Lauren-cuper on-line sex chats for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Lauren-cuper on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. He's actually legally entitled to show the room regardless of whether that's stated in your contract. He's being patient and polite by allowing you to keep putting it off. He owns the building and he has a right to make sure the place is rented when you leave. You don't have to make it clean, but you do need to let him show the place.

  2. Sounds like things are rocky between her and her new guy and she wants the attention but doesn't feel like she can pull the trigger.

    Also keeps you in her possibilities if she does break up with him.

    Basically she's keeping you on the back burner by throwing you a bone while she figures herself out

  3. I have ADHD too, but you know what, I still enjoy having sex with my wife and have never thought, oh, this is too boring, I need to have sex with other people now. The worse thing, I used to be on my meds when I was in the US, but have been off them for 4 years in China. You know what else, I was generally invisible to women in the US, but tons of women in China constantly show interest in me. Even with this dramatic change, I still didn't think I need to open things up so I can try having sex with a bunch of them. If I did, then that would prove I don't love my wife. You said you love your boyfriend, but I think we can now definitively say you do not love him, would you agree?

    Since we know you got bored of him, why are you surprised that he got bored of you? Did you try to think about it from his perspective yet, or did you only focus on keeping it about you and your ADHD, which we have already established doesn't explain it.

  4. No. She broke up with you in November. You tried to fix it but she still distanced herself from you even when she came to visit (why would she visit when she broke up? That’s just confusing the issue) then she blocked you and her friend told you she needed time.

    You don’t sound like you listened.

    You are trying to resurrect a corpse. Just let it go and move on.

  5. Omg. Yeah. I'm sorry, but (if it needs to be said) don't ever sleep with a guy who thinks putting a tampon in is enjoyable.

  6. Honestly, it sounds like you already had the conversation.

    He told you he isn't interested in anything other than a casual friendship. You say that you get it, but you're complaining that he isn't responding to all your social media stuff? It kind of sounds like you don't actually get it.

    I'm very sorry, but he just isn't that into you— not even as the kind of friend you want him to be. It sucks, but it happens.

  7. You’re dating a know it all and possibly a narcissist. He sounds exhausting!!

    First, he’s telling you that he’s lowered his standards for you and in 5-10 years you might be good enough?

    He’s constantly putting you down and telling you that you aren’t good enough for your friend group

    After 4 years, you have to earn his love

    He’s never at fault for anything

    He blames you for every problem to the point that you just agree to get the fight over with

    Yes! He’s emotionally abusive. More importantly, he’s just a horrible person. Definitely don’t waste anymore time on him, but having a discussion that you are breaking up is not going to work. If you on-line together, I’d find a new place. Start moving things out slowly and then have help to get everything else out when he’s not home. Once you’re out, then I’d call and let him know you’re done or just leave a note. You know how the break up will go based on every other fight you’ve had so save yourself the abusive fight and just rip off the bandaid.

  8. She’s a liar and so are you. Your a cake eater. Did you tell new girl you had a GF from the beginning? Yes? Ok and she responded with let’s hang out alone in my apartment and not tell your GF? Not respecting your relationship? What makes you think she would be loyal to you? Don’t you get that morals and boundaries apply to everyone with whom we have interaction with?


  9. The great irony is when you cave and she’s not gonna be child bearing. -that’s a made for movie situation I made up, but being off page this much with a partner that has “set up” goals even she can’t predict.

  10. Man, I'm 32 but I feel and look I'm in my late 40s. I'm mentally so tired, I mean I married this guy because initially it seemed like we had a lot in common with regards to our thought process and value systems. But eventually certain red flags began crawling out of the woodwork. Nowadays I've just shut down completely so I accept that that can be annoying so he's angry that he can't communicate with me. But from the very beginning in our marriage I found so many times that I would bring up an issue with him related to him and he would either play it off or start deflecting blame. He would point out other people's issues extensively and judge them but play off his own faults. He's changed quite a bit since then but my trust severely eroded and I can no longer confide in him, I only tell him career issues. He listens a fair bit but even then sometimes I feel like he tries to mansplain stuff to me. Sometimes I'll start saying something but he'll say I'm talking too slow and make a hand gesture to speed up.

    It's all very conflicting for me because sometimes he'll be so loving, supportive of my ambitions and interests, generous with compliments and just looks at me with love. Then I don't understand how the same person can act like a dick. I don't know I'm just dead inside and I feel like this whole marriage is a joke. Which is sad because I guess he wanted a future but now even he's starting to see that I'm withdrawing quite a bit.

  11. I saw many of you calling me a “doormat”, I mean I know you mean well but how juvenile to use such terms. I'm neither a doormat nor do i lack self-respect. I held my head high when I suffered pain from a betrayal very few of you can relate to so forgive me when I say I don't respect your childish behavior. Be better.

    Hate to dunk on you, but the term “doormat” is neither a juvenile term nor an insult; it's just a simple observation by people. Also, most people here are here because they've suffered terrible heartbreaks in their lives too, and sought advice.

    You can't call people “childish” then you lash out at them describing you in a term that was not even meant to insult.

  12. Ok, thanks

    Because we are both religious and believe sex is for marriage, and it won’t add anything important/productive to our relationship. And yes, I know that we are treading a thin line with out make out secessions and grinding in each other.

  13. It wouldn’t matter to me if he was or wasn’t. I just don’t know if it would matter to him. It only came up because the step son and I were watching something on autism and it mentioned the fact the genetics are passed down paternally

  14. This is an example of why you don't need to read others texts. Let the friend group keep their inside jokes, which probably have been going on for a very long time long before he knew you. What should you do? mind your own business. You won't like that answer at all but sometimes people are their own worst enemies when it comes to thoughts. Ignorance is truly bliss, no need to try and understand/control everything.


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