M A D D I A M O R E T T I on-line sex cams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “M A D D I A M O R E T T I on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Making fun of you is a huge problem and you shouldn't feel right about that. He's literally calling you names. That's never OK and is a red flag. I think it's fine for him to not want a religious wedding and fine for you to want one, but marriage is all about compromises and it sounds like instead of compromising he thinks it's fine to flip out and attack you. Is that how he's going to handle all disagreements?

    (I'm an atheist who is Jewish, BTW.)

  2. Not in person. But over the phone and with video calls yes. My mother lives in a separate state.

    I had told her that my partner had passed away but didn't give details on how and told her that it's not something i want to talk about right now.

    And personally, yes. It's not something I've been able to say out loud. It took me an entire therapy session to even kind of say it. It's difficult for me to talk about in general. Which is why i specifically requested her not to harass me about it.

    She's always been terrible with boundaries, and absolutely never takes no for an answer. This has just been the latest in a long line of similar experiences with her. And with everything else going on I'm just reaching my limit.

  3. Mormons really really really don’t date much outside the religion. I’m curious if she’s trying to convert you. If you have a lot in common very religious people then they usually try to bring you into their religion (“We have so much in common, you’d love it” “you’d fit right in” etc etc)

  4. U would be the worlds dumbest person to take her back

    Block her and move the fuck on

    She disposed of u 5 years ago AND WILL do it again. Why are u setting urself up for heartbreak and pain?

  5. The short answer: No.

    The long answer: No, love (on it’s own) is not enough to stay. From the details you’ve included in your post, it sounds like your partner doesn’t really love you. For starters, he tries to control you by making sure things are convenient for HIM; he mocks you and your dreams; he compares your achievements for the purpose of putting you down and undermining your work rather than supporting you or building your confidence up.

    Additionally, it sounds like he’s gaslighting you and manipulating you: 1) whenever you try to talk to him about how you feel or how his behaviour hurts you, he either BRUSHES IT OFF or finds a way to MAKE IT YOUR FAULT. That is a huge red flag and is extremely exhausting to deal with. 2) He threatens you over trying to communicate and explain your side of things, rather than taking accountability and/or responsibility for his actions and the fact that his selfishness is making you feel like things aren’t as equal between you anymore.

    I think you’re in a difficult situation; you’ve known this person (on an emotionally and physically intimate level) for a long time! I understand that the thought of leaving/starting fresh is scary because you haven’t really known anything for a long time.


    If he’s treating you like this NOW he will CONTINUE to do so, unless he takes legitimate and consistent action to change. Think about how he makes you feel. Would you want your child/children to feel like that? Would you want this kind of person to be a father/parent to your child/children?

    I don’t think it’s fair to you to stay in this kind of relationship. I also, personally, do not think it would be worth it to stay.

    Good, healthy, relationship are built on more than just LOVE: communication, respect, compromise, accountability, boundaries, etc.

    It sounds like your partner isn’t providing you with those things, and isn’t making an effort to do so. If you’re making an effort to put in the work, why isn’t he? If he won’t talk to you, it’s clear he doesn’t really care.

    So TL;DR: No, love is not enough.

  6. But won't the pills compromise your long-term mental health on a much more serious level?:( I am totally empathetic to your situation as well as your addiction, so just know that I'm not judging you or berating you for considering the pills. But isn't it essentially just to numb you out and get you high enough that you momentarily stop feeling these emotions, until the effects wear off… This is a slippery slope and I'm sure you're well aware.

    Aggain, not judging you for it at all. But if you can muster up the strength, avoid that doctor's office for as long as needed until you don't want to get that prescription anymore. Are there any AA groups in your area? Being surrounded by other people will help tremendously as well as the therapy aspect I'm sure.

    Good luck OP, break-ups and treason are difficult things to get over, but addiction is even harder. You've already proven how tough you can be by beating addiction, give yourself the chance to keep going.

  7. They were and are consenting adults. It’s not your place to judge anyone’s age gap. Get over it.

  8. As soon as he said he wanted to test the relationship I would have broken up with him. One of two things happened. One, he cheated and is lying to cover his ass which would explain why he didn't want you to call his sister right then. Or two, he was trying to test you and that would be an immediate nope from me


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