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15 thoughts on “MadisonAwesome live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Ah I apologize, I completely misunderstood. I’m close with someone who got catfished and it hurt her, so I was definitely biased. But no one can put 100% of the detail in a Reddit post, that’s ridiculous. But reading what he actually said and did to you, I completely understand why this hurt. Partly because having a child means committing completely to everything about your child and loving them, a disability shouldn’t be an issue, but also partly because it’s extremely crappy of him to only be thinking about your baby making potential in a relationship, and even more importantly he’s making assumptions about your health and well-being without even consulting you. It always really sucks to be dumped, but honestly you’re better than this a-hole. I’m honestly sorry if I caused you any distress, especially when you’re already feeling bad. I really think you can and will find someone so much better though.

  2. Did you really try to get his family involved because he wasn't aanswering your question, when he clearly said he didn't want to keep speaking to you?

    Yeah, this sounds very manipulative

  3. Vote me down, I do not care.

    OP, I don’t care how much he brings in, if you are the “housewife” half of it is yours! If you accept less you’ve been taken.

    **Pre-marriage possessions excluded. Both working, equitable division of bills, family savings, retirement and individual accounts.

    Ask yourself, are you a team or roommates? If you can accept the later sign it.

    Best wishes for your best life ever, OP. I truly hope y’all can work it out equitably.

    Agape ??

  4. He’s decided to put his religion ahead of your happiness and the health of your relationship.

    Plenty of people do this of course, but it’s up to you to decide if being second to his religion is ok with you or not.

    I suppose you should also consider what else this means. Catholicism is incredibly sexist, and sees women as “less-than.” So will you be ok if that aspect of the religion comes out? Is it possible?

  5. You’re too old to act like this. You don’t bring an animal home without discussing it with all of the people who live! there. You just hoped she’d cave when she saw the dog and felt bad for it.

  6. Someone to try and stack evidence against you to authorities over a photo, is someone who will give themselves a black eye to get you arrested for domestic violence

  7. Tell a white lie: “Gran, I've had a long day and have a slight headache. Do you mind if we don't chat?”

  8. If I was your husband, I would be paying very close attention to what you choose to do. I can tell you right now it’s not worth it.

  9. You don’t seem to want any advise from people who’ve been in similar emotional states you want someone to confirm what you think.

    There is no point in having a conversation with her if you’re not even open to seeing her side or you won’t believe her when she tells you.

    YOU’VE decided that she still loves her ex even though this is a pretty common reaction to situations like this. If you can’t get over your own reaction to this long enough to give her the benefit of the doubt and you can’t trust her then why are you here? Just go nuke your relationship and let her go before you waste any more of her time.

    So may people here have told you they’ve been in similar situations, being in love with someone who doesn’t really love you back sucks, especially when they string you along for years only to have the exact thing they told you they never wanted at all with someone else. It’s not that any of us miss the POS partners we had it’s that it feels like it confirms all of the terrible things we thought about ourselves in regards to being lovable.

    You can be sad about a dumbass ex while still realizing he’s an ex for a reason.

  10. I guess this is what i'm gonna do. I just hate fighting. I want peace, why can't there be peace for once? Alright, i'll tell him that. Thanks for your advice.

  11. I think you all need a come to Jesus meeting. Your husband made a promise to you and now hes reneging on it. You need to make him understand that or decide if you want to be single. Ask him how he would feel if you were to go anyway… His response would go a long way and figuring out what you should do.

  12. Maybe your wife just isn't feeling a spark in your relationship anymore or something like that. A lot of people would tell you to walk away from her but if all goes smoothly, this is a chance to reconnect with her and clear any problems up. I hope things go well.

  13. He doesn't want to be pressured into marriage, but it's ok for him to pressure you into spending thousands of dollars for his sole legal benefit and calls you stupid for questioning it. Ok, totes fair & legit. /s

    I think you should take a step back and reconsider if this is the type of partner you want in your life. Maybe he's just overwhelmed with all the pressures on him right now and is reacting poorly. Maybe he's fundamentally a selfish, misogynistic asshole. What does your gut say?


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