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46 thoughts on “Linhua live webcams for YOU!

  1. he's 27


    lives with parents (which isn't a problem in today's world but if he's just living there and not doing anything else then yes that's an issue)

    in debt

    manipulating you

    Girl. RUN! Also, you're barely even an adult and he's dating you? That's so wrong. Please please dump him.

  2. Here’s what’s interesting to me: wife. History of lying. Hypothetical situation she has no doubt entertained (I doubt the “would if I did and never told you” comment was spontaneous) Basically it’s premeditated cheating and i question why you’d marry someone you know has no issue lying to your face. However, that’s only if you don’t go along with it. Take one for the team and have a threesome. Do it for your wife and all mankind who wishes they could hear those words from their wives!

  3. You should indeed talk to him regarding this and try to communicate it. However, me, personally, I wouldn't wait until the inevitable happens.

  4. I was very harsh on my wife's father early in our marriage. It took a decade for me to realize he is one of the best people I know. Sometimes when you think you have your shit together, really you are just a judgmental piece of shit like I was. Your dad is the salt of the earth and with time the world will teach your husband that

  5. lmao its funny bc shes so angry about it. idk if the backpack holds some sort of significance to her, but this should honestly be something you guys can laugh about and perhaps turn into a silly memory. u even offered to buy her a new back and replace it. i think ignoring u and giving u the cold shoulder is so unnecessary and mean. its not like u did it on purpose and the fact that she doesnt understand that, is pretty alarming.

  6. Listen, he deserves to be reported, but I think you should put yourself first. Do the things you have the energy for. Don't worry about not reporting him, the girl knew what she was doing and he will not stop his behavior and karma will catch up with him eventually.

    You need to ditch this guy, you're a convenient ATM to him.

  7. Congrations on your bubba.

    That's incredibly gross and tasteless of your husband. Not the 'funny joke' he thought it was. He needs to pull his head out if his arse. I'd be pushing the 'clearance ' out even longer if it were me, he is seriously lacking respect for you. I hope he's at least pulling his weight with your baby.

  8. Same! My wife and I both have black hair and my son has bright red hair. He's 2 now and I tell him it's special, but I do worry that he'll end up self-conscious about it, especially since his sister also ended up with black hair.

  9. I was a recruiter for a solar company so they let me work remotely until I found a job down there. I’m supposed to start the new job in the new city Jan 4th. I don’t have any family or friends in the new city, he has his uncle who offered him the job

  10. u/Glittering-Shower-24, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  11. Perhaps, but I stand by my point. Which is the person doing the crime should take all the responsibility for that crime.

  12. Well,it absolutely does take a village to raise a child,but that doesn't mean you have to be her nanny/babysitter.

    Did you have anyone help you when you had kids? I'm guessing probably not? It sounds like you had to take care of the kids all yourself. I would think about that… would you have appreciated some help?

    You sound bitter and burnt out. My grandma was NOT a helper to my parents. She lacked maternal instinct and my parents didn't want her helping out anyway. She wasn't a great mom to my Dad (and his brother). I've never been close to her or my grandpa. They made it clear that I was a burden to them. So my parents stopped taking us over completely. Now they are in their 90s they wonder why no one shows up to see them. I get messages all the time about going over and seeing them. How come I never show up for them? They never showed up for me. Or if they did, it was obvious they didn't want to be there.

    This is the time to not blame your daughter or your grandchild for your choices that you made when you were younger. Did you not consider your choices before you became a parent,too?

    Boundaries are important and expectations of your relationship with your daughter and her being a new mom and wanting your emotional support, are extremely important. Don't miss this time to bond with your kids or your grandchild. Go see a therapist to help handle your baggage, limit how much time you stay with her, and go on vacation afterwards.

    “I love you and I'm thankful to be a Grandma,but my role is going to be……” “I'm not going to be able to be what you want me to be,I can't pour out of a cup that is empty.”

    It's okay to not be the Grandma that always has the kids. Just come from a place of love and understanding,not bitter resentment for your own choices.

    My Mom is a great Grandma and someone I can call in an emergency. She works, we don't see her all the time and her and my Dad are on vacation in Florida right now. You can have a balance. I hope you find it.

  13. Hello /u/Working_Republic_105,

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  14. I feel like you're taking offense to the wrong part of the story. I had a 4 day bachelor party (Thurs-Sun) that was essentially no big deal, nor anything out of line compared to what my friends had. My friends were a combination of married and single, but it's worth mentioning no one had kids yet.

    The REST of the story is bullshit, but i don't see what's so outlandish about a 5 day bachelor party

  15. I mean, I usually like to cook to surprise my girlfriend, so this isn’t really my case, but have you tried inviting him to cook with you? Or make something fun like your own pizza together, so he gets involved in the kitchen and feels okay there. I mean maybe he is a lazy nerd who never wanted to cool in the first place, but he may feel too distant from anything involving kitchen so you might wanna start there. I get how you feel but it’s not the end of the world, your man just didnt smash them potatoes because he was having too much fun with the games. Don’t blame him, men can behave far worse and be far more ignorant towards women. Sit down with him, talk to him, tell him you would be very glad if he joined you in the kitchen, show him how to make the potatoes.

  16. “dont disrespect a man in his house” god you people truly do on-line in one hell of a backwater, wild west, primitive ass, antiquated weird fuck feudalism esque, backward, syphilitic brained delusion together don't yas. Do you banish women to the fields during their “time of vast shame thou mustn'th speaketh oft” too?

  17. If he wanted to, he would. If you already talked to him multiple times and he still hasn't changed then he never will. Love is not enough for a relationship to survive on, especially when you're the only one putting any effort in to save it.

  18. If he wanted to, he would. If you already talked to him multiple times and he still hasn't changed then he never will. Love is not enough for a relationship to survive on, especially when you're the only one putting any effort in to save it.

  19. If he wanted to, he would. If you already talked to him multiple times and he still hasn't changed then he never will. Love is not enough for a relationship to survive on, especially when you're the only one putting any effort in to save it.

  20. yea…

    this might be an unpopular opinion, but I cherish my sleep. Also having an animal in the bed is nasty in my opinion.

    I like my bed to be very clean. I am a light sleeper and often having even a person in the bed makes it difficult to stay asleep.

    I have dated women who sprawl out in the middle or crowd me on my side and it kind of ticks me off becasue I think there is a time for cuddling and there is a time for rest.

    I have deeply struggled with insomnia in my life and I often need to set up my bed in aparticular way that makes it suitable for sleeping.


    having a partner who invited a dog to the bed and doesn't help me cherish my sleep would be a deal-breaker.

  21. She is shallow and you are better off with someone that respects you. Dude, you make a great living. I work in medicine as well and make a ton of money, but life is so much more than money. Doctors that think they're all that because they make a ton of money are actual jerks.

  22. Wtf it is his business. No man wants to hear that oh by the way I was an escort,it is his business if you want a relationship with him

  23. 140k is a pretty good salary. Most people will never make anywhere near ~400k.

    Also, not that it’s your decision, but I would be concerned about value fit if my partner made 400k annually and chose to let 200k debt ride instead of paying down aggressively.

    Should be able to clear that out in a few years with that kind of income, but at this rate that debt will follow y’all into marriage. Crazy

  24. Yes, there are so many ways you two could potentially accommodate each other. What matters is communication, trust, and making sure everyone is comfortable and no one is being pressured to do anything they don't want. First of all, what do you mean by “sex”? Do you mean “penis in vagina” penetration? How do you both stand on nakedness / naked cuddles? Massages? Touching/caressing? Mutual masturbation, or self masturbation? What are your views on porn, erotica, sex work? About polyamory, open relationships, swinging? There are plenty of ways to share both intimacy and pleasure that don't involve PiV. In the course of this discussion, you might find out that you have ways to make it work, or you could be incompatible. I'd also say that this question would be better answered in places made for allo/ace relationships (I know there are a few on Facebook). Good luck op!

  25. Honestly that sounds wonderful but these times and this generation are not the same. I hope you guys have a lot more great years together

  26. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Throwaway because wife sometimes uses Reddit. All details are accurate but ages have been fudged a little bit.

    I (28M) have been married to my wife (28F) for 5 years, together 8. 3 years ago we moved to a new town and I started a new job. At this job I met a girl (36F) who I really clicked with. We don't share very many common interests, but can talk for hours because we have a very similar way of thinking. We became friends and have been such for the last 3 years.

    Recently we got a long lunch at work and went to a nearby museum. During this time my wife tried to call me because of some problem with our bank but I didn't hear it (my phone was in silent), so she checked my location (we share location history) and was surprised that I was not near my office. When I called her later she asked me why I was not near my office. I said I got lunch there, but didn't mention I was with my friend or that we went to a museum. Later that day she asked me again and I told her the whole story and apologised for lying about it.

    Many conversations later (and after much anxiety and pain) she is insisting that I cut off all contact with my friend and find other friends because of “emotional creating”. I agreed that I probably do talk to her a bit too often and should pull back a little but don't want to cut her off completely. Where do we go from here?

    Some context: – my friend and I hang out relatively frequently (say lunch 1-ish times per week and a museum-like trip once every few weeks). – we typically only hang out around work hours (we sometimes hang out on the weekend but usually with our families). – we typically text every day (this is what I was thinking of cutting down on) – we have never done anything physical except hugging when greeting/saying goodbye – I really, really struggle to make friends (apart from my wife this is the first real friend I feel I've ever had), so having to lose her is devastating – I lied because I was afraid of what my wife would say; we have had many issues throughout our relationship of me leaving it details because I don't want to justify them (things like what food I eat, what games I play etc). There are a lot of complicated reasons for this but long story short I'm a coward and she's very strong willed so if she disagrees with something I do I will very likely cave and not do it again (even if I love it). This is something we are actively working on. – our relationship has always been a bit rocky, very anxious-avoidant. It's something we're working on, but recently (because of lack of time due to kids) we feel our connection has gotten weaker.

  27. This comes down to personal preference of the two people, and what each is okay with. There's no “should” on this.

    If it's a deal breaker for you to know this stuff about your BF's past, then probably the relationship won't work. But it's also ok for him to have a boundary about his privacy and his life before you. Focus on whether you two can compromise rather than “right” and “wrong” because coercing him to tell you won't make either of you happy. At this point I doubt you'd even trust that he's telling you the truth anyway.

  28. Honestly I’d ask them not to invite you if your partner isn’t also invited. You shouldn’t have to turn them down or put your partner in an awkward position. Better to just set the boundary and let them know if they ever change their minds they can invite you both.

  29. My immediate reaction to her update was that he probably saw her post and realized he messed up big time. I may have been on Reddit till long but still can't help feeling this way

  30. She needs to go to treatment for alcohol immediately. If she doesn’t, I would end the relationship permanently. It’s too much of a burden for a person to carry. The second thing I would do is go to Al-Anon. You need some help for your part of it. Because alcoholism is a family disease and it affects everybody in it. If you do not do your work around that she’ll end up finding somebody else like her so you can take care of them. I wish you the best of luck. She’s a sick woman, so I wouldn’t do anything with anybody sexually around her until she is much healthier

  31. He's not a coward, he's perfectly happy to chastise OP for her language. He just doesn't have an issue with racial slurs so he sees no need to intervene. Note that OP says he doesn't remind Steve that she is bothered by the word, not that he is actually bothered by it himself.

  32. Call the cops, you can arrange a time for them to be there when he is there. Listen to others in this thread too

  33. IMO I think he is a safety risk to himself. That sounds like he’s testing the waters of suicidal ideation. Please be careful

  34. That's fine if you have to wait, but digging into his personal information behind his back is not your right. People get to have privacy and boundaries. I know that you saw what you saw innocently, but then continuing to snoop and sleuth is where you start crossing the line. You saw something unexpected, and that's when you have a discussion about it.

  35. It’s selfish bc you told her so YOU would feel better without thinking of how it would/could affect HER.

    I agree that fantasies are normal, but hearing that your spouse fantasizes about people he/she knows can be hurtful. I was told of my ex husband’s fantasies and it hurt me deeply…which played a large part in why we are divorced now. NO ONE wants to hear that their partner/spouse desires other people…it’s something better kept to yourself imo.

    My advice on Where to go from here: 1. Apologize for hurting her. (Even done unintentionally, that’s what you’ve done.)

    Say you’ll stop (even if you don’t, DO NOT tell her about them).

    Give your wife LOTS of reassurance, LOTS of compliments, and most importantly…SHOW her that you desire her and find her attractive.

    Be prepared for a dip in her self confidence, as well as her noticing if you are looking too much at other women…bc she will notice now…and it will affect her…so when you’re with her, eyes on her, only her…

    That’s all I have, hope it helps. ??‍♀️

  36. Most of your comments on other’s posts contains offensive and derogatory language towards individuals. Additionally, it suggests a disrespectful attitude towards the idea of receiving and giving advice. Providing constructive criticism and feedback is essential for helping people improve their lives and overcome their challenges, but this paragraph does not offer any real advice or guidance. Instead, it only serves to belittle and insult the person, which is not helpful or productive.


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