Lilapop live webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Lilapop live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm around her age and the youngest I'd date is 27. I really can't imagine dating someone your age even if we got along, the difference in life experience and maturity would be too large assuming everyone is appropriately developed for their age. The fact that you haven't been in a relationship before and are impressed by her having a job like a functioning adult would make me even more wary.

    I would be cautious about this situation. It's very easy for the older person in a relationship like this to hold all the power, and you don't have the experience yet to recognize relationship red flags. I would probably call this a no-go, but if you are going to continue, make sure you're advocating for yourself and maybe do some research on common red flags for this type of relationship so you know what to look for.

  2. Haven’t spoken to her yet. It’s just sus to me. She could be telling the truth but how should I go about things with her?

  3. Yeah.

    Drive half an hour to confront her when you're angry after she's been avoiding seeing you. Nothing scary about that. I can guess what the camping trip was like.

  4. Yes, weaponizing her need for affection against her and making her the abuser for asking for a hug. I can't help but hope that this time, he has finally gone too far and she will break up. (She won't, I know.)

  5. Sorry OP, that sucks. I've been in similar situations before. There's no way to know why he stopped responding. It could be a lot of things—maybe he's just the kind of guy that dates girls for a little bit of time and then loses interest; maybe there's something else going on in his life that he doesn't feel comfortable telling you about. You haven't known him long enough to know why he might be acting this way. Whatever the reason is, you've made it clear that you're still interested in him and want to see him. The ball is now in his court. I'd stop texting him for a while and focus on other things. If he wants to see you again, he'll reach out.

  6. How did he wake up before you lived together? He's not the only person in the world who has trouble getting up, some of those people on-line alone even and get up and go to work every day on their own. Easiest solution here is for him to be a big boy and figure out how to get himself out of bed.

  7. She is in the wrong. She put you on hold WITH HER. She doesn't get to put you on hold with anyone else. Boundaries.


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