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30 thoughts on “Lucy the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. By torturing insects do you mean frying ants with a magnifying glass? I kind of feel like insects is a fairly standard/borderline acceptable thing for kids to do. Mammals? Probably be talking to a therapis

  2. Hello /u/harletscarlet,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. if one doesn't think he was dumb back then, doesn't matter when “back then” was, then one is very wrong. we are all extremely dumb, and some of us are trying to be a little less dumb each day

  4. Depending on their respective incomes and if they’re in the US, it may actually be more beneficial to her financially if they’re not married. She could more easily qualify for Medicaid for herself and the baby, WIC, food stamps, etc.

  5. Does no one here realise men can be bottoms in hetero relationships? OP said he meant actual bottoming and yet everyone is still baffled at the idea.

  6. Ignore this. It’s none of your husbands business that you’re taking contraception. It’s not 100% and you both know this.

  7. Why is that a red flag? I would love another baby and I love him and he’s an incredible father.

  8. God, you poor thing. This piece of shit is wearing down your self esteem. Nothing is wrong with you, vaginas don't lose their “stretch” permanently and this is backed up by gynecologists. Dump this loser man baby and find one of the many men out there who will love every second of intimacy with you.

  9. Lol wow finally found a level headed individual that isn't fueled purely by emotions. I agree with everything you said and was basically going to tell OP the same thing. All these Redditors letting their emotions turn them so bitter is sad. Life's too short to hold such rage and grudges. Also I say this as I confronted my significant other for cheating. I forgave her after a long cathartic discussion.

  10. I want you to go on a mental journey with me. Say she's happy to open the relationship, then say she starts getting laid elsewhere and you – for whatever reason – don't. Would that be okay with you? If not, an open relationship probably isn't for you.

  11. Please, downvoters, explain what I said that's wrong. The poor guy just wants some advice on his girl problems. Wouldn't OP be rude not to offer his sage advice to him?

  12. Yeah I know how drama queen I can be sometimes. That’s why I need to hear a rational advice before actually do this sh!t. Thank you for your reply, really.

  13. I didn't have to get past steak and bj day to know he's being a child. I just asked my partner if he knew about and he didnt even have a clue. Your boyfriend is putting way too much emphasis on a day thats not even widely recognised.

    How do I go about this? I’m not sure what to do.

    Maybe consider dumping his immature ass permanently for someone who diesnt throw a tantrum when you say no to a sexual act.

  14. He said it isn’t likely he will marry me sooner. Which really did sting.

    He's not serious about you then. It's literally that black and white.

    This is why I'd rather be single than stay in relationships for years as BF /GF. The investment literally makes zero sense. You don't need to date someone for 4 years to decide if you want to marry them.

    People only drag their feet when they're not serious about a person.

    Its normalized to date for years these days. But it doesn't mean it's normal.

    Yalls timelines have to match.

    You're ready to get married now. He's not. Cool, move on and invest your time with someone else. Because yalls timelines arent compatible.

    This isn't an ultimatum either. Just end the relationship and don't go backward.

    Otherwise you risk letting it turn into a sunken cost fallacy. You keep waiting around because you've already wasted so much time waiting around and you feel like you would be “throwing away” the last 4 years of your life.

    And next time set your expectations up front.

    I'm not living with someone I'm not engaged to. Period. Not signing a lease with you. Not playing house. Not playing married if we aren't married. And I think thats part of the problem.

    People have zero boundaries about these things. They just give 100% to relationships that at a stage of 100%.

    So me personally, I would walk. But I I would also like to preferace that by saying that I dont believe relationships for the sake of relationships. My natural state is single. So if I'm in a realtionship that is specifically because it is moving toward marriage and building a life together.

    Otherwise I'd rather stay single minding my own business.

  15. You are being admirably calm. Have you retained an attorney? Please do, and follow their advice exactly! I suspect that you are trying too nude to forgiving. I guess you know a lot about finances as a whole, but an update with the attorney about your respective rights in a relationship dissolution would be beneficial, and also tricky things your STBX might pull, too. You say you got the land for her horse? It might diffray costs if you use the land for agistment. I suppose it doesn’t make a difference if she “ only” made out with another; the cruelty of her texts and her dishonesty make a future with her something to be avoided at all costs. I would still get yourself tested for STIS. I’m glad you’re hitting the gym. Good for physical as well as mental health. I hope you Come out ahead in all this, and after some healing find woman wise, honest and sexy as hell!

  16. I told you so OP ( old post)

    but you should have refused too. The rules of any relationship are defined prior to its inception and there must be no coercion to change the rules from both partner. Otherwise it is cheating and abuse

    But, I m sure it is a fake, no one can be that ……..

  17. Please speak with a professional – reddit is so insufferably reactive to anything outside of the norm particularly when it comes to the mere mention of infidelity.

  18. Wow. Start living with integrity. You deserve this. What did you expect? Did you really believe that you were his only person besides his wife? You are both cheaters. Unbelievable.

  19. Ye i know the feel, did LDR once, never again, it makes no sense.

    Do you have friends and hobbies to keep you busy most of the time while he is away?

  20. Because some days are harder than others.

    Hell, I immediately had a nap when I got home today and skipped out on buying groceries with my partner while yesterday I spent all evening hanging out with friends.

    That doesn't mean I don't enjoy spending time with my partner, I just didn't have the energy today.

    If it starts becoming a habit THEN I'd worry about it. Right now, it's just a one off.

  21. Definitely do not allow him over to collect his things. When you request the restraining order, tell them he is threatening you for gifts given during the relationship.

    Ask for a police escort to be available if you insist on giving the things back. Better yet, mail the things or don't give them at all.

    Also, an RO won't necessarily keep your ex away. But it's a very important tool that will allow your ex to be prosecuted more severely if he continues to harass you.

    I suggest reaching out to the Domestic Violence hotline. Ask for a Vicim Advocate to assist you in filing the RO. They will know how to work with local law enforcement and local laws to get you the best results.

    If your ex shows up, call the police Every. Time. Every single time. Say 'A man has threatened to kill me and he's at my door.' You can explain the DV once the police are there. You want them to show up quickly. It's the truth, but it will also elicit a more urgent police response. Unfortunately, I learned this from experience. Keep the call to the specific threat. Not all officers treat domestic violence with the seriousness they should, so you keep it to the point until they have the threat under control.

    I'm sorry you are going through this.


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