Leah Marsh live! sex cams for YOU!

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♥, Hope my glasses wont ruin my ahegao face while you fuck my tits♥ [Multi Goal]

22 thoughts on “Leah Marsh live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yeah maybe the guy’s advice wasn’t so good, but it still make sense at the same time. I don’t want to hurt my gf, but she deserves to know the truth .

  2. Are you guys talking about marriage and kids? If not, stay. If yes, ask him for his future plans and probe on how he would act if there is a family to support.

    I know it sounds a bit chauvinistic but the reality is, no one wants to be with a guy whos inconsistent in his prioritys and rightfully so.

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  4. No kidding he is completely self destructive with a decent salary and has yet to prove he is financially responsible! The man has just $2000 to his name from an inheritance that is very quickly running out. What could his next financial emergency be? A car accident? What if he gets sick and has to take off from work? That's all of his savings gone and he's back to his old ways of running to me when he needs to be bailed out. I will not pay his rent again and it's only a matter of time before he has to turn to me to clean up his mess.

  5. You're being too dramatic. I don't see her remark as flirtatious at all. If the cook had been a 70 year old woman, she might have made the same remark. This was just small talk.

  6. Wait, then you'd be 26 when she got pregnant, 27 when born (plus or minus some months). That's not that young.

    I'm confused here. Obviously she's controlling and manipulative. I'm mostly confused on why you thought you at 26 and her at 35 was “early” for kids? Those are both reasonable ages for kids.

    I still think she's manipulative and controlling. Your thought process just doesn't make sense though. That doesn't make you at fault, I just think you're not thinking your life and actions through very much when looking at the future.

  7. Honestly you sound like you've been wanting an out for a long time, and instead of taking responsibility, you fuck over a person who clearly loves you very kuch, so much she would have herself be injured for you. Have a fucking baby she doesn't want for you.

    You just want any reason to cheat, but the person you are with has nothing to do with that.

    You are small and weak, and honestly a cunt.

  8. You described his words as very manipulative: hear my two kids. Kids, say hello to mommy. Oh, let's go meet mother-in-law. She took him to her room.

    If she can't tell you that she will ignore him should she see him, then I'd say leave her to him.

  9. Well I feel dumb because it has never once occurred to me to keep those silica things or that they could be useful for anything. But now that you just explained this, it seems pretty obvious now. They might really come in handy. Thanks!

  10. He didn't show any of these characteristics when we met. He even lost 40 pounds before starting the relationship and kept losing, but probably he started gaining weight again without stopping with the comfort of finding someone already. He had shown no signs of mental health, hygiene, perversion. I didn't mind his job because he performed with several bands, he gradually left them too

    when we were deeper in relationship, i started to notice the things that makes me uncomfortable with him. And it may sound stupid, I thought I can fix him

    S*upid of me ??‍♀️

  11. The reason is for fun and the father thing, as you explained.

    You have 3 choices now:

    break up with him stay with him and don't say anything. Resentment will build over time Bring it up to him. If he responds negatively, then you have to decide between options 1 and 2.

  12. She’s right don’t wait to see it until your halfway across the country crying about how you have nowhere to go and that he isolated you and made you loose all your support and you have no money cause he claims “he’ll take care of you”. So you don’t need job.

  13. but why is that my problem, guys approach me on the street, on social media, wherever even when i’m right here without needing to go to europe. i cant control who hypothetically wants to speak to me or flirt with me, but i can control my actions.

  14. Oh godddd I hate drama but I have to don’t I!!! Thank you for your comment I appreciate your time to read it and reply ☺️ I am keeping track too haha so far it’s 2 points to ‘tell her’ and 1 point to ‘ignore it’ ?


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