Lia-Violett1 online sex chats for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Lia-Violett1 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I don't thinks she's dumb at all, I just think it was a moment of miscommunication and misjudgment. Normally she is great to talk to and we get along wonderfully.

  2. Sleeping with friend was before you were even dating. She should have told you sooner, but in the end, she did come clean.

    The fwb is a clear indication of her character. Hard to trust someone that doesn't respect others or their relationships.

  3. Both of you need a chill pill. You got mad because he liked how someone's lunch looked. Lunch. Nothing else.

    He got mad over a diaper. I'd be pissed too. For like 5 mins then move on with my life.

  4. IF your husband is OK with telling your entire group of friends, you should, but only if your husband agrees because you never expose a person who suffered SA without their consent. If your husband doesn't agree, still tell your friends that you are cutting this person out of your life forever because he committed SA. Do not accept from your friends if they tell you that he didn't, reply that you know the person this man assaulted and you know this person is not lying. And yes cut this “friend” forever from your life. What he did was only not OK, it was criminal by definition. You could even involve authorities but it would be difficult to prove, that's why I'm not recommending it.

  5. My communication skills are a struggle. I take responsibility for my part. I talk “in circles” unconsciously. I don't even mean to do it. I also pay 95% of our living expenses because they don't want to get a regular job. If I don't work the bills don't get paid. The yelling may be the last straw. ?

  6. Lol if it’s “fight for me” I hope op never reaches out again because that’s immature for a 16 yo to pull let alone 34

  7. Because I want to show her that I love her unconditionally no matter what and that I promise to love and care for her even when things get tough as we have definitely seen some rough times together and I will always be by her side as support

  8. Tell her, and tell her how you know that she’s lying.

    Also realise that she did what she did to get revenge on you, to hurt you.

    You deserve better than someone who lies to you, and her relationship with her friend/your on and off again best friend is not your problem.

    And as for seeing her everyday, well find someone else, and get the best revenge possible her seeing you happy.

  9. So…you made a comment thoughtlessly that upset your sister. She told you this. And your response is to go on and on about you, you, you.

    Yeah, your sister is right. You need to take a good, hard look at yourself and see if you like the person you are.

  10. Absolutely this!! I was in a similar type of relationship a long time ago. Decades ago. I literally didn't realize until LAST WEEK that I had been sexually and emotionally abused for the entire 4 years of the relationship, INCLUDING being made to do things that I hated and were very painful, deliberately humiliating, etc., for the reason that I had agreed in the early days of the relationship. I spent years afraid to object because I had “agreed” – apparently I didn't realize it was a human right to decide something isn't for you. And the person got off on my discomfort and humiliation, which continued to progress.

    Fortunately, I'm long out of there, and in a completely different situation now. As soon as I have access to health insurance again (hopefully soon), I plan to find a therapist and try to work on unpacking and healing some of that.

    I hope you're able to do that soon, as well. Good luck.

  11. This can't be the first birthday you two have spent together. Does he do this every time it's your birthday? How about Valentine's Day? Mother's Day? Christmas?

  12. This can't be the first birthday you two have spent together. Does he do this every time it's your birthday? How about Valentine's Day? Mother's Day? Christmas?

  13. ask one of the girls to deliver emily's clothes to bring yours

    Who was at the girls' night that night?

    She must be in contact with Marc, you will soon hear that they are together.

    Everything he told you was a lie, she was sleeping with marc and you were guaranteeing the life she wanted as her provider.

    block her everywhere and start dating girls,

    Let them know that you are uncomfortable with Emily and her family sharing pictures of you, the relationship is over and you will continue with the people you just met.

    Ask her to delete all kinds of posts about you in sm,

    you can share on your page that your relationship is over and it will not be possible for you to be together,

    wish them happiness

  14. Then maybe skip the trip, and learn to communicate more effectively because the only reason people are giving you all this well-deserved shit is due to EVERYTHING you have said about this trip. We aren’t just pulling these things out of our asses. A little self-reflection would do you wonders, Becky. More than a jaunt across the border for PR day for the organization could at least.

  15. You tell her that it was supposedly your anniversary, that the trip was supposed to be a ROMANTIC weekend away.

    Then ask her to apologise for ruining the trip.

    When she refuses, you break up with her.

    Tell her that you are sick of being the third person in this relationship, and that you deserve to be with someone who occasionally thinks of you and your relationship as important, and deserving of being put first.

  16. You sound very close to the sunk cost fallacy. Sp remember the time you've already put into the relationship is gone. Make your decision based on the choice you want to make going forward.

  17. I would never again stay in a relationship where threats of recording arguments are necessary.

    It distant matter if he's right, you're right, you're both right, you're both wrong, etc. You are in a completely unstable relationship with no trust.

    I would at the very least take a hot step back, and agree to some very unemotional ways to approach what you both are feeling and needing.

    But probably I'd just start looking for a new place to on-line.

    I tried for years. The trust and arguments only got worse

  18. Thanks for commenting! Yeah communication is always the most important thing, we will try our best to discuss this:)

  19. As a dude, I think he's kind of immature. I get that everybody gets to decide what sex acts they're comfortable with, but too many guys seems to want to be given oral, but not return the favour.

    I get it if you think it's a deal breaker.

    Try to talk about it with it getting adversarial. Waxed/shaved is often more tempting to go down on than full bush too.

  20. You came here asking for advice, which I am trying to provide. Please refrain from being belligerent.

    The most frustrating part of this is that you have all the tools to be the master of this situation yet refuse to grab the ship by the wheel and point it in the direction you'd like. How on EARTH is finding out who is going behind your back and actively sabotaging your relationships considered stalking in your mind? Start asking questions instead of being passive and continuing to let this happen.

    You're right, you have the right to privacy, but unfortunately someone is denying you that. So you have two options: to tell the person you're with because they deserve to hear it from the person they're in a relationship OR keep doing the same thing over, expecting different results and being heart broken when your relationship falls to dust after you shatter someone's trust. Because the truth is, your past actions are HUGE, and it's a deal breaker for many. But when you are perceived to be owning your mistakes people are much more receptive because like them, they can recognize you as a flawed person who is trying to change. There is no notion of change when you withhold this information.

    If you expect to not share everything with your partner then what's the point? By the sounds of it, you are not ready to be in a relationship, and maybe your current behaviour is contributing more to it than you recognize.

    I repeat – the truth will set you free, but not until it's finished with you. Find out what that means and continue to grow.

    As for what you end up doing: I don't really care, there is no skin off back either way. But spare us the helpless act and either take control or accept that your lack of action is gonna land you in trouble until your ex is bored with this I guess. Hope you get it sorted out.

  21. you may not drink often, but what about the next time you do? or the time after that? or the time after THAT? do you want to have this underlying fear that she’ll get drunk again and hit you?

    what would you say if a friend told you this story, would you advocate for their partner and say it was only a one time thing? or would you advise them to leave this person?


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