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MahMutlar_2022live sex stripping with hd cam

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Room for live sex video chat MahMutlar_2022

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40 thoughts on “MahMutlar_2022live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Sadly, you handle this break up by not handling it. My advice would be: do not reach out. Maybe this is her way of handling it and you will make it worse.

  2. are you saying now you argue in relationships because your parents argued? I feel like it's more of a normal thing than to be just some contagious virus that broke out due to exposure

  3. I just read through your other posts. You guys haven’t even been married a year yet and he’s already cheated on you once for sure and most likely those 2 other times and that’s just the ones you know about! Babe, you deserve better. Your baby deserves better. This man is a disgusting serial cheater who has zero respect for you! Like other people said, definitely definitely get checked for STDs and leave before your baby is born.

  4. He dumped you, tried things out with her, it didn’t work so he came back to you.

    What would’ve happen if things DID work out between them ?

    Your his second choice

  5. OP, no. What needs to happen is that she needs to get her hormones checked and she either needs to have her dosage of anti-depressants raised or she needs to change to a different anti-depressant because this 100% sounds like a mental health problem. Hysterectomies cause a massive shift in hormones and it's essentially menopause. Trust me, it's rough. This is a huge change for her and her body, and it seems like all of this has resulted in her becoming depressed which has caused her to have a complete lack of interest in certain things as well as a lack of motivation

    Personally, I have chronic depression that occasionally dips into major depression. One of the most prevailing symptoms for me is a lack of motivation to do absolutely anything that isn't just sitting on my phone or playing games. My bedroom is a mess, and while I have attempted to clean it, it ends up being so hard and draining for me because my depression already makes me lack energy and drive. Hell, sometimes I genuinely won't get up to eat or groom myself because I just don't have the energy. The second most prevailing symptom is sleeping too much. Not so much anymore, but with my depression, I used to sleep constantly, and I mean constantly. I would wake up, and I would already be tired. I'd be up for a short period of time, and then I'd just nap the day away because I genuinely could not get myself up. Depression is a real problem, and it causes major issues with energy levels and motivation.

    That doesn't mean people that can't do things because of it are lazy tho. It means that they need help. Laziness is when someone has the energy, drive, and mindset to do something, but they don't because they're unwilling. People with depression do not have the energy or motivation, and often times they KNOW that they should be doing something, but they physically cannot. Your wife needs professional help.

    Honestly, I'd also look into her seeking therapy/you two having couples therapy. Your valid for feeling burnt out and even frustrated that you have to do everything. That's all valid, but please don't feel like your wife is just lazy and just chooses to be this way. That definitely doesn't sound like the case, and I think with more help, this can be resolved

  6. Let him go. He wants you to make all the changes and compromises while he remains the same. This is not an equal partnership. People who truly love you don’t want you to change at all, let alone for them.

  7. Its called bruxism or jaw clenching. Its a side affect of the abundance of serotonin and other hormones being induced by the drug. It can be relatively mild to uncomfortable depending on the dose. Chewing gum is a life saver when rolling, and a magnesium supplement taken before hand can help mitigate the clenching.

  8. While 5 years isn't much of a difference, it sounds like you're in different stages of life. You're looking to move on to the family stage and she's still in the young freedom stage. If she's not ready that's her choice. And if you don't want to wait for her, that's your choice.

  9. I understand, I'm going to talk to my bf if he'd be more comfortable with a reschedule. Where it's just me and my bff. We'll see how he feels first.

  10. Ja also ich bin direkt eigentlich eingeschlafen weil es mir echt schlecht ging und er war halt die ganze Zeit über da und hat sie abgenommen als ich eingeschlafen bin. Ich weiß, dass sich das schrecklich anhört! Ich war ja auch schon früher krank und da hat er sowas nie gemacht aber dieses Mal ging es mir wirklich mies(hatte mich bei einer Freundin angesteckt mit Influenza) und ich vernachlässige mich manchmal ein wenig selber, das sagt meine Familie auch. Was er getan hat war nicht richtig, wirklich nicht, aber ich weiß, dass er nicht böse gemeint hat

  11. Well it wouldn’t be fair to try and work on yourself and he doesn’t work on his own flaws either. Retroactive jealousy is pretty hard to deal with for you. If you put in the work and effort then I don’t see why you shouldn’t stay in the relationship but it takes 2. As long as you’re both willing to do better. Also I’m glad you deleted tiktok?they feed irrational expectations.

  12. Just because you apologize doesn't mean it has to be accepted or anyone HAS to move on. What do you do? You do better in your actions and move on. You accept their grieving process and stop making it about you. Someone died and you were a piece of shit about it, they are experiencing loss and there's no timeline on overcoming those feelings. They may never. Welcome to the consequences of your actions, try not to do it to anyone else.

  13. Nope, if his dad is being deceitful the don certainly does need to tell her or tell her enough that she asks the dad to come clean. Two people in her family lying and deceiving her are two to many. It may not have been his place but when he confronted his father and the father told him the truth and the agreement and that he was funding her college with the parents money i he is now caught up in the lies snd needs to tell her before she thinks he is in cahoots with his father .

  14. you misunderstood nothing, and frankly have nothing to apologize for. you hit the nail on the head. jokes aren’t funny when they aren’t meant to be

  15. Considering that your sisters actively don't want you around, severing ties should be pretty easy. Just tell your parents “Ok, I won't sever my relationship” then have a convenient excuse each time they ask to meet. This gives your parents the ability to pretend everything is fine, your sisters won't notice or miss you, and you can live your own life. Master the art of agreeing to everything they say on the phone, then ignoring it all and doing your own thing.

  16. I get you want to believe in her OP but just keep in mind that both technology can be wrong and people can lie and in this case the fact it placed her at the co-workers gives to me higher odds of it not being wrong and that she is not telling the truth

  17. Google is free. If she can get knocked up I sure as hell hope she knows how to type “local child therapists” into Google's search bar lol

    Nothing wrong with going to therapy, btw. You should probably try it, yourself. Not sure why you think that's a “gotcha”

  18. Has it always been this way with your bonus kids or is this more recent? Do you think they are going through a nightmare teenage phase? As an ex-asshole teen, it took moving out on my own to grow appreciation for all my parents sacrificed for me. We are now as thick as thieves.

  19. Have you considered not crushing on people solely at your workplace? Since he avoids you that might be a clue.

  20. Funny this is really the only commenter who you thanked, and not the dozen people with an actual explanation.

  21. although it may be a common occurrence, it’s still a choice they are making knowing they have the (safer, smarter) option to not drink. there are people that don’t drink at all if they are the DD that night and people that won’t get in the car with them if they do have even one drink. I actually do know people that do this and I wish more people would.

  22. although it may be a common occurrence, it’s still a choice they are making knowing they have the (safer, smarter) option to not drink. there are people that don’t drink at all if they are the DD that night and people that won’t get in the car with them if they do have even one drink. I actually do know people that do this and I wish more people would.

  23. Isn't the plan for her to get married? Just tell her you are dating for the same goal of marriage. That you are both figuring out whether you are both compatible to that goal.

    If you date her then there is no point in waiting years for that outcome.

  24. That wasn’t long distance – that was just chatting. He’ll have been chatting to loads of others and will be nice as pie to all of them until he gets sex.

  25. Damn, you don’t really talk like a good person

    I never claimed to be one, frankly I treat people how they deserve to be treated or how they treat others. Me saying some harsh words is nothing like the pain she caused to the person she claims to love the most and at the end of the day the truth hurts. I don't really bother being tactful around a person that doesn't deserve it.

    By your standards, I’d say your toxic and destructive towards people when the topic approaches something you can’t handle discussing without allowing your emotions overwhelming you .

    Speaking with harsh words doesn't really indicate anything with emotions, but I digress.

    Speaking in length about how much she sucks isn’t benefitting anyone

    Frankly it should benefit her more than the stuff you wrote that basically excuses her behavior. I mean really how is anyone supposed to take someone seriously that says :And I also can respect the feeling of your decisions hurting someone that means that much to you. She also didn’t ask you what you thought about any of that'

    No she didn't, she wanted someone to coddle her like you did and she wanted some magical way to persuade her hopefully ex fiance to stay. When you post on the internet you're subjected to judgement, just how you're judging me: Damn, you don’t really talk like a good person She’s asked “what do I do?” And your response is “you’re a disgusting vile piece of trash” Either you cant understand plain text or you ignored what she asked so that you can waste everyone’s time being as degrading and vile as possible

    My statements are true though, she is not sorry for what she has done, so there is actually no point in giving her any advice, she is sorry for getting caught and facing the consequences.

    I agree with you actually, cheating doesn't inherently make you a bad person, but what you do after certainly does. Continuously lying and deceiving someone you supposedly love does make you a bad person

    Again I don't see how calling someone a bad person or a gross arse is much worse than you saying I am not a good person. I personally just didn't sugarcoat it.

  26. I rode my kick scooter from the civic opera house to union station Sunday night at 10 pm. Didn't think twice about sitting in the train station for 40 minutes talking to some homeless guys. I used to take my kid into the city all the time. All The Time

  27. You aren’t even engaged yet, but your mother is already making your wedding about her.

    Maybe she feels like reviving the equally important tradition that the bride’s parents pay for the wedding? It’s traditional, respectful, and she has to.

    But paying for the wedding does not equal control. Shut that shit down.

  28. if everyone had your thought process no marriage would last…..actually scratch that no one would get married lol


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