the day, as it won’t get easier tomorrow. Waiting until after the holidays will just lead to more holidays next year.

    Every guy feels like you do at some point. She’s nice and sweet and you don’t want to hurt her. But stop telling yourself that’s all a breakup is. You’re letting both of you loose to find what you need.

    Keep in mind that breaking up is like taking a child’s hand off the stove. They might cry and fuss and feel something has been taken away. But later they realize you saved them from greater pain, and they learn from it. We all do.

    It doesn’t need to be dramatic, but I would tell her your feelings have just sort of changed and that you’re not sure why. It’s nude to argue w feelings, and she may not expect you to know them in great detail anyway.

    It’s fine to say you love her and want to be friends if that’s true – but try to be as honest as you can without being needlessly painful. Writing out want you want to say can really help organize your thoughts and sort out what you want to say vs not.

    It’s a hard thing to do if you’re waiting for a segues, so I stay stop waiting. Just bite the bullet and do it already. This is one of those classic things we all go through where the anticipation of doing something is FAR worse than actually doing it. So – again – just do it.

  5. If they are having marriage problems because of something so innocent, it is their problem. Honestly, I'd tell them not to put their marriage troubles and lack of trust on each other on me because I'm not the problem. I'm an outsider who had a few breakfasts with him and others and once anded up getting drunk when he happened to be nearby. If their home is wrecked because of that, it was never solidly built in the first place.

  6. Exactly – only way you could sue is if the doctor lies to you about what they’re doing, or fucks up somehow, etc.

  7. Don't do it. She realizes that the dating market value for a divorced 35 year old woman with two kids is zero, so she is clamouring to get back on the lifeboat before she ends up a lonely old cat lady. You are in your prime and now you don't have that cheating ball-n-chain to hold you back. Time to enjoy life, my friend. Go find you a 26 year old Barista to take to Cancun and sip Mojitos.

  8. It weird that you say you have values in terms of sex but you call people you’ve had sex with “bodies.” Makes me feel like you don’t really see it as a sacred type of thing and you just don’t like that she has had more sex than you.

  9. He just wanted sex. He got it and now is clearly not interested in you and doesn’t care if you are been treated badly by him.

    Just him off, block him from everything and move on. He’s weaponizing this term, as to why there are many reasons, none seem reasonable in this context. He won’t have a problem trying to contact me when he wants his dick wet. Best to cut your losses and move on completely. He’s a weirdo.

  10. Is it weird that she's insisting that she's not letting him win (assuming that's what is happening)? Yes, kind of. Is it a hill worth dying on? No. I have more trouble understanding why you're so pressed about this than understanding why she might not be telling the truth to you.

  11. The nude truth and advice is this: one of my daughters dated an a$$hole like your bf right out of high school for a yr and a half. A lot of people warned her, including his ex-girlfriend, that he was mentally and emotionally abusive. My daughter refused to believe it and went the “adult way” and talked it out with him. He said he was “in a dark place and really unhappy” (those exact words) at that time in his life because of a football injury and because people were telling him his ex gf was cheating. My daughter felt like this was a good form of communication and decided that everyone deserves a chance. He told her he “worked” on himself and was happier and at a place of peace in his life. ALL of this was total BS. He was already doing little things to my daughter to make her feel bad and to trigger her anxiety attacks.

    Long story short, he would love bomb her, then break up and push her away. He would blame everything on her. She was apologizing for EVERYTHING he did. He would sneak off to a different college campus, my daughters friends would take pics of him and send them to her and he would gaslight her and tell her it wasn't him and that he was fast asleep at his own dorm 2 hours away from there. My daughter would apologize to him. He would text his sister about her while they were out with family, things like “she's so smart, but so awkward. I wish she would just shut TF up. It's embarrassing.” And then show her the texts! When my daughter became upset, he would delete the texts and tell her that she was seeing things. He ended up with an STI and blamed my daughter (they were doing a long-distance relationship due to college. He was 3 hours away, and they hadn't seen each other in 4 weeks). My daughter spent days crying and apologizing to him, begging him not to dump her again. He was insistent that she gave him the STI, and she had no clue how this could have happened. She went to the doctor (2 different ones) and got tested twice for everything under the sun, all negative. He then told her, “My ex gave it to me.” He had her convinced that she had been lucky, that in the 6 months they were together at that time, that she never got it. So back to the doctor's we went. Insisted my daughter ask 1000s of questions about all of this (went back to both doctors) and BOTH doctors told her there is NO WAY he could have this and show this bad of symptoms and you not get it. Tested her again, both new tests negative. But he had her wrapped around his finger for almost a whole yr after this. We went thru stalking, trackers put on her computer, and car, verbal abuse, emotional abuse and mental abuse (I say this because she has anxiety and he knew exactly how to trigger a panic attack for her and she almost had to be hospitalized 5 times). She's finally just about free of him and is working hard on herself and her mental health with professionals.

    After all of this, my advice is… DO NOT FALL FOR HIS BS. Unless he has done extensive therapy to address his anger issues and his abusive tendencies, he is not “cured” and there is the potential for you to be his next punching bag. No one is cured of their emotional/mental health issues (anger/hitting people) just because a situation changes. Meaning, just because he is happy now, doesn't mean he will be happy tomorrow when something goes wrong. Is this a risk you are willing to take???? Especially seeing as how it doesn't sound like he sought out any professional help.

    I'm sorry if my response comes off as angry. It's because too many women (and men) stay in abusive relationships for “love” and ignore the red flags. I see too many smart and otherwise successful people that stay in relationships that destroy them because “we have some good times until things go bad”. Think of it this way, if your younger sister, cousin, neice or best friend came to you with your exact same situation, would you tell her to stay or run like hell? And if you told her to stay, and something happened to her, how would you feel? (I know I felt powerless, hopeless, scared and desperate watching my daughter go thru this)

  12. i've considered asking her opinion on being gay and christian and hearing what she has to say about that, do y'all think that could be a good course of action? thank you for your help!

  13. Do you honestly believe that someone who tried to cheat on you with your own sister, hasn't cheated on you with stranger or won't absolutely do it at the first chance he gets?

  14. even though she knew very well that I would never hurt her.

    I mean…you pinned her to the ground for multiple minutes while she was crying and terrified. Sorry but “I would never hurt you” rings pretty hollow after that. You didn't humiliate her, you traumatized her. Whatever your intention, what you did comes across very much as a threat. “Remember when you think you're strong that I can easily hurt you if I want” is not a loving or protective message.

    Honestly there's nothing you can do except give her time and perhaps write out a genuine apology acknowledging how wrong your actions were. She has to decide whether or not she trusts you and feels safe with you going forward. I do understand not wanting her to walk home alone at night, but I can't for the life of me understand why you thought THIS was the way to convey your concern. You need to do some introspection to figure out why you thought this was appropriate so you can assure her nothing like this will ever happen again.

  15. No girl NO!!!

    I’m 42, 2 children over 20 years ago. I’m thin bit my tummy is STILL loose and poochy. No man has ever been bothered by it and I’ve been around the block a bit. Find someone else. And love your tummy. You earned that tummy.

  16. he changed the plan. you did not.

    prepare for the way home. and tell your (ex to be ?) husband that he is welcome to follow you.

  17. That’s wild as hell. Same thing happened to me a few months ago and I just turned into a coochie eating machine. She’s on some evil shit for saying that to you

  18. Communication is key. I just thought I was being selfish expecting to finish every time. I’m glad I made this post and realized I’m not being ridiculous for wanting equal treatment in bed.


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