Li-baby live sex chats for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Li-baby live sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/F4BI4N_420, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. When I was 18 I was followed home from work by a customer who must have been late twenties at the youngest. Would not leave me alone, tried the boyfriend line and he just told me that at our age we'd be broken up in a couple of months anyway, joke's on him, I'm 30 now and married him last year. The guy didn't leave until I said my dad was home and in the army and I'd scream if he didn't leave.

  3. No thanks. I will find who like small and not big. And I'm not stepping up my any game for a big dick lover,it's only reserved for someone who like smaller dicks. And I've full right to test her, she's wasting my precious time and money and emotions on her.

  4. My first husband was abusive. This is exactly how it started. Not with a miscarriage specifically, but with him fully ignoring some very obvious medical issue and then pretending to be sorry once other people heard about it and we’re rightfully shocked at his disgusting behavior

    I would say it happened like this maybe 20 times before it escalated to him screaming at me during these situations. And then it was maybe another hundred times before escalated to actual physical abuse. It started with something that was actually a big deal (your miscarriage/my medical issue, etc.), but after like 50 times he would do this over literally fucking nothing at all.

    If this happens even one more time, please consider taking a closer, look at every aspect of your past with this person, and how he acted in certain situations

  5. Oof. Red flag there. If he quits his job over an unrelated tantrum, move right back out of his place!


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