MaianYHarry live webcams for YOU!
20Khappy Halloween!! Mahian is feeling very naughty today and her costume is proof of that, come and taste my delicious cum , ♥
happy Halloween!! Mahian is feeling very naughty today and her costume is proof of that, come and taste my delicious cum , ♥
Yeah i get that. When i wanted to leave her i felt sorry for her because she was talking about her she wanted to k*ll herself because i was leaving her so i took her back.
Your Mom is toxic. She chose to keep inviting your ex to family gathering when she isn't famiy.
You letting it happen for so long is already bad enough. You have to set hot boundaries.
First let them all know what she did is illegal, and you're willing to go all the way and see her condamned for it if she doesn't delete it all AND get out of your life for good. Never to contact you or Max ever again. If your mol wants to stay in contact with her, make it clear she has no business ever bringing anything back to you, you will never meet Marisa again, and any child you may have will not meet her either. This is how it goes, if your mom foesn't agree, go NC. She chose her over you
How long have you been together? Long distance relationships are hot and it sounds like he is more interested in partying in his own country.
One solution to childhood issues is see a therapist to help you neutralize their influence. This is likely to be more effective than trying to “figure it out yourself”.
This is super valid concern for a father and husband, an inherently protective role.
Idk I'm 38 and dating someone much younger. We are both adults though and it's working out pretty well. People are gonna have opinions and think you guys are wrong. That's life but it's none of their business. You two are adults and I hope you can get the money thing situated. Your family makes a good point about that matter.
This is the problem when you’re basically a child bride to an older and insecure man. You chose portly because you were a child when you met, and he picked someone much younger who he thought he could control. Now, the marriage is getting close to falling apart because you’re starting to wake up and ask questions he didn’t want to deal with.
Worked and then mostly drank wine. She was a lot of fun though and great in bed.
Yeah I just don't understand . She would probably just not tell him next time if she knew he lost trust in her. it doesn't make sense.
When I asked about it I really wasn’t thinking about him cheating. I wanted to know the reason for her being in there-did I forget something for my kids, was the dog acting up, did we loose something? His reaction made me suspicious though.
He says he didn’t tell me about them working out because he thought I’d feel “left out”.
Try this one, too.
Will do, thanks :”)
In terms of your actual question, people didn’t treat me differently between 19 and 20. So no, I don’t think there’s going to be a change.
Why did you think your parents would be supportive of you seeing someone double your age? They are right to be wary, someone in their mid thirties dating someone who’s barely an adult (sorry but true, you’re only just over the threshold) raises red flags. Age gaps create power imbalances, which can open the door for manipulation and abuse. Doesn’t happen every time, but age gaps do facilitate it. You’re too young and inexperienced to see why this is creepy; you’ll probably understand when you’re 36, and you look at 19 year olds. The older you get, the younger they seem, there is such a huge maturity difference between someone your age and someone his.
Divorce is a legal process that doesn't require you to be out of love. Find yourself a lawyer and a therapist and move on.
The pastor said “those accusations have to end now!”
There's your fucking problem.
Pastors are literally the perpetrators of this kind of shit compulsively. Why would they back you up, you're a woman.
How does she look 15 at 29?
Oh, ick. Did you really have to write those words? Really regretting having eyes right now ?
Could be grooming you bro
Contrary to what you'llnhear in this sub, men and women ARE able to have friendships that are strictly platonic. I'm sure you'll be told that if he goes you have to break up with him, he's lying, he's not to be trusted, the girl is a threat, etc. Basically you either trust him or you don't. I would have no problem with my partner doing this because I trust him implicitly. I'm also very secure in my relationship. There's many who aren't and use that insecurity to control what their partner does. If there's trust and respect on both sides then I wouldn't think there's anything to worry about, but you have to make that determination.
Tell him you're struggling and need that 1k back, if you struggle with justifying it say you owe your parents money. You owe them 1500, make it a larger sum not a smaller amount and start hounding him about it.
Tell him you're going to tell your parents to ask him for money.
Get your parents in on it.
Then dump him, he's done this before. He's going to continue.
Keep this up and he'll be forced to choose between you and his job. That's a very dangerous game to play, OP.
I have not asked her about the nature of traveling in the third trimester, but I have another appointment coming up shortly and will be bringing it up with her as well as asking for specifics regarding my risks so my partner can hear them for himself. Perhaps it’ll soothe me too. Thank you
You deserve better than this.
Let this be the last time he ever has the chance to tell you to move out.
Honey, get a therapist on your own and work on loving yourself enough to believe you deserve better.
You understand that no longer having a reaction doesn't mean you're okay, it means you're discociating when you have these fights, right? Numb is not something that serves you. Numb is your brain trying to protect you from the pain. Numb isn't healthy.
A good therapist can help you set healthy boundaries in all of your relationships. Just because he isn't the worst partner you've ever had doesn't mean he isn't bad. He has been abusing you for years. It's okay that you've fallen out of love with him. Now it's time to fall in love with yourself.
You deserve a soft life full of love and a partner who contributes meaningfully to that. You are worthy, you always have been. ❤️
Be kind to yourself. You never deserved to be treated this way. He said the absolute worst thing he could think of repeatedly to win arguments. Do you really want to be with someone like that?
Actually, considering intimacy is a huge part of most romantic relationship it absolutely is worth ending it over. You can’t beg someone to give care and consideration to you. It extends so much beyond that moment of sex. It extends go basic curtesy and respect to your partner.
Girl be glad thats OVER
What you have is real. That ‘passion/love’ of movies etc is not a long lasting thing for most people. What he is describing is how people treat people when they love them, he just doesn’t have the words to describe it.