Swinging is done together with full knowledge of what is going on with spouses. She doesn’t give details but she does make it sound like they are meeting outside of swinging events. That is being done behind her husbands back. Thus cheating
If I'm expected to go to mom's dinner party and bring a dish, then I'd say I won't be able to make it and apologize for it being last minute. If she presses, then I'd say why I can't go – lack of sleep brought on by drunk frat boy behavior.
He was a petty drunk asshole, she gets to be a petty sleep-deprived asshole.
Plus, if you don't provide at least a brief reason why, you never know what drunk asshole might say to paint OP in a shitty light and make it her fault rather than his.
Wait, so you still want to build a house and have another baby with someone who lies, manipulates and has overall zero respect for you? Who doesn't even conceal anymore that she is lying and just changes her stories whenever she wants to because she cares so little?
Honestly, if that's what you want from life, then build that house, have that kid and why not finish everything off with a marriage while you're at it?
There are always two people involved in something like this scenario: One who does all the bullcrap and one who lets it happen. But your life, your choice.
you end it. you say, “we're done, we're no longer romantically involved.” then, when he continually pesters you, you block him. everywhere. if he keeps trying to get in touch you file a restraining order.
I am not sure I find him all that attractive after this. It feels like I’m mothering someone’s child.
That's fine, so you know you need to end the relationship. You just want different things which is totally fine. Also, you're not selfish for wanting to spend time with your SO, he is being selfish by prioritizing his gaming release over his relationship. Which is another indicator that the relationship should end. Video games have likely been his stress release for a long time, so you have to be realistic when it comes to expecting someone to change. If you expect him to do a complete 180 that's just never going to happen.
Being sad and looking for a convenient solution is never a good reason to start a relationship, much less return to one that has already ended for a good reason.
Ask yourself this. If you met another woman tomorrow that checked all your boxes, would you rather take a shot with her? Or still try again with your ex?
What happens a year from now after you have gotten back with her and you meet that girl? Do you ignore a shot at something fresh and new to continue something that deep down you know probably isn't going to last? Do you drop your ex because you no longer need a placeholder?
At the end of the day it's your decision, but unless you are confident you have both grown enough to overcome those core issues you are just setting yourself up for repeated failure.
Everyone sucks here. Don’t hang in the bad parts. Don’t date girls that instigate fights and don’t hang out with people who are going to pull guns on you.
Good luck bud. I'm from NYC myself, but I've spent a good amount of time in both LA and in London. If it gives you any bit of solace, if given a choice, I'd chose London 100% of the time.
I say she's a kid not based on her age but her judgement.
An 18 year old is barely an adult, a 23 year old doesn't have a fully developed brain, this should not be the relationship of their LIVES but they can have something and be happy. She didn't notice his age at first, some kids go through their stages at different times. My buddy still parties and acts like he did in college, he's older than me but that guy is a KID. My cousin had to grow up at 14 when my uncle died, and he has more maturity than many of my peers. You're not wrong for what you think, totally valid, but I believe I have some validity here too.
This is NOT important enough information to be disclosed within 6 months of daring someone. This is details of someone's life that you discover as you spend more time with them. Please don't be harassed into thinking you're any less due to the genre you enjoy reading. Hold your head high that your “very intellectual” bf didn't have anything worthwhile to put you down with. Because that's what some people do to have an upper hand in a relationship – put the other person down, make them believe they're inferior in some way. You are not! Dump his ass over this of you have to
He was working weird hours and we weren’t spending much time together but he got a different job and works better both snow. The breakup was mutual. It happened two weeks after we broke up. He messaged me telling me how much he missed me.
Kissing is an emotional experience. Laughing is an emotional experience. Crying is an emotional experience. All these things trigger hormonal responses in the brain. All these things form a connection and a bond that you will forever associate with the person you shared that with.
So do you track those metrics as well? Does having a friend who makes you laugh for years diminish your ability to develop new friendships with people who can also make you laugh? Does kissing a handful of girls in college and high school make kissing your wife less significant?
Of course not, because that would be stupid.
This idea that we have a finite capacity to value things, and that we must safeguard that non-existent resource for only top shelf people or otherwise dole a piece of it out to every person who has an interaction with us, is beyond fucking stupid. Surely, you can understand that as soon as you apply that logic to literally any other experience you can share with another person. It makes zero sense, biologically or otherwise. Where exactly in your brain is this finite source of emotion supposed to be stored? Where on the human body is the power-off button for feelings associated with sex?
People who believe in this fallacy are not actually elevated, moral human beings – they’re just people without developed thinking skills.
Just tell him you can’t hang out anymore because it seems like his wife is uncomfortable and is doing/ acting in a way that is making you uncomfortable and your not in the habit of forcing yourself around people who don’t want you around.
It goes both way in a marriage. If the wife doesn’t want her husband to permanently alter his appearance then he should strongly consider that. It’s not about men controlling women — it’s about being a team mate with your partner.
(What the heck is 10% fat milk? Whole milk is like 3% fat.)
You should apologize to him for deceiving him. And then you should address that he clearly isn't following his food plan and you aren't going to help him starve himself.
Stay out of it, and leave your ex alone- don't wish them happy holidays/birthdays/days/etc. Especially if he's dating someone else who clearly feels emboldened to handle his conflict for him.
Maybe he's cheating with someone else. Maybe she saw him get that text from someone else, and she thought it was you (it's weird she knows your name!).
Maybe she's crazy and making shit up to see if he's still talking to you.
Maybe he wants to make her jealous.
If one of them reaches out to you again I'd say “I'm not involved, hope you get it figured out- but please leave me out of it!”
With things outside the norm, it should be specified that they are absolutely fine.
Developing an emotional bond and exclusive interaction with one person during swinging is not the norm.
Swinging is done together with full knowledge of what is going on with spouses. She doesn’t give details but she does make it sound like they are meeting outside of swinging events. That is being done behind her husbands back. Thus cheating
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If I'm expected to go to mom's dinner party and bring a dish, then I'd say I won't be able to make it and apologize for it being last minute. If she presses, then I'd say why I can't go – lack of sleep brought on by drunk frat boy behavior.
He was a petty drunk asshole, she gets to be a petty sleep-deprived asshole.
Plus, if you don't provide at least a brief reason why, you never know what drunk asshole might say to paint OP in a shitty light and make it her fault rather than his.
My impression is you are dating a fucking crackhead and should cut your loses.
The thought of her might be asexual occured to me before, but I unsure, because of how high her libido was before. Or can someone become asexual?
no grow up
This isn’t about the ride home or the money you spent t. Your dad caught you talking shit about him behind his back (or so you thought)
Tell me you're an only child without telling me you're an only child.
Wait, so you still want to build a house and have another baby with someone who lies, manipulates and has overall zero respect for you? Who doesn't even conceal anymore that she is lying and just changes her stories whenever she wants to because she cares so little?
Honestly, if that's what you want from life, then build that house, have that kid and why not finish everything off with a marriage while you're at it?
There are always two people involved in something like this scenario: One who does all the bullcrap and one who lets it happen. But your life, your choice.
you end it. you say, “we're done, we're no longer romantically involved.” then, when he continually pesters you, you block him. everywhere. if he keeps trying to get in touch you file a restraining order.
I am not sure I find him all that attractive after this. It feels like I’m mothering someone’s child.
That's fine, so you know you need to end the relationship. You just want different things which is totally fine. Also, you're not selfish for wanting to spend time with your SO, he is being selfish by prioritizing his gaming release over his relationship. Which is another indicator that the relationship should end. Video games have likely been his stress release for a long time, so you have to be realistic when it comes to expecting someone to change. If you expect him to do a complete 180 that's just never going to happen.
Being sad and looking for a convenient solution is never a good reason to start a relationship, much less return to one that has already ended for a good reason.
Ask yourself this. If you met another woman tomorrow that checked all your boxes, would you rather take a shot with her? Or still try again with your ex?
What happens a year from now after you have gotten back with her and you meet that girl? Do you ignore a shot at something fresh and new to continue something that deep down you know probably isn't going to last? Do you drop your ex because you no longer need a placeholder?
At the end of the day it's your decision, but unless you are confident you have both grown enough to overcome those core issues you are just setting yourself up for repeated failure.
Everyone sucks here. Don’t hang in the bad parts. Don’t date girls that instigate fights and don’t hang out with people who are going to pull guns on you.
I think this is temporary, but I see the underlying issue – if anything similar happens again in the future, it will likely be the same
You don’t let him smoke. He’s gonna choose to do it or not either way. He makes his own decisions.
If that’s a deal breaker, it’s time to break up.
If it’s not. Don’t ask whether he’s smoked or not. That’s beating around the bush and treating him like a child. Be direct.
If he agreed to your boundaries, you call out the issue like adults and ask why he has zero respect for the boundaries you set together.
The lack of respect is the bigger issue. That’s what needs changing more than heater habits.
Take her to Golden Corral. I go there every year for my birthday. You can even get a free meal if you join the birthday club.
Good luck bud. I'm from NYC myself, but I've spent a good amount of time in both LA and in London. If it gives you any bit of solace, if given a choice, I'd chose London 100% of the time.
I say she's a kid not based on her age but her judgement.
An 18 year old is barely an adult, a 23 year old doesn't have a fully developed brain, this should not be the relationship of their LIVES but they can have something and be happy. She didn't notice his age at first, some kids go through their stages at different times. My buddy still parties and acts like he did in college, he's older than me but that guy is a KID. My cousin had to grow up at 14 when my uncle died, and he has more maturity than many of my peers. You're not wrong for what you think, totally valid, but I believe I have some validity here too.
This is NOT important enough information to be disclosed within 6 months of daring someone. This is details of someone's life that you discover as you spend more time with them. Please don't be harassed into thinking you're any less due to the genre you enjoy reading. Hold your head high that your “very intellectual” bf didn't have anything worthwhile to put you down with. Because that's what some people do to have an upper hand in a relationship – put the other person down, make them believe they're inferior in some way. You are not! Dump his ass over this of you have to
He was working weird hours and we weren’t spending much time together but he got a different job and works better both snow. The breakup was mutual. It happened two weeks after we broke up. He messaged me telling me how much he missed me.
Kissing is an emotional experience. Laughing is an emotional experience. Crying is an emotional experience. All these things trigger hormonal responses in the brain. All these things form a connection and a bond that you will forever associate with the person you shared that with.
So do you track those metrics as well? Does having a friend who makes you laugh for years diminish your ability to develop new friendships with people who can also make you laugh? Does kissing a handful of girls in college and high school make kissing your wife less significant?
Of course not, because that would be stupid.
This idea that we have a finite capacity to value things, and that we must safeguard that non-existent resource for only top shelf people or otherwise dole a piece of it out to every person who has an interaction with us, is beyond fucking stupid. Surely, you can understand that as soon as you apply that logic to literally any other experience you can share with another person. It makes zero sense, biologically or otherwise. Where exactly in your brain is this finite source of emotion supposed to be stored? Where on the human body is the power-off button for feelings associated with sex?
People who believe in this fallacy are not actually elevated, moral human beings – they’re just people without developed thinking skills.
Just tell him you can’t hang out anymore because it seems like his wife is uncomfortable and is doing/ acting in a way that is making you uncomfortable and your not in the habit of forcing yourself around people who don’t want you around.
It goes both way in a marriage. If the wife doesn’t want her husband to permanently alter his appearance then he should strongly consider that. It’s not about men controlling women — it’s about being a team mate with your partner.
(What the heck is 10% fat milk? Whole milk is like 3% fat.)
You should apologize to him for deceiving him. And then you should address that he clearly isn't following his food plan and you aren't going to help him starve himself.
This is why purity culture is so damaging
Stay out of it, and leave your ex alone- don't wish them happy holidays/birthdays/days/etc. Especially if he's dating someone else who clearly feels emboldened to handle his conflict for him.
Maybe he's cheating with someone else. Maybe she saw him get that text from someone else, and she thought it was you (it's weird she knows your name!).
Maybe she's crazy and making shit up to see if he's still talking to you.
Maybe he wants to make her jealous.
If one of them reaches out to you again I'd say “I'm not involved, hope you get it figured out- but please leave me out of it!”