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14 thoughts on “Lillian the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You absolutely don’t. His behavior was absolutely rude, and disrespectful. He showed his true colours. He is trying to isolate you from your family. Why would you think that any of this is OK. You need to end this relationship immediately. He isn’t going to change and will probably get worse. Go to counseling to figure out why you think his behavior is OK. You deserve better.

  2. Hello /u/redkidneybeanz,

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  3. I was shouting and swearing but there were no threats and most of what I remember saying was about how she needs to take better care of herself and stop letting her own problems get so bad that I have to come in and help her and get fucked over in the process. I shouldn’t have to keep being the adult in the situation, and why can’t she just leave me alone for once. Was mostly about how she lied about her garbage situation in the garage because…well I don’t know why. She was letting garbage bags pile up around the house.

    Yeah, but she still has the whole “but she is still your mom” mindset. I didn’t really push things tho.

    Yes which is what makes this so tough.

    Unfortunately, she called me and ended things earlier today. I didn’t really get to say much in regards to the advice I’ve gotten here. Sucks, but I guess I have to respect it.

  4. Is it possible she means you have a lot more alone time? Because for me, if I were in her shoes, depressed and overwhelmed, and I had to watch you jaunt off to work every morning and knew you were hitting the gym every day I would definitely (irrationally) feel like wtf I have these two babies stuck to me, my mother and MIL up my butt constantly and a nanny in here at night—there’s just no me time! Then factor in that she knows all those people are there to help because she’s inadequate in some way, and she can sense that you think she “just wants to be a martyr” and of course that starts to turn into misdirected anger and/or resentment. She feels as though you get to leave the house every day and take a breath, then be on your own for hours. (Even if you work with others and work hard it’s still being away from the family/house and a change of scenery.) She probably feels like she never gets that “luxury” and is resentful because you keep saying she does have the time that she doesn’t feel like she has.

    Maybe try working with her to set an hour or two per week where she’s out of the house alone, or maybe as a treat get her a hotel room for a weekend? Insist that you’re willing to shift so she feels better about the dynamic but she also needs to understand how above and beyond you’ve gone to help and accommodate her and if your solutions aren’t working she needs to clearly communicate why and what she needs instead. (But of course this is hot, because depression brain isn’t always logical or rational!)

    It seems like maybe your wife thought the babies would save her from depression and give her something to be joyous about and the reality is twins are/motherhood is so much harder and more draining than she ever thought. She should definitely adjust her mental health treatment.

  5. Dude. This is an absolute train wreck. You are talking about adopting a child and you have no idea if that’s even a feasible option. This grown. Ass. Woman is literally setting you up to provide for her after she dumps you, and she’s not even being sneaky about it.

    It seems like your mind is made up though. PLEASE remember to update when this explodes. I’m more invested in this relationship than she is ?

  6. I’m not seeing anything else that can be done here. You are no longer smoking. You’re washing your clothes and nothing is working. Sounds to me like you just have to ride out the next 4 months.

  7. Don't stay in a relationship you don't want to be in for a kid you care about. You'll set him up for more disappointment and pain when it blows up further down the line.

  8. This is the only answer. She has made up her mind that she wants to not be your girlfriend anymore, and is softening the blow. If you continue being with her it will just drag things out, there is not communication that will change this

  9. A lot of my closest friends see my current girlfriend as immature, and I had always ensured she would feel validated with her thoughts and feelings. But i feel like you are correct in setting boundaries and I shouldn't be spoiling her this much.

    I have a feeling she would know what I am experiencing if she gets to college herself. I do feel pity for myself not having enough sleep, so I'll think more on this. Temporarily, I've asked for space because I feel pissed off about the situation. Thank you for this!


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