Loren-baker online webcams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Loren-baker online webcams for YOU!

  1. You are so thoughtful. Are you the one who does most of the work in trying to make a relationship happen?

    I was adopted at 3 days old and my adopters are harmful people. My biological parents never knew how to be there for me in a healthy way either.

    Depending on her background and life growing up with her caregivers or parents, she may never have been shown what healthy love looks like.

    Sending you love and hugs.

  2. I'm sorry that, at 34, your Autistic daughter hasn't yet learned that it's not OK to yell at people. I can picture no scenario where I would ever yell at my Mother. Ever.

    I think you're perfectly within your rights to not want people, who treat you badly, in your home. Being a relative is not an excuse. Being Autistic is not an excuse. I have an Uncle who is just dreadful. The whole family walks on eggshells around him. Except me. If he is being an asshole, I kick him out. Guess who is the only family member he doesn't yell at and insult?

    Life is way too short to put up with people who use others as verbal punching bags.

  3. he was watching porn maybe once a day or every other day when we were dating.

    This really isn't the worst I've seen, although it verges on the edge of unhealthy. A porn addiction means that you're so consumed by porn that you need to watch it to feel normal. Some people might even play it in public spaces, and attempts to remove porn from their daily life is unsuccessful. Although it's not a diagnosable condition, any addiction will affect other areas of that person's life, like academics and social life. So all in all, your ex didn't really cross over into a terribly bad situation for himself.

    However, because he wasn't able to compromise when you addressed that it made the situation for you uncomfortable, it's likely that his reliance on porn and sexual stimulation (which, when combined with how often y'all had sex led to him climaxing around 10 times a week) created a dopamine deficit in his brain and altered his decision making process around it. I would definitely say a healthier goal would be every other day at most.

    It disturbed me that a lot of the pornstars looked nothing like my body.

    I hope that your confidence and your self image can improve. Although it would weird me out to see any of the porn that my partner might consume, it should not be something you compare yourself to. Your ex found you attractive, in more ways than just the sexual pleasure you could give him. Your worth is not defined by your body, and although the models he watched might have made you jealous I would say he was not emotionally attached to them. I would likely not date a porn star, or someone who is as physically attractive as one, because my relationships are based on personality and connection.

    have you ever requested your partner to stop watching porn while starting a relationship?

    No. This is a controlling and slightly abusive tactic. What my partner does with their free time is not my business, and I'm perfectly happy if masturbation is part of it. I wouldn't recommend trying to control the amount of porn someone watches, because it would likely just lead to them being more secretive about it and not telling you about other things.

  4. “I was abused as a child and am self conscious about the scars.”

    That's all that you have to say right now.

  5. Well, getting married very young is never wise imo, divorce and cheating rates skyrocket if you marry under 23

  6. I really love my fiance but we have has some serious ups and downs the last few years, mainly with this health, i kinda caught the ick and am Working through what to do with a therapist. He is the father of my kids and i love him but like i am Romanticizing a past relationship that failed simply out of nostalgia and bc this guys is watching my facebook stories immediately. I blocked him today bc why the fuck would i entertain that or want that and look at the crazy idea it gives me- nope. It’s just too bad when you find someone perfect for you but it happens too early in life to respect that or take it seriously.

  7. Hi thanks for the reply 🙂

    Re: tourism yeah that’s the case for many locations – difference is, I’m not related to the people in those other locations. Imagine unwittingly being waited on by your poor cousins and aunties and uncles? It’s not something I’m comfortable with.

    In regards to my dad – He hasn’t taken me there, and he hasn’t been either (it is not his home country. He’s British), because his older brother was kidnapped in that country as a child and forced into slavery. So there’s always been apprehension from them to even talk about the place. For my dads side of the family (his brothers and sisters) it’s a place that they need to build themselves up to visit as a group and it seems like they’re finally going to visit as a group next year.

  8. There's not going to be any Hebrew schools that are also NOT Jewish religious institutions.

    That's trying to take the almond out of almond milk.

    And I went to religious schools for the majority of my life, yeah they suck for a variety of reasons, but that's not going to be every experience.

    And I also really think that a lot of how you experience things is determined by how much involvement you're putting in. My school couldn't say my name without “and her mom” or “and her parents” being attached automatically.

  9. I know them having a baby doesn’t necessarily involve me

    But it will. Dealing with a baby mama. Him needing to take care of his kid, paying child support etc.

    He says he kept it from me out of fear that I would leave him

    Deceptive from the start. Sounds like a great guy with a promising relationship and future. /s

  10. Instead of an illicit relationship with a broken woman, why don't you see a therapist to work on your issues?

  11. Are you happy? If you are enjoy what you have. Life is too short. Don’t listen to your friends, listen to yourself, you are an adult. Enjoy the love you have, don’t let your friends deter your happiness.

  12. Why… why would acknowledging that this would be a highly unusual sex toy to actually use and at the same time a not-uncommon gift among friends suggest someone has never dated? I’ve certainly dated… I’m also someone who bought my friend a giant dildo last year on her birthday as an inside joke.

  13. Yup, that’s classic toxic behavior. “I’m not happy with my life so you’re going to be miserable too” is more of less his attitude here. If he doesn’t have friends then that’s his problem, maybe if he wasn’t such an insecure and bitter person maybe other people could stand to be around him. Don’t weep for the stupid, you’ll be crying all day


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