Manny the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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25 thoughts on “Manny the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Eh, the worst that can happen is there's no connection and one of you moves out. Sounds like she already has feelings, so what's one dinner date going to hurt? If it's too weird for you then thats that, but sounds like you've considered dating her, so why not give it a chance?

  2. I think your boyfriend needs “ to get out more”. It appears he also hasn’t had conversations with women who are not interested him from a relationship angle.

    STEM is historically VERY gendered. However the women in STEM careers, tend to have very clear ideas about their contemporaries abilities & after the age of 35+ tend NOT to “ be backward in coming forward”. This age is decreasing as each new year of graduate entrants arrive.

    Hopefully he will learn this quickly or he will be “educated” by his peers.

  3. It will never go back to what you want. Too much has happened. You may both have good intentions this time around but eventually all the insecurities, resentment and animosity will resurface tenfold.

  4. No advice because you’re an idiot for trying to go back to someone who is cheating on you.

    So good luck with that one

  5. rly needed a dad.

    Please do yourself a favour and find yourself a good therapist to work through what you've experienced. It doesn't matter that you're 39 now and divorced, it can hit you any time.

  6. Nothing in the post suggested he had an issue with her drinking? The guy clearly can only take so much family time and wanted to go home and decompress and OP wasn’t letting him leave

  7. She's only there temporarily and is already set to leave, she is apparently happy and dating someone else and has already gone mostly no contact with OP. It's OP that's having the hot mental time, not her. She's been living with someone with a ton of mental disorders, she's probably only just realising what it's like to be free of that right now.

    Dating someone for a few weeks and trying to move in with them is a huge way to end any relationship. I cant imagine asking a guy if he will let me stay with him a few weeks after meeting him. You literally barely know someone after a few weeks, don't want them permanently in your space and don't even know if they're safe enough to live with at this point.

    OPs mum is safe and OP is reasonable enough to respect her boundaries. She's in a safe place with someone she trusts and got on with, that's all she really needs until she moves out as planned in Febuary.

  8. It's not a healthy relationship if he said he would be lying if he called you beautiful.

    Someone will find you beautiful. In looks and in personality. You will find someone who deserves you one day.

    But for now, it sounds like you need to work on yourself. Not your looks. The way you feel about yourself. As the saying goes, you can't love someone else until you learn to love yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others. There will always be someone prettier, smarter, with a nicer body than you. Than any of us honestly, especially as people have differing opinions on what they personally find attractive.

    Take care.

  9. Some wounds can’t be healed, forcing OP to keep bleeding is selfish. Just move on dude. You are so irresponsible for cross posting too. Take responsibility for your own actions, delete the cross-posting.

  10. I can’t believe that you are not more angry about this. First of all, that is violence. Violence happened and will happen again, and the next time it does you will be left begging for a apology. And secondly, you don’t beg for apologies. This is widely unhealthy. You don’t have to put up with this, you don’t have to tolerate this. If you don’t see that, then you are choosing to leave the door open for it to happen again.

  11. You're making a really good point. I'll reassure her that she doesn't need to stay in the relationship just to keep the family together & that she should put herself first. More so because she recently recovered from cancer and really needs to be in a good state both physically and mentally. I'll do all I can to support her. Thank you.

  12. I've been thinking that, I've talked to her about it and her response is “I can't tell her what she'd be ok with” and “we don't know what the Future holds” and pretty much that if I'm not willing to try out relationship then she understands but she loves me and wants to try to let me be me

  13. I actually understand what he's feeling. Someone else mentioned doctor/dentist which is someone you see what once every 6 months?

    A personal trainer is a fit (very hot looking) individual who spends an amount of time with you more than once a week, encouraging you to push harder, congratulating you as you reach a goal and often says things like, “looking good!”

    Let me tell you, if my wife had a guy other than me giving her that much attention, I'd be flipping my lid. I have no doubts about her loyalty.

    I've read a few stories on r/infidelity that involved personal trainers.

    This isn't crazy town on his part. It's putting up a barrier protecting the relationship from potential future threats.

    A personal trainer at the gym isn't an issue… until the happy couple has an argument and she vents to the trainer after he asked why she's off. Soon, friendly advice turns to bad mouthing the husband… and you are several steps towards an affair. He is trying to protect the relationship from a perceived future threat. This is no different from saying, “put on your seat belt.” Not saying you're a bad driver, but buckle up for safety.

  14. Seriously? Who cares? He can ask you to play, you tried it, didn't like it. Done. How is this an actual issue?

  15. Yeah, I do think he's projecting. The fact that he looked so deep into her stuff to come up with anything and the only thing he could find was while they were getting divorced is so damn telling. He just had to find a reason to accuse her of cheating when he knew damn well that isn't cheating is downright absurd! His bs reason of being afraid of being cheated on just tells me he's looking for any sliver of proof to accuse her before she figures out its him.

  16. You're focused on your fiance's reaction but not your own actions and issues. You've put your husband into a position to console you when it should be the other way around.

    Why do you feel the need to drink to a point your get so drunk you cheat? With a 6 months old in the picture.

    Speak with you doctor. Or a therapist that is more familiar with PPD. Get to the root of your own issues instead of focusing on your fiance's reaction to your actions.

  17. Over a text!?! That is not okay at all, what the hell man, I'm so sorry.

    Did she say it's because you cried?

    My friend, you were together for two years, I'm sure this hurts but this is not normal or healthy behaviour from her and you deserve better than this my man.

    If you can afford it and have the time, I would recommend therapy to process this, it really helped me after a breakup.

  18. I thought about passing up your offer at the last word, but I’m not that strong I guess.

    I have my own reasons for believing that young marriages are challenging. More challenging than they need to be. I’ve never been divorced, my parents met at 15, married at 20 and are still married, so go figure. I’m 37 now and happily married with a beautiful and wonderful son.

    I am PROUD to be happily married. I am pleased that I am at a point in my life where I can actually hear my wife and what she needs and remove my own ego from that equation. I know that wasn’t as easily done when I was younger. And I know enough people to know that I’m not alone in struggling with that in my 20s. We live in a society now that demands we put almost everything on hold to try and make ourselves the “best earners possible”. That’s a TON of stress, and when you add in the idea that you ought to try and start a family under that pressure? Good luck.

    You want to call it silly, that’s fine. But I’m a happily married 37 year old. Frankly, I don’t care that you think it’s silly. I know that there are a million ways for a successful relationship to exist, and in my time on this earth, it seems to me that relationships starting as teenagers is seldom the path to that.

    Godspeed to you.

  19. He’ll never qualify for an auto car loan. Has he checked out the cost of insuring the car. Two new drivers insuring a high end car is going to cost as much as the car.

  20. I wish i could make that requirement. He cant afford a therapist right now unfortunately. He has been applying to better jobs though, so if he gets one with insurance, that conversation is definitely happening again, thank you


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