MATI ACOSTA live sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “MATI ACOSTA live sex chats for YOU!

  1. She sounds like she’s being friendly. There’s nothing you posted that signifies she has any interest in you as anything other than a friendly coworker.

  2. I'm so happy for you and your husband 🙂

    To be honest, she sounds a little narcissistic or at the very least, self-involved. Why is she so delusional in thinking your loved ones would skip your wedding? And the groom nonetheless? It's almost like she just wanted to ruin your wedding day by having her birthday on the same day and then making a fuss.

  3. Probably means he’s just lazy about planning dates and figures “she’s my girlfriend without having to take her out on a date, so why put in the effort?”

  4. That’s what your gf claimed she said, but that does not mean the therapist actually said it. In fact, it sounds more like blame shirking to me than an honest answer from a deceptive cheater no less. Since you only have your cheaters word for it, and no way to confirm the legitimacy of her claim, stop focusing on the therapist and start holding your girlfriend fully accountable and think about if you can live with some one capable of being so conniving and can do it again.

  5. Of course you can sleep wherever you want. You don't need your parents allowance, you're an adult. They are absolutely out of line.

  6. Oof. Is this something he does pretty often? Or kind of a one time thing?

    It's a very hot spot to be in because he's trying to be sweet but just not hitting the mark. I would say something if he does this sort of thing often. It's not fair to you to have your plans messed up and expect you to put money out for something you didn't quite want. If it's a one off I'd be more inclined to just say thank you and leave it at that.


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