Lia-heart online webcams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Lia-heart online webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes! I was a house cleaner and the mirrors and windows were all tinged yellow in the house where many people chain smoked. I'm not one to talk about trying to sell your house, I believe you should make it liveable for you, but this isn't easily undone

  2. I agree with that. I wouldn’t want her to lose a friend. But I do wonder… how good of friends would they be if they never dated? (They were never friends before they dated)

  3. This is all sorts of wrong.

    I’ll make this brief: prepare yourself to potentially raise these twins on your own, and ask yourself if that’s what you want. Consider alternatives to keeping them, because…

    It’s ultimatum time: tell him it’s you and the twins or her. He has a responsibility as a father to give his entire focus to you and the twins, and not have this side relationship with an ex. Further, I’d consider making him marry you to obtain legal benefits, and establish grounds for divorce and support if he cheats on you with her.

    Raising one kid is hot. The world is littered with stories of fathers coming up with excuses to run off for a few hours when the mother needs them the most. How long will it be after giving birth that he finds things too stressful (and you unable to have sex for at least six weeks) and he runs off to his “healer” for comfort?

  4. This is wildly inaccurate. It depends on the company. My company has hired pregnant women and given them their full maternity leave. We have paternity leave too. The only downside is they have to use all their PTO before taking leave. That doesn’t make sense to me

  5. Been with my husband 8 years & not once have we discussed body counts. I’ve got no idea how many women he’s slept with, and he has no idea how many I’ve been with. We know a few details, like significant relationships, but that’s it. He said he didn’t want to know, so there was no need to tell him. You weren’t hiding anything from him, it happened before you met & is irrelevant to your relationship. I think you only have yourself to blame for this one, but it doesn’t sound like you guys have great communication skills. You didn’t respect his wishes.

    Also, your body count is 4. Sexual assault does not count, it’s not sex.

  6. Good lord you are seriously mad over this. Calm down and just accept that not everyone views things the way you do.

  7. yeah, i really need to know what came before you asking him that question bc if you were putting words in his mouth then i can see why he responded equally immaturely. Context matters.

  8. Ok the context is as follows. We met 4 years ago and pretty quickly he asked me to marry him. I said yes. All along I thought we were in love and despite having issues like any couple, we kept it going. It’s a long distance relationship but we see each other as often as possible and talk every single day. Recently we had an argument but we patched things up. However ever since then he has been super mean to me and even though we still talk, the atmosphere is pretty toxic. I’m trying to keep calm and respond normally however I feel I’m close to my breaking point. Every time I try to have a civil conversation with him, he throws me under the bus. He’s got anger issues and has broken up with me several times only to come back and say sorry. I don’t know if that gives you a bit more context but it’s hot to write up the entire story of our relationship in one post.

  9. He’s almost double your age. Most don’t consider the input of someone they see as young and dumb. Sorry but guys that pursue young girls like that tend to want to control them and slowly isolate them from their friends and family. I understand booty calls, but not an actual partner when it’s that much of an age gap.

  10. I’m so sorry you had to endure that and all of your feelings are valid. I’m a mom myself and love my kids dearly. I know your mom loves you more than life itself. I know she would want to know and be there for you. You are precious and you need your mama. I wish you so much healing.

  11. Idk I could ask him tomorrow and see if he does or not. What happens if he says no about the psychiatrist?

  12. Why are you giving him more than one opportunity to say that shit? Why didn't you break up with him immediately? 3 years is nothing, you are 18 year olds. If this relationship is supposed to last, then it should last for decades. This is what all ~cool~,chill, laidback gfs get – Lack of respect and cheating. “I'm not like other girls I'll let you flirt with others ahah I'm soooo quirky” Always ask yourself, would he be okay if I did what he did? Would he have allowed you to flirt with other men? Would he allow you to talk to him like this? No right? Instant dump I would bet. Then why treat him better than he treats you? You're 18, it's common to make dumb relationship choices at this age. What is uncommon – sticking with the awful relationship and not learning your lesson so you waste another few years. Maybe even contract std's because that's where Mr. Gym bro is headed now. A man's loyalty is tested when they're at their best,it's common for them to abandon the women who stuck by them and supported them, while trying to fuck anything that gives them attention. Lesson learnt, next time dont date a work in progress.

  13. I think the focus should be on congratulating you for a fantastic, mature and healthy approach towards the situation!

    You identified some areas that made you uncomfortable, you had the self-confidence to speak up, advocate for yourself and revoke consent, AND you immediately recognized his manipulative bullshit for the childish nonsense that it is, with no sign of budging. “I still want my first sexual experience to be on my own terms, not his.” 10/10, no notes.

    Don’t feel bad for a second, reassess your opinion of him based on his guilt tripping, and go from there.

  14. Seems a very superficial condition to hinge getting married on. A person's physical appearance will change as they age and experience life. Is your boyfriend going to accept you no matter what those changes entail? Or is his love conditional on his ideal image of you?

    If it's the latter, I'd probably reconsider marriage.

  15. Here's my take. It's not necessarily inappropriate for your mom to talk about her trauma. But doing it at a family occasion is probably not the right place and time. Your mom needs to talk to a therapist and deal with her trauma. I'm sorry it was so off putting, especially if she's never done that before.

    Maybe talk to your brother's gf and see what she thinks about it? If that's not too awkward. She might have a different way of looking at it.

    I would also try to have some compassion for your mom. She's dealing with foundational trauma and it doesn't always go smoothly. You have a therapist and that's awesome.

  16. Right. He needs to work on that aspect of himself for sure. Being rejected for sex in a relationship is normal. He needs to not punish you for not wanting to have sex. It's definitely a form of manipulation, even if he doesn't realize it. You too need to not allow his actions force you into situations you would normally say no to. It doesn't help ANYONE. I think you both need to work on yourselves, separately. Probably a bit too early for you both to be in a relationship but I can understand you wanting to try. Having an open dialogue will help, I think.

    Tell him how his withdrawing affection after a rejection makes you feel and how it is wrong. Yes, he is entitled to his feelings on the rejection but the way he is using his feelings is weaponizing it.

    Obviously as the earlier comments said, what you did was wrong so I don't need to go into that. Take their advice/admonishment.

  17. She's just venting. Give her the same responses. She's not expecting your pearls of wisdom. She just wants someone to say 'you're right that's shit' But maybe you're just not compatible. Nothing wrong with what she's doing but nothing wrong with you not wanting that.

    Most people don't internalise the feelings gs when someone is ranting to them. Some people do. It seems you do and you're not not the type of person she can vent to.

  18. She's just venting. Give her the same responses. She's not expecting your pearls of wisdom. She just wants someone to say 'you're right that's shit' But maybe you're just not compatible. Nothing wrong with what she's doing but nothing wrong with you not wanting that.

    Most people don't internalise the feelings gs when someone is ranting to them. Some people do. It seems you do and you're not not the type of person she can vent to.

  19. Listen to this OP. What he did was not your fault. Suicidal people are suicidal regardless, and not because someone they wronged won’t take them back. I agree with the other person here who suggests you getting of the emergency contact list and and such. He is going to need a lot of mental health help, but that’s between him and family to work with him on.

  20. Your parent would be devastated to hear that you’ve been living like this, it doesn’t have to be this way. He’s fully abusive, no borderline about it. I was in almost this exact situation myself a few years ago, except my ex strangled me when he was sober. (I do a lot of reading about abuse to help me better understand why it happened to me. I read somewhere recently that “choking” is inaccurate since that means an object is inside your throat. When someone wraps their hand or hands around your throat and squeezes, that’s strangulation. I thought that was really interesting. I always said choked too until I read that a month ago, and realized “strangled” really painted my ex into the monster he was, since strangling is more closely associated with dying than choking is. Ugh. Heavy stuff I hate it.) Soon it will escalate to him strangling you sober – if he wasn’t the type of person who would strangle you or abuse you, he never would have done it drunk or not. I would almost guarantee he remembers doing it. The statistics say that men who strangle their partners are something like 300x more likely to kill them one day. You’re not pathetic at all. You’ve been isolated and traumatized and abused. And I’m so sorry this has happened. Do you have any siblings you could contact? Or anyone you’re closest to in your family? It might be time to consider contacting someone from your family to come get you out of there and take you home. Please be safe.


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