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54 thoughts on “MartinDiana the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You don't actually get to dictate at which level she gets “dressed up” vs just throwing on clothes and potentially feeling sloppy and uncomfortable.

    It's her body, her face, and her comfort level with her own appearance and how she presents in public. Get over it.

  2. the person below made a good point about not focusing on getting back at him. So If you do talk to the police wait till your completely safe.

  3. Right? There are no good reasons to keep contacting this guy; only good reasons to stay TF away.

    Spending $2K on someone you're dating in a 3-month period when your 22 means one of the following things:

    He was thinking of u/HomeOrdinary485 as a doll or possession of some kind that he was purchasing accessories for, for his own enjoyment (creepy and problematic) He was thinking of the money he was spending on her as some kind of rent or compensation (gross, sad, and also problematic) He's very insecure and bought into the baseless myth that the way to keep a girl around is to buy her shit (pitiable, and deserving of the space he has requested to grieve without feeling pitied) He has an unusual amount of money and either enjoyed or genuinely did not mind buying her things, and has a healthy attitude toward gifts (healthy and worthy of the respect shown by accepting his answer) He makes poor decisions and has access to a credit card his parents pay the bill for (be ready in case mom and dad send him to collect with his tail between his legs!) He was, and possibly still is, in some kind of period of mania

    And none those scenarios is one where continuing to follow up with this guy at this point is a good plan

  4. Go with the flow, it don't matter if they don't like each other, as long as they can be cordial around each other at gatherings.

    I don't like my step brother at all, but during family gathering and such, I keep it cordial, it is only a few hours that day.

  5. Get a vibrator.

    Convince her to let you finish what you started when going down on her. If it hurts, try different things and get feedback.

  6. Youve been playing mind games with an 18yo and lying to her. She said you could date, but since you can’t get a date without paying for it you introduced a sex worker into the mix which a lot of women may have issue with. Not just because of the ethics of it, but because that is very different from dating.

    You groomed her and now you’re gaslighting her and you also somehow still see yourself as a victim. If laws were fair to women you’d be in jail.

    I hope she realizes any adult who would manipulate a teen and groom her like this isn’t someone who should be trusted around a high school and still has way too much personal growth to do to be a good partner. I hope She realizes that Christina is better for her and sees her as an equal. I hope you get the therapy you so desperately need before trying to date anyone else.

  7. Hello /u/ThrowRA_HopeRomantic,

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  8. Oh I miss her all the time. We would text almost all the time and see each other almost everyday. I have been hitting the gym hot and studying very hot but nothing just clicks nothing really helps me move on from here I blocked her on everything but still doesn’t help. I think the fact that I didn’t obsess over anything during the rs was probably what triggered her because she really was.

    Also, could be the first time I’ve felt like that for someone and I honestly think when she started getting very very close to me, I almost pushed her away which is the last thing I wanted to do. Ik it sounds like excuses and all but I’m really trying my best here

  9. I could have written this myself. Finally decided to leave him and buy my own home but he can't get a mortgage so needs to move back in with his parents an hour away.

    He's now saying he doesn't want me to leave but I think he just likes being able to work 3 day weeks and love off the back of me and doesn't want to move in with his parents. And I don't think he can be bothered with the commute to see our son.

    I'm so torn, stay as I am even though I don't love him but our son has a family, or do the right thing and see how I fair on my own but knowing I'll struggle with child cate if he loses interest

  10. Jesus you got some problems you need to work out. Sure as hell is a one sided happiness in that relationship. How could you do this to a person you “love”? Like how could you not have realised that you shouldnt be doing this and to immediately stop? And the whole “oh we're just texting and hes sending dick pics, nothing to worry about hunny im not in the wrong” like are you really that delusional? This right here is why id never marry. Think of how he thinks he has this lovely wife that loves him and puts on a act everyday just to go to sexting some other guy at night. Man is he being played like a fool. Disgusting

  11. It true that they had a reason to arrest him but the way they went about it was wrong. He called them for a different reason. They talked with him for 40 minutes to the other issue and just when they were about to finish up they pretty much jumped him with no warning. He was scared so he started yelling because he had no idea what was happening. Lawyer thought he had a good case too the judge just wasn’t having it

  12. A lot of people are saying to center the conversation around health. If her health is not your concern then don't lie to be nice. Just be honest about what your problem is and it will be better. Your opinions and preferences are important and ultimately what you should be driving your decision making.

  13. Pretty common stuff in LDR. You want sexting tips you should probably head to a related subreddit for that. Good sexting is different for everyone based on their likes and desires, you know your partner.

  14. He's in her bio still and she post them on socials whenever they're out doing something. But they don't have sex or even kiss. They act like they're broken up but it's as if she wants everyone else to know that they're not because she's scared of what people will say. Her closest friend tells me she doesn't see me as a side piece and M tells me she wants something out of us she's just scared of what others will say to bringing someone new around. I just don't understand why it would matter if she says she wants me. Sorry for the confusion.

  15. It says the rest of the night I don't remember and then goes on to describe in detail.

    There are a lot of fake ones tonight. Must be a boring Sunday.

  16. I think he likes you, but wishes he had more experience before he commits to you. I suppose it means he wonders if he’s missing something even better. It sounds like he’d like to find out, if it was “risk free” (I.e. if you’d take him back assuming he didn’t find something better).

    I think it’s pretty reasonable to be offended by this, because it’s kindof like saying “you’re okay, but I wonder if there’s something better for me out there. Will you wait around while I find out?”

    Is he immature / selfish about other stuff?

  17. I think at first he was sad. You liked that. Trying on the marriage. He gets angry. He’s probably going through the stages of grief. He’s getting weird joy in hurting you because it’s over. Maybe he’s dating around realizing he can still get a date, creates confidence and resentment towards you. He’s using you again to feel better. Not doing the work. Your confused and hurt. This guy isn’t trying and hasn’t for awhile and think this is some pay back. Just don’t invite him anymore. Tell him the truth unless he can be normal then he cant come around.

  18. Your wife sucks op, this is all on her. She did this, it's time to go see a divorce lawyer. Reverse the roles, what would she do?

  19. Just curious what did I say that made you think she’s better off without me? No hate just wondering, genuinely

  20. I think you should bring it up again. He’s never seen Murphy perform. Eddie Murphy is one of the most talented comic actors of our time, and your friend should feel complimented that EM reminds you of him. But be sure to emphasize all of the reasons that you listed that you love EM and why it reminds you of him. His brilliance… His versatility… Lay it on thick. Compliment the hell out of your friends and he will know you meant nothing racist with your comments, and also maybe watch an Eddie Murphy film.

  21. I don’t think you should argue about Tom and Sami’s marriage any more. The point here is that it’s inappropriate for Mark to dictate who you can be friends with or not. His argument about your character is bonkers, because if anyone knows your character it should be your spouse. If he can’t tell that you are a good person even if you are friends with someone he thinks is doing something “wrong” then does he really know you?

  22. He wants me to end the friendship with Sami because she is now a “cheater” in his view and thinks she will influence me to cheat or want an open relationship as well.

    Wow, what an incredible leap for him to take. Even if Sami had cheated (which she hasn't), I would be concerned that your husband has so little trust/faith in you!

    To give you a 'me or her' ultimatum over this is incredibly controlling and toxic behaviour.

  23. I'm neurodivergent and have experienced issues my whole life despite very very heavy masking. My career path has been offices with older women and I've been bullied over and over again. My psychologist told me about some of the studies you're referencing, as well as just general info that many NTs detect the subtle differences and go in on it. At my current office, some of the women gossiped about me for bringing in baked goods, for example. It's ridiculous.

  24. One would assume a porn free relationship would involve both people not watching porn. He thinks what’s good for the gander is not good for the goose, and is lying to his friend to shame and pressure you alone in giving up porn.

  25. Could it be peri-menopause? I have PMDD. Was diagnosed at 26yrs old (now 40) I am on the pill and that’s what made me calm down

  26. If she’s fabricating stories to the police I would get away from her asap before you end up behind bars.

  27. Same. I remember one friend I adored and used to go on mad adventures with telling me, after I asked when she was going to come and see me (I'd moved abroad, but she worked for an airline so her flights were literally free). She laughed and said “well the kids can't fly business class until they are 8, so…” I looked at her and said, “I meant just you,” and she looked at me like I'd sprouted 6 more heads. “Absolutely not!” I was like, “what if I myself get married or have a child?” “Sorry,” she said with utter finality. “I'm never leaving them.” She went from being a gorgeous, vivacious, intelligent, wisecracking fun loving woman to “managing playmates for her block and ITS SO MUCH WORK OMG”.


  28. She sounds super toxic and is looking for excuses to start drama with you, even creating situations where no matter what you do she will get upset. You shouldn’t have a partner that adds on frustrations, resentment, anger, disappointment, stress, disrespect, and unhappiness to your life. The fact you have to go on Reddit and ask what to do for a situation like this that she purposely created says all you need to know about her as a person. She’s toxic and you deserve better, you obviously are a good partner and it’s obvious that she’s using you for her own amusement while not caring about your feelings. If I were you I’d break up with her, there’s way to many red flags in this to pretend there’s anything redeemable about her or your relationship and it’s all based on how you described the way she treats you and the relationship.

  29. After 100 Reddit stories like this, it’s a sad safe bet that he’s already cheating. I would talk to a divorce lawyer on what to do. You probably need to hire a PI and separate money soon.

  30. I have no idea if he’s doing it intentionally. But clearly if he’s been doing it his whole life, it’s because on some level he thinks it gets him what he wants.

    Would definitely be worth drawing a line. Maybe he’s willing to stop if you explain that it’s abusive?

    Otherwise yeah. No bueno.

  31. I see my mistake, he has still been unfaithful for a majority if not all of your relationship. He is unlikely to change at this point. So sorry that you are going through this.

  32. I think the reasonable thing is to talk to him for sure. Yeah you have been dating for a relatively short time but he has made a commitment to you which will influence your life and future. You deserve to know where you stand and how the relationship will move forward. I would personally bring this up with him like “hey, so you're gonna be moving pretty far away and while I'm supportive of you I'd like to know your plans regarding our relationship”. I would not mention the fact you can move close to him right off the bat. Take it slow, don't immediately jump to accommodating this new situation. Let him take some initiative as well then you can suggest that! Good luck.

  33. Well said. She definitely doesn’t want to feel the way she does. She can’t just “grow up and snap out of it”. It’s deep and engrained and is going to require a lot of one on one therapy.

  34. If he wasn't overreacting why does it not happen in front of friends and family? Why with them he's suddenly able to moderate his sensitivity but with OP it prevents him from chores and constantly ruins their dates?

  35. Things like bragging, making mildly insensitive comments, general childishness. Nothing major but enough to make me doubt our compatibility.

  36. No she should definitely stay hung up on her ex and unable to move forward in a relationship and should blame it on the men she tries to date, what could possibly go wrong with that approach /s

  37. I’m sorry to hear about that, but I know that you will find your sensitivity again even though it can take time , I wish you luck with that ! About my bf, I know that he doesn’t have this issue because as I said he doesn’t encounter any issue when he’s the one initiating, but what you said in the last part of your comment made me think about this issue with my boufriend and even though he jokes about it, maybe he’s actually affected by this too and doesn’t really know how to communicate it. I mean we usually talk about everything freely, but maybe this is actually a sensitive subject for him..

  38. It doesn't really seem to matter even if it were normal behavior for others. Everyone else involved in this situation is being made uncomfortable by it, so he needs to stop immediately.

  39. She's speaking about marriage because it's a matchmaking website… is only for marriage for Indians.

  40. You're 21. You've been together 6 months. You're in the honeymoon phase and you're not head-over-heels in love with him. He lied to you. His kid is a little misbehaved shit that needs therapy and better parenting.

    Move on. He isn't worth it. Nor is that kid.


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