Maryo online sex chats for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Maryo online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yeah, it’s always been like that and very unfair. It is better now and there’s a lot of younger, nude men don’t like older women. And a lot of women do better in business as they get older. So it’s not completely that way.

  2. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this! It sounds like such a disappointment.

    The one piece of advice I'd like to convey is that the way these people are behaving is very likely more about them and their insecurities than it is about you. It's passive-aggressive and meant to bring you down so they can feel better. It's dysfunctional, and always remember that it says more about them and their internal struggles than it does anything genuine about you.

    So what to do in the meantime?

    Take some time for yourself and do a little self-care while you're on your trip. Book a massage, get your nails done, go to a cafe and enjoy a coffee, etc. Just something to take care of yourself without the negative noise so you can recharge and feel a little better on your own terms.

    It may also help to think about how you want to address what happened at some point, and I have a couple of ideas on that.

    For anyone that you want to remain close to, I would bring it up. Maybe not this trip, but eventually when you feel more comfortable. Say the negativity was unexpected and hurtful and ask if there is something going on with them that has brought it out. A little warning – it might not go well. People get a little flustered when confronted with honesty like that. But this tactic should really only be used with someone whose relationship you think can get past this. It should be addressed because if it's not, it will probably come out again.

    For those that you're not sure about or don't want to remain close with, remember that you can't be honest with someone who isn't honest with themselves. Their reaction is passive-aggressive and meant to bring you down so they can feel better about themselves. Getting through to someone that hasn't matured enough to know their own weaknesses or have some self-awareness is an uphill battle and might not be worth your time. People in this group should stay at arm's length, if not out of the picture completely. I would learn to ignore them and start to reframe those comments for what they really are – a very sad way to make themselves feel better.

    In the end, it sounds like you feel happy and healthy with all the progress you've made – and that's all that really matters.

  3. Okay, I’m just gonna be incredibly direct and I want you to understand that I am saying this as the oldest daughter who has had to take on the role of second parent because my dad liked to behave you like. You are a father now, which means you DONT go out Christmas Eve with your little homies and leave everything to your wife. You don’t get to get out with your friends all the time, even though you work so your wife has the “privilege” of being a stay at home mom, when being a SAHM is 24/7 work. You don’t get to shrug off situations like this because Kate came over to help. Kate IS NOT the father of your children and it is NOT her responsibility to help raise YOUR kids. Your wife is a single mom at this point, since if she is having MELTDOWNS it means that you have not been pulling your weight as a father in this situation. Overtime your wife and kids will come to resent you and leave you and you’ll wonder why after your kids move out they don’t call you or ask you for advice. You’ll wonder why it’s always about mom and have to hear second hand about your children’s accomplishments and joys because you CHOOSE to not be a fucking father to them. So good luck with that (unless your wife divorces you sooner and then idk who you’ll hear about your kids from since, ideally, she won’t be forced to interact with you.)

  4. For sure, love is connection and connection is nude purposeful work that's very rewarding. She is just chasing cheap thrills

  5. Deuces to any guy who threatens to break up with you to date other people. That would be an automatic “oh ok well don't let me keep you”. Why would you ever ever want to stay with someone who does that? It's so manipulative.

  6. I think OP also feels for the ex. And those of us commenting have the advantage of emotional distance from the situation. OP was focused on the earth shattering news that her husband has a child they didn’t know about (which is doubly emotional for her given her infertility). It’s understandable she didn’t immediately process the age gap. She seems to clearly understand that and accept that it’s wrong now, so there’s no need to pile on her.

  7. What kind of job do you have where you can spend months with him at a time? Is moving closer or with him a viable solution?

    If his schedule isn't as flexible as yours, it makes sense that he wont' be able to visit you as often. When you have limited vacation time to spread throughout a whole year, you need to be selective when you can use it. I have a salary job and have two weeks plus national holidays for the whole year.

  8. I don’t know. I’m super blunt so I’d probably say that I was feeling like I was being gaslit on the topic. I find using the actual word can open up a conversation but it doesn’t work for everyone.

  9. The thing is if I take him to court he risks being deported

    So leaving a deadbeat in country is a positive?

    They are using you. You are not getting your money back, you are fucking over your father over this.

  10. Sounds like your BFs dad accepted the place because it was a flexible option. My son is the landlord, surely he wouldn't expect me to pay in full always…

    Pfftt… I don't know how to approach this without it creating a rift.

    I think you need to come clean with your father and bring an adult into the mix.

    Clearly your BF does not have enough of a back-bone to be authoritative and I wouldn't expect you to do it because, well… that's awkward.

    However, your father might be up to the task. And who knows… your dad may even be sympatric towards the situation if the whole family is living there and they're stuck in the gutters. Anyway…

    As for this:

    I know when my dad finds out about our relationship he is not going to approve of it based on the actions of my boyfriends dad.

    He is more likely to disapprove if you do not come clean. If you come clean, you can sperate your BF from his dad and save grace. Allowing this to continue further will only shoot yourself in the foot… and really, how long can you keep a reletionship under wrap? Its going to be exposed eventually.

    Alternatively, tell your BF tough luck, your dad is getting evicting. And if that creates drama, so be it. I would hope there is some legal documentation that was previously signed, like a lease agreement, where you can show a breech of contract… please tell me this was not a verbal agreement

  11. Tale as old as time… opening pandora's box and the box gets more action leading to jealousy.

    “how do I make it clear to him”

    Tell him it's not happening… he made his bed and now he gets to sleep alone while you have fun.

  12. Cleaning is the old role of the woman. Tbh most of us don’t know how to clean because we weren’t raised with the expectation.

  13. I don’t put these rules on my relationships. Just because we aren’t romantically involved doesn’t mean we can’t be good friends who support each other. Everyone needs someone to talk to. I think it was great that you were there for them. Sounds like they needed it.

  14. Condos are nice to me. All perspective. Lol. There were 4 of us in one in college. 1st place away from parents.

  15. Probably all of the above. “Impossibly high beauty standards” + “I'm insecure” = you problems. But publicly liking smut in a way that other people can see it is a character flaw that shows an extreme lack of discretion. Everyone looks but not everyone leaves evidence of it. The bottom line is that whether it was reasonable or not for you to request he not do this, he agreed to stop doing it then did it anyway. So your official cause for dumping him will be that he lied to you.

  16. So I think drekka was wanting clarity on what she’s possibly been dishonest about, as you said that she says she didnt do “x” but she did it, do you mean that she’s saying that she didn’t cheat on this last dude, but in your eyes she did? Or is there something else she’s been dishonest about?

    Truth is, trust is something that grows with time. That’s it. It sounds like, from what you’ve said, she’s trying to meet your needs by doing things big & small to make you feel safe. Without more specifics, I’m inclined to say that there’s prolly not a lot more to do but to give it time. If she’s eager to spend time with you, talking to you, she isn’t hiding her phone when you’re together, or sneaking away to make calls or txts, or not answering your calls or txts for long periods of time, or constantly going out to bars or parties without you or being dishonest about what she’s doing or who she’s with, then she’s not giving you any reason to distrust her. If you think she’s worth it, you gotta let go of the reins and believe that she’s being honest with you.


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